Paid for housework?

@celticeagle (161216)
Boise, Idaho
January 8, 2013 8:15pm CST
In an article dated September,24.2012 published an article saying that India's federal government is considering a proposal for husbands to pay their wives a fixed monthly salary for home keeping and raising the kids. About 10-20 percent of a man's salary. This measure would mean economic empowerment for women. RIght now housewives are listed as unemployed. In a vote at the bottom of this article there was 86% in favor and 14% apposed. Now if this actually happens do you think that this could mean that the US may follow suit? And if not won't that mean that Indian women are a step ahead of US women in the feminist movement? Your thoughts please.
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13 responses
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Jan 13
I'm thinking, "ain't gonna happen"
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jan 13
Oh, me too but I love the thought. What if?
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Jan 13
Yeah, but I can just see the uproar.
• Philippines
9 Jan 13
@celtic.I have the same thoughts but like dawn, I don't think it's gonna happen any time soon.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Jan 13
That would be a great way for the government to double tax the earnings of the husband. He pays taxes on the money he makes and then the wife has to pay taxes on the money paid her. If the law passes could the husband then charge the wife for room and board? To me it is just one more way the government wants to control our lives and get more power for themselves.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
24 Jan 13
Isn't that what the husband is paying for right now? It seems to me that marriage is an exchange of labor if you are talking strictly economics.
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Jan 13
When I started this discussion it was thinking of woman who are homemakers. They wouldn't be making alot of money just being compansated. In this country women can choose staying home or having a career. Not so in some other countries.
@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jan 13
But if the amount she recieved is kept within a certain amount she wouldn't have to pay taxes. Room and board? That would cancel out the whole thing.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
16 Jan 13
Personally I have always wondered why someone here in the US never thought of something like this and tried to get it imposed. Personally if you hire someone to come and do all of this, you are looking at spending quite a bit of money. 10^-20% may seem like a lot to a lot of people, but in reality that is nothing compared to if the woman was doing this type of work outside the home.
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
There was an article in the paper years ago now where a women was getting a divorce and she listed all the laundry, cooking, child rearing, and all the rest of what a wife does and she times it by how many years she was married. She won like hundreds of thousands of dollars.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Jan 13
WEl l if this happens the money stays in the family as the ones I talk to here and other places seem to have a housekeeper full time and pay them so why no t the wife. Here most woman work outside the home and get bigger wages so dont know that that would happen here might not sure. Igot my share of what my hubby made I handled the checkbook and really bought what ever I wanted so I figure Igot paid!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Jan 13
that so true. I do know of men that handle the check book and hand out WHT they think groceries will cost and thinkgs like that dont take in that groceries and gas has gone up tight fisted wehn they really could trust wife to handle it better than him but then I know some woman that take advantage of that and go hog wild and over spend and put the manin deep debt then leave hem
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jan 13
It does work both ways. My mom used to get $60 a month for groceries back in the 60's when she married to my step dad. Can you imagine trying to feed four people on $15 a week?
@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
I think if a woman is going to stay home and not persue a career she should be compensated. ANd if all husbands were like yours we wouldn't need something like this.
@youless (112237)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Jan 13
Every family has different rules. But usually here the husbands and wives will share their incomes together. If the wife is a housewife, then it is quite common for the husband to give her money every month. My husband and I have to work, but his earning is much more higher than me. It doesn't a matter since I just want to have a stable job so that I can take care of my family. I don't want to be a business woman. My husband will give me all of his income every month and I handle all of our earnings. Perhaps it makes the wife feels safer if she has all the money? As to making a law for the husband to pay for his wife who is a housewife. I just think it is a little upset. First, the husband gives so little to his wife. Only 10-20 percent is not enough in my opinion. Second, I think the husbands should do this willingly by themselves rather than following it because of the law. As you know, a housewife's work isn't easy.
