The person I never expected I would love?

@Aja103654 (5646)
January 13, 2013 1:04am CST
Do you think I am really in love with this person or is this obsession? Well, I justed wanted to know your opinion on this to help me understand better. I'm pouring my heart out over here, so expect lots of cheese. I always think of him and fantasize about him. I don't intend to have him all to myself, though I often find myself coming pretty close to being obsessive, LOL. The first time saw him, I was like: "Who is this dork? What's up with that hair?" Later on, as I got to know him, I have come to love his quirks and his intelligence. He may act childish in some moments like whenever he pouts because he's unsatisfied. He has an oral-fixation that rivals an infant's. He stares at people so intensely it makes the hair on the back of those people's necks stand on their ends. He has such big, round, calculating eyes that whenever he uses them on me, I'd fear he'd see right at my rotten core. He stands so close to people, it makes them jump out of fright. His mouth is always filled with anything sweet all day... all night. I don't even see him sleep! He speaks so bluntly, it would put a sharp knife to shame. He claims he's a liar and he's evil, but we disproves it on so many occasions. He's wise beyond his age. Confident of his own abilities. And, oh, he hates to lose. He's existence made me think twice before judging people by their appearances. He's the one I can never have. I can only see his back. He doesn't even notice me, scratch that, he doesn't even know I existed. Because he is not of this world. He belongs to no one. He's my inspiration, the one person I never expected to love. He is also the proof of my insanity. I love everything about him; his messy hair, his tattered jeans, even his wriggling toes! If this is not love, then what is this??? yeah, that was emo. but you were warned for cheese, were you not?
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15 responses
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
14 Jan 13
I wouldn't define it as love (I believe you have to know the person, quite well to love him, to have the feeling it's you two and the world - just a personal definition), but I know, from experience, that there are deep feelings involved. Maybe incredible, magnetic, unbearable attraction would be a possible name of that feelings... It's great to know that there is somebody who fits so well your fantasies with the ideal man. Even if it's nothing between you two. He is in your mind to inspire you and to give you wonderful thrills. I know what some beautiful eyes used with a lot of confidence can do :))
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@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
14 Jan 13
its okay to feel attraction to such a person ,be sure its love because we are drawn to outstanding characters sometimes.if you feel its so strong why don't you make friends with him and see where it goes.once you are friends it will be easier to know more about him and decide if thats what you really want.
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@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
15 Jan 13
-sob- I would have done that if he actually existed in real life. Thank you though.
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
13 Jan 13
Hi Aja! What I gather from your post is that he is an imaginary character and not a person in flesh and blood. You could always like certain qualities in a fictional character but to my mind calling it 'love' would not be proper. Probably, in heart of your hearts you desire a person in your life, who should have these qualities (as much as possoble) and you could fall for such a person. Fictional characters can not be like real one, this much I could say. Have a great Sunday.
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
14 Jan 13
This may fall in the category of 'platonic love' ..... Well, you have full liberty to 'like' any of the qualities of a fictional character. I can understand your love for your boyfriend.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
15 Jan 13
you sure know a lot about love deepak. i suppose it can be called platonic love. i want to squeeze that character sooo much.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
I see. So this is not love then. This must be admiration. There are many qualities in that character that I want to have too. I just find it surprising how such a fictional character could affect me. Thank you, I think my mind is clearer now. ^_^ But I do love someone of flesh and blood. that's my boyfriend and he's adorable and unique in his own way.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
13 Jan 13
Love can be both a mysterious and complicated thin to deal with. We can not choose who we will fall in love with and we can not choose ho will fall in love with us either.Sometimes we can find love in the strangest of places. Before we know what has happened love has got us.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
Thanks, sender. That's true. We can't choose who will fall in love with us. But I think we can choose who we love, give it to those people who deserve it. Though at times the feelings can't be helped and it goes against our own better judgment.
