I love my job at Target......

@trisha27 (3494)
United States
February 4, 2013 4:32pm CST
For the first time ever, I can actually say I really like my job as a Price Accuracy Associate. Basically what I do all day is go around the store and scan items in certain departments to find out if they are going on clearance. That is one thing I love about my job, I love that I can always know what is on clearance and if I like the item in my spare time I can go and buy it. Unfortunately I can't hold it I have to wait till I'm on break or lunch or off from work. But this job is really fun and tedious. The only problem that I am having is that, I need to up my speed and hopefully my team lead can help me with that and well actually he said he would help me with that tomorrow. So I hope I can get up to speed with it. But other than that I'm doing pretty good. I hope good enough for them to want to keep me.Trying to stay positive. I don't want to go back out there in job hunting. I also love this job because of my awesome hours. I get to get home early then I have the rest of the day to do whatever and of course mylot. Where would I find another job like that.
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13 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
5 Feb 13
thats great.. the perks of a great job. Glad for you. Bet you have got some great deals there. I used to at targets in las vegas.
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
I have seen some really good deals that I have marked down. There was once I went back because I saw some shoes that I marked down and they were marked at a good price so I got a good deal. The regular price was for 40 dollars and was then marked down to 10 dollars and they were some really nice shoes. I've been receiving compliments left and right every time I wear them and people are like were did you buy those shoes and I tell them target. Well now if they go and look for those shoes though, they won't find them, lol, because we already took them down and to the back. When stuff isn't selling another thing I like about target is that they will donate them to charity. So now that is were the shoes have gone. People were too late.
• United States
4 Feb 13
That sounds like a great job! Even I would like that because it doesn't sound like it would be boring at all, and you're walking around. I'm sure your team leader will help you pick up speed. What do you do when you find items that have to go on clearance? I don't blema you for not wanting to look for jobs again. You lucked out on this one, and not too many people can say that. Good luck to you and keep up the good work ethic!
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
4 Feb 13
Things that go on clearance we tag them with clearance tickets. That's where the tedious part is. And when we're marking clearance items on clothes the more tedious part about it is that we have to scan them by size. So if one is a small, we print out a ticket for a small and then if there is another one that is a large then we have to scan again and print out a ticket for large. Yeah I'm confident he'll help me with picking up speed. He's the fastest they got. And he's like he'd eventually like for me to be as fast as he is. And I think that would be great. Cause he can get through departments in like an hour to an hour and a half. With me and other team members we get through it in like 2 to 3 hours. Sometimes we can't finish and I hate that and plus the manager over him is like me and this other girl I started with we got to finish our work on time otherwise they are going to have to let us go. We're like on a 90 day probationary period. But today I just found out they are wanting to make it 60 days. Its already been 30 days. So I want to really work on my speed so I don't get let go. But the team lead is saying we're doing good so I don't know why we aren't finishing on time. He can most likely look into that and help us out I know he doesn't want to lose us either, cause before we came along he used to do the whole thing by himself and sometimes there were day we have like 5000 items and it have to be done that day. I don't see how he did it. But hey obviously he made it happen cause now he's team lead. So I hope to make it up to his speed.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Feb 13
He was able to scan 5,000 items a day? And print out a ticket for them too? Doesn't that sound impossible? I don't see how he did that either all by himself. I hope they don't pressure you too much because that's when the stress starts cropping up. Today, jobs are not like they used to be, and they expect you to do the work of 3 people. I wish they would back off some and just be happy with good workers who work at a normal pace.
• United States
4 Feb 13
Sorry, duh to me, I meant to say "Does that sound possible?"..., not impossible. I think I was going to say "that's impossible" but messed up the whole darn sentence. My mind works faster than my fingers.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
9 Feb 13
Yes, this actually sounds like an interesting job. I know someone who did this when I worked at Fred Meyer's and would help in the clothing department when things were being clearanced. We often would try to hide things on the days they had the extra percentage off if we could until we got off, or until payday but often were caught and had to put them back out.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
I remember hiding stuff at Wal Mart me and my co-workers would do it all the time. And never got caught. We'd just hide it in one of the fitting rooms for the day and pay for it when we got off. We couldn't hold it till pay day unfortunately, I think then we would have been caught. This is something I wish I could do at target, but then I guess it would kind of be unfair because I'd get to the clearance before other customers and associates and plus I have no were to hide it except in my cart lol.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
5 Feb 13
Target sounds like a good place. We are opening one here in Winnipeg MB, in fact maybe more then one, but one in our district and whomever I talked to has always had good things to say about it. I am glad that you have such good hours and that it seems as the people who work in Target are very knowledgable about their products. I have been to stores where the staff do not know anything so I am waiting with anticipation until April when our Target is supposed to be ready.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
I hardly ever shopped at target before until I started working there and then I did more shopping then. The people there do seem to be friendly and a lot of people at least at my store seem knowledgeable. And if they didn't know the answer then they would find someone who had the answer to your question. Hopefully when the target that opens up in your area you get the same type of workers there as well.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Feb 13