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jan 13
Ya, I think the 10-20 percent should go up per child too. hehe
• Indonesia
9 Jan 13
I agree with you. I am a housewife so just my husband work. Then every month he will give me all of his income and I handle all of our earning too. I think something like this don't be set by law. The husband must willingly to support his family with his income. Then I think that it's husband responsibility to work outside and earn money for family. The wife if work then it just for support husband or family only.
• United States
10 Jan 13
I'm glad the ladies from India have gotten this. I think they deserve it from what i have seen from the men from that country. They seem very over bearing to me.I quit accepting men friends from there a long time ago. As for it happening here i doubt that it does. I'm sure many need it but like everything else some people would take advantage of it. I think if people are able to work, men or women they should be!!!!
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Jan 13
No Dear! They haven't gotten it yet. The Indian government is considering it. The men seem really over bearing to me too. I hope they get it.
• India
9 Jan 13
I don't think this is going to be happening in India because the decision making of Indian politicians is very poor. The thought is a very good one but needs a big support to be working.
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
I agree with you.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
9 Jan 13
Interesting discussion! I can not seeing this happening in India. There is so much crap going on about how men treat woman lately! Like the rape of that college student! India has no word in their language for rape I found out! It's disgusting! India needs to change men's view of women and not let must of these men get way with rape! Not to mention in this case,murder also! Time for men to respect woman in Indi and the heck with the idea of paying the woman for being housewives! At least until things get better for the women!
@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
I think it an interesting thought for women in India to have this. And for interesting discussion.
• United States
9 Jan 13
I don't know what to think of that, CelticEagle. It would be like being a wife and mother is a business opportunity and employer /employee situation. Maybe in India where women are more like property, where cows are valued more than women, maybe that is a good thing. Here, most husbands and wives have equal access to the checking account. They negotiate when nessessary. I can see it for women as a political ploy to get husbands to value their wives. It might just be a deterrent for marriage to take place and children to be born to begin with. If a man had to hire his wife to keep house and care for the kids he might stay single! My daughter and SIL have equal access. They communicate what needs to be paid and what they will spend ir what they would like to save for. I don't think women in India are so fortunate.
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
My only argument is that if a woman is staying home and not following another career why doesn't get soemthing for all she does as a wife and mother?
• India
9 Jan 13
Hi friend, I read out the article provided in your link. Surely Indian home makers need some money, good to know hubby must give some money to their wife for home keeping, it is a good and welcoming change. All the women's who are giving their best in house keeping is deserved for this income irrespective of country. As they are giving their best in house keeping, without them it is really hard to imagine about our home
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
I think women who are homemakers do diserve some compensation. Not all husband are generous.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
9 Jan 13
Here in our country, before, wives have been left in the house for household chores and for raising their children. But then as years gone by, women are already competitive and so they are already active in the society. Couples are seeking for job for them to feed their family. It is new in my ear for that kind of news. I think if that's the case, the husband is already the employee of the wife.
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@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jan 13
Interesting. I do think that homemakers should be compensated.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
9 Jan 13
That is kind of pointless because the same amount of money is coming into the household. Perhaps if the government paid the homemakers, that would be different. But then, we would have to pay taxes in order for the government to pay homemakers. Any time the government tries to control things, the people end up paying more taxes. It would not work in the USA for sure. It would not really mean 'economic empowerment' for women who are homemakers because they are really only getting a 'hand-out' forced by the government. Women, who are homemakers have economic empowerment when they and their husbands agree that they are a team, and they are working together in raising their children. What is better - for the economy and for families - is for the free market to provide more flexible hours and work at home jobs.
@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jan 13
I don't think that government should be paying the wife. Work at home jobs? Interesting.
• India
9 Jan 13
Hi.. It is an interesting discussion, and I think giving women a fixed income is not a salary being given to them.. and for all the people with the perception of India still having the traditions of babies thrown in fire and incidents of acid thrown on face (well many such things are history).. though yes the country is making progress, many urban indian women are working and earning a decent living.. Personally i think sharing an account is much wiser and respectful, that giving a fixed income to empower them.. and empowerment happens by change in attitude, and not just by change in bank balance..
@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jan 13
Sharing an account would be good. And, like you said, respectful.