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@ulan12rc (222)
• Qatar
13 Jan 13
Hi there, Don't make your self be confuse with this standard you set in your mind, you said he's only a fictional character so how come you would fall in love with such imaginary things. That's what you want to have in real life and be in love with that person having the qualities you stated but mind you, when love hits you... you cannot see any standard. Eventually you'll forget this fictional character focus your mind to your current and true love, now is the time for you to use your imagination towards him and make him more in love with you ;) how is that?
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
I was wondering if it's possible to fall in love with a character. that's why I made this discussion to help me come up with an answer. I can't really say this fictional character is the basis of someone I want to be forever with in real life. Though he has some qualities that I want in a guy, I'm not asking that someone be completely like him. I guess I simply like/love the character because of his personality and his uniqueness. I am not thinking of marrying him or anything, but I think it would be great to have someone like him as a friend whose company I can enjoy in real life. Or maybe I'm just obsessed? Ah, now I am confused again. haha. but a lot of people here said I am obsessed. I think they have a point. Oh, I have someone I love, my boyfriend. I love him for who he is. He is not the guy I expected to love either, but I love him anyway.
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@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
13 Jan 13
Ahh, unrequited love. I remember having that too with a fictional character. He was a grade schooler in a cartoons too. So what I did was, printed his face on typewriting paper, and then cut it out and attached it on my pillow. :D he has almost the same characteristics with the one you have a crush on. XD haha,, thanks for bringing this up, remembering nostalgic memories feels nice. :D
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
Thank you, haha! We are on the same boat. I never tried cutting his picture though and attaching it to my pillow. I do put up posters of my favorite characters when I was a kid. My mom find them dirty so she removed them. I wonder who that character your talking about is?
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
15 Jan 13
Oh my! I like Natsume too, he's so cute and such a bad little boy yet kind. But since he is young... I have to set limits LOL! Back when I was 11 I like, no, I mean still like Killua from hunter x hunter. He's so cool and adorable. I put up a poster of him on my wall and kiss it. that's just freaky. I was ashamed to dress in front of him too. Double freaky!!
• Penrith, Australia
14 Jan 13
Natsume Hyuuga from Alice academy my friend. :) I was in high school and I was crushing on a grade schooler. Zomg!! Haha. It's okay, at least we slept together. :P
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
Ha! we all have set something.. the things and wualities we want to see in a person before we get to love them these are called ideals because they remain as that. In reality we won't be finding the perfect person we hoped to love ever since we were too young, and too hopeful. Life is not full of romances. it is but the reality that you can sometimes not be with the man you love because he has his own duties, to care for his family, parents and so on. we can hope yes, and the beauty is that we can choose who we want to be with, the better of all, but never the one with EVERYTHING we thought him to be.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
Thank you, chiyosan! You are right. People who set their standards too high may never find the right person for them. You could say their filter is too strong hardly any can pass through. And even though they find the person who fit their ideals perfectly, it won't always mean that person is the right one for them.
• United States
13 Jan 13
The descriptions you gave do not show that you love him. It is mere an infatuation. There is nothing wrong with this. From my point of view, you just got used to him despite knowing that he is not the type of personality you would live with forever. In love, things are different. Yes, there is something biological in it. I mean there is a chemical that fills our brain when we think about the object of our desire. That is rather temporary. The real essence of love lies in the fact that we suddenly become protective and caring towards that object. Also there is an urge in us to live with them forever.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
I see. Thank you! I still like this character after many years. 5 years. So I was wondering what this feeling is. Can admiration last this long? I guess so. But is this too strong that one can call it love already? That was what I was trying to ask myself and the people here. I do love someone. He's not exactly the guy I would expect to love either... but being with him makes me happy. I can say that even when I get jealous when he's involved I try to control it and not get overwhelmed. I am quite protective too and I care, but I don't spoil him either. I know he is capable of caring for himself.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
14 Jan 13
I'm glad to hear that you are love! Feelings like that are great. I hope that you and him will continue to have a close and happy relationship. It is such a wonderful feeling when we are just starting to fall in love with someone.It makes us so happy. We are excited to see and be with that individual. It makes life great.