Sounds like a great job Trisha so hope you can keep it and enjoy tour work and that precious paycheck. i am retired but I remember the jobs that I loved too. I worked in the library shelving media and I loved it because of the crew I worked with. th ey were lioe familu tp me. it was part tgime so I also had free time to mylot alot.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
That sounds like you had a really good job. It is also nice to work with people that you can get along with and they were like family. It was like that with me at wal mart. I didn't like the job so much but I did enjoy the people that I worked with because we were all like family. I miss them alot but now I'm glad to be working a job that I can enjoy.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
5 Feb 13
Good for you! The only important thing is that you do enjoy your job. And when you start feeling this way, it is not longer as job as you have some fun doing it, right? I ma sure you'd stay at your job for a long time for as long as you give them your best.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
5 Feb 13
You are right as long as you have fun doing your job then you will enjoy going there every day. And each day I go I feel like I'm having fun. That's weird for me cause I never liked a job this much before. I know that I will be trying my hardest and improve on doing better. I am going to stick on being positive and say that I will be there for a long time and move up.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
5 Feb 13
That is the best attitude to make yourself become a better person not because of the job but will also help you as a whole.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
5 Feb 13
sounds like a pretty great job. it is good that you get to go all over the whole store and are not stuck in one spot like a cashier or someone in the customer service area. i, too am lucky to have a great job. my boss is very understanding as i am going though some serious health issues at the moment and doesn't want me to work more than i can handle. my hours are also really good too.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
Yeah I like being able to move around like that. And plus while I am working I get to learn my store and find out where everything is in which return I can help customers better when they come to me with questions about certain products. I am actually too a back up cashier and I'm just grateful its back up cause I couldn't stand just being at the register all day. When I used to work at Wal Mart, I was an operator, and basically all day I was stuck at the fitting room, answering phones and letting people try on clothes. I didn't like it so much because I could hardly leave from my station.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
5 Feb 13
Seldom that I met a post of somebody saying that he/she love her job. Congratulations and I admire you for that. The most important thing in a job that we are doing is the fact that we love hat we are doing. Salary can be secondary and as long as it is enough to sustain our needs, it would be okay. Personally, I applied for this job which is toatlly our of my interest and field because of salary and the main fact that is is a government office. They say everything can be learned. I find it hard but I am trying.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
5 Feb 13
As long as your trying at your job you can be successful too. That, is what I'm doing and I've never tried so hard at a job before just to keep it. But I've never worked a job either that I liked so much. My job too is something I have never done before either and its so new and different to me. The only thing is that it is retail and I'm already used to that. But hopefully I can be successful in my job as well and be there for a good while.
@Janurmas (642)
• Indonesia
5 Feb 13
Yes. Having job with a target given is a very challenging job. I have ever worked in a retail company, in which we have to reach monthly sales target in order we can earn incentive every in the month. A job with target also makes us to perform excellent. I like a job with target, and I would like very happy if I get the target. By achieving job target, it can be as a qualification to step forward to the higher career ladder.
• Philippines
5 Feb 13
There are soo many jobs out there with pleasure more than what you have experienced now but for the moment enjoy your job just do it to your best. Life is too young, you will learn more as go on.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
You are so right and that is what I will have to do just keep on trying my best and hope for the best. And you are so right about learning as I go, and I think I am learning more and hopefully I get better. I think that is what they are doing is at least giving us time to learn what is a better way at doing our work and then picking up the speed.
• India
5 Feb 13
Hey ... you are too lucky in finding such a job. I can imagine the jab satisfaction you are enjoying. And moreover, every good chance to avail the items in clearance sale. Wow ... i feel envious ... njoy!
@sshiva95 (77)
• India
5 Feb 13
Wow...I'm sitting here thinking that the whole world is suffering from unemployment due to trade cycles and economic crashes and they have a pay a person to check whether there is discount on any products in a store....I'm astonished. Please don't mistake me, its just that I am from a country where jobs are hard to come by. :S
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
Actually I too was shocked that there was such a job. Being from where I used to work at. Walmart, they never had a team like that were people just went around the store checking on prices of items and changing the prices. Normally people that worked in that certain department did all that work. But I like how this whole thing is set up and I guess it is more organized that way in my opinion. It puts less work for the people who are assigned to certain departments. This is something that I wished that Wal Mart had in their store.
• United States
5 Feb 13
Target is a nice store to work for. I worked there as a cashier when I was 18. Some of the senior cashiers helped me work on my speed. The best part was the discounts. I think you will get your speed up with practice. Some of your coworkers may give you tips on how to improve. I am glad you found a job!!! I don't like job hunting either.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
9 Feb 13
Yeah, actually my team lead is starting to leave me with some tips on what I can do to improve my speed and what I can do to finish the work before leaving for the day. I will take his tips to heart and I know that I can just try my best and maybe that is all they ask for. There is only one other co-worker on our team who has been there longer then us besides the team lead. I've been trying to watch him and the team lead both to see what they do and then follow their suit. Hopefully, I can catch on and get faster.