• United States
15 Jan 13
Yeah I completely agree with you. And hopefully over time we will still have that need and desire to be with that person. We shouldn't let the stresses and anxieties of every day life overtake us and our relationship with the people we care about most. Have a good night.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
15 Jan 13
That's right dominique! It's great to feel love, it inspires us to be better people!
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@kearkear (963)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Jan 13
Love comes in a very unexpected way. It will just up to you how you end up this felling or let it to progress.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
Thanks, kear!
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
13 Jan 13
At a certain point I thought you were talking about a monkey you saw in the zoo or so. No I don't think it's love or being in love. I think you are in "need", you find someone and tried to discover interesting/fascinating things about that person and you did. It's not said you can't fall in love for real or will love for real, but it's not love.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
Thanks, kitty! You had me laughing there at the mention of monkey! haha, I can imagine this character as a monkey, it's not that difficult. Though he's still adorable even when he is in his monkey form. I did see him eat a banana once. I am.. in need? In need of what? I did not try to discover something interesting about this character, it just happened that as I continued to observe him, he is actually fascinating. Other people also find him fascinating and some of them are obsessed with him too. Okay then, it's not love. I'm just glad that I have gained my sanity back, a little.
@Shavkat (137312)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
We feel idealistic to find someone to love. In reality, it doesn't always supposed to be. Along the journey of looking for real love, it comes along unexpectedly.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
Not everyone has figured this out yet and kept chasing or searching for that ideal someone. I see many pretty women think highly of themselves, they have such high standards that they usually accept the most handsome dude in school, but then when they marry, it's someone who is not handsome. It's ironic, isn't it?
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
I used to feel that way when I was younger. You see, I had this "obsession" (probably that's what you're feeling too) to someone that rooted to the time when we were still in grade school. We were both representing our respective schools during a district competition. That moment when I was listening to him during our oral recitation, I felt an instant dislike to him and I swore he'll pay later to what he owes me but really that time we weren't even friends! Until he became a constant nag in my head. My dislike turned to love (that time it was how I felt). I'm glad I left our place, although we became friends, now I realized it wasn't really love but simply an obsession. Sometimes feeling the way we do clouds our fair judgement. We only see what we what to see, so regardless of the character, we only see the perky side.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
Hahaha! Thanks for sharing your experiences. It is exciting to feel this way. since it doesn't really harm anyone, there's no reason for me to stop. Admiring this character made me improve myself in some aspects so I could say this is healthy, even? I really was confused because I love my boyfriend and I love this character too. But of course, I love my boyfriend more. Is it really impossible to love a fictional character, I ask.
@waleeds (126)
13 Jan 13
yeah it often happens to many people. you never knew a person, you never met a person, and you never talk to a person, but once you have exchanged little discussions with that person, chances are that you might get love with him. the love is beyond anything, no matter how old are your beloved; or how beautiful he/she might be; he is really beautiful if he is in your eyes.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
Thank you wal! I agree, when it is love we are talking about, we see that person in a new light. however, we should not put this person in a pedestal. Because putting a person on a pedestal is already obsession, even worship! Which does not bode very well for any relationship. I have a great relationship with my boyfriend though. I don't think he is perfect but I believe that we suit each other really well, and that matters a lot.
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
13 Jan 13
I would not say that you are in love with him. My opinion . I just find it as an obsession to a guy who isn't even speaking to you, or rather, someone who doesn't even know that you exist. You are so obsesses with this guy because, at the very first time you saw him, you mis-judged him and now when you know about this guy, you know a lot of positives about him, which is dragging you towards this guy. But then, the main problem with your situation is, you know the guy, you have noticed so much about him, but he doesn't even know that you exist. This is the main reason you are feeling so obsessed about this guy. Just speak to him, once you become friends, you will feel normal about this guy too just like how normal you feel about the other guys around you.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
thank you for your thoughtful response. Like I said, this person does not exist. He's actually a fictional character so there's no way I could talk to him. ^_^ I am aware of his faults too, I just forgot to mention them. He's not human, so I can not say he is normal.