Questions concerning the Earnings Program at myLot

United States
October 19, 2015 6:35am CST
Sometimes things are spelled out clearly and sometimes they are still translated differently. According to the 'Earnings Program' it says and I quote: "Any time you start a discussion, respond to a discussion, or comment in a discussion, you are making a contribution that is eligible for earnings." ...or comment in a discussion... Means we are eligible for earning if we comment on our on discussions and on discussions others start. Correct - yes or no? I think the reason some are confused is that on some sites you don't get anything for commenting on your own posts/article, etc. - only on comments you leave on posts/articles of others. That leads to another question. If you leave multiple comments (back and forth comments) do you get credit for all you leave or just the initial comment? I am sure there will be a few of the 'old timers' who will answer these questions so thanks in advance.
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15 responses
@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
19 Oct 15
You bring up some really good questions that I have wondered myself. I haven't been here long and like you, I am used to the other site and their earning program. I'm curious to see what others say.
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• United States
19 Oct 15
I've seen many others wondering also so that's why I finally just came out and asked.
5 people like this
• United States
19 Oct 15
@PhredWreck It is probably a good idea for you to re-do that on a monthly basis for all the newbies! I don't know if that is 'allowed' or not, since it's not like new material.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
@PhredWreck It seems some people think differently, but isn't that always the case.
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
19 Oct 15
Yes, you can understand it literally. Discussions, responses and comments are all 'contributions which are eligible for earnings'. Notice, however, that it doesn't say how or whether it will actually earn but that, in the Earnings Program FAQs, it says: "How much can I earn with each discussion, response or comment? - This all depends on how interesting and valuable the myLot community considers it. The more that other myLot users interact with what you post, the more money it will make. If no one reads what you wrote, interacts with it, or otherwise considers it interesting, then you likely won't earn anything." So it matters that you post something but it matters much more that others read and interact with what you write "or otherwise consider it interesting" (in other words, it implies that 'likes' also add to your earnings)
5 people like this
• United States
19 Oct 15
@PhredWrck Thanks for the answers...I knew the two of you guys would jump on this!
4 people like this
• United States
19 Oct 15
Thanks for all the info.
3 people like this
• United States
19 Oct 15
@PhredWreck I knew when I posted it that you two were my goal!
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
19 Oct 15
I've been doing all my interacting with others but i do believe the liking helps too.. Michael wrote this below and my interpretation of reading,and considering it interesting is a Like.. If no one reads what you wrote, interacts with it, or otherwise considers it interesting, then you likely won't earn anything.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
19 Oct 15
@AbbyGreenhill ..exactly..i just wish all were told to read these things before they were allowed to post..kinda like a door they had to go through..hahah
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• United States
19 Oct 15
Your last sentence is obvious! Why be her if you don't do those things right.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
19 Oct 15
As it has been stated before, you only earn from what others post to your comments or responses. You earn from theirs, and they earn from yours. That is what the interaction is all about. If you don't interact with others, then they won't interact with you. It is only common courtesy to comment back to someone who comments to you. I don't know why people don't want to do this, as we all need to work together.
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@LadyDuck (462653)
• Switzerland
19 Oct 15
I went through all the FAQ I do not believe that we earn if we comment on our own posts.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
20 Oct 15
@vandana7 I agree, someone earns through your comments...and one comment may lead to another ..
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@vandana7 (99374)
• India
20 Oct 15
I think when we interact, we sort of come up with another post. Effectively, there is more to gain from interacting, even though we may or may not be earning from those comments.
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• United States
19 Oct 15
Read the comments below.
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
19 Oct 15
Good question. If someone replies to my post, and we go back and forth, hmm. I've been here for two weeks now and learning the ropes.
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@GardenGerty (158298)
• United States
19 Oct 15
In the old days I knew what I had to do to earn. Not so much now, but I am surprisingly earning more than I expect. Besides that, it is fun. The fun is fundamental to the funds.
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
19 Oct 15
@GardenGerty Good point. :-)
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@TheHorse (208973)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 Oct 15
@GardenGerty I think the fun is more important than the earnings. BUT, the earnings serve as validation. So they ARE important "symbolically."
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
20 Oct 15
Our dear friends @PhredWreck and @owlwings have already clarified your doubts and their responses will help understand the mechanism to other users also, who are curious to know about earnings. I would like to add one small point. Our comments/responses etc. should be meaningful and interesting, then only comments have more chances that these may be considered for earnings. I've observed some (new) users write one or two words e.g. 'Thanks you' or 'Nice thoughts'. These kinds of very brief comments will not help in earnings.
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@allknowing (130889)
• India
20 Oct 15
There is what is called quality comments/responses and that is where Admin steps in.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
19 Oct 15
Honestly I don't worry about it I just comment, write read and enjoy and let the pennies fall where they may.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
7 Nov 15
@sugartoes I think too many people constantly think about it and ruin their enjoyment. It is pennies, none of us is getting rich. lol If I can get $10 a month I will be delighted
• United States
7 Nov 15
@BelleStarr Enjoying and making a few bucks - nothing wrong with that.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
I bruoght this up since so many are asking and/or confused.
@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
19 Oct 15
Yeah I think it's a curve, the more chatter something gathers, the higher the multiplier or whatever grows so what once earned a penny maybe now earns a dime. Whatever it is, I see way more growth than I did with other places, so Im content
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• United States
19 Oct 15
I'm not asking because I'm not content. As a matter of fact I bragged up this site on another site LOL!
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
19 Oct 15
well it gives a better indebt idea of where we are at on the earnings
• United States
20 Oct 15
It is always good to get the 'regular' guys' opinions.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
@softbabe44 Some site would get upset with all this kind of talk, saying it's not appropriate! LOL
• Vancouver, Washington
21 Oct 15
@AbbyGreenhill Thats so true
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
20 Oct 15
I have no idea . . . all I do is write, discuss, and comment . . .
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@TheHorse (208973)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 Oct 15
I've assumed (in my two weeks here) that we're rewarded when others respond to us, whether it's to our Discussions or our comments on others' Discussions. Does that sound about right? What I'm not clear on is what happens when a long conversation occurs on one of our Discussipns, but not all comments are directed to the original Discussion. Some might be in response to someone else's comment. Do both the original "poster" and the "commenter" to that post benefit when someone new joins the discussion?
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@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
19 Oct 15
That is an excellent point. It is unclear to what is paid and isn't paid. Basically it says responses and comments. Do that mean on your post or other? I see it said something about images. Do that mean on yours or all posts? It would be nice to understand what is best or better to do. I hope someone has the right answer for this it sure would help.
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• Canada
20 Oct 15
I'm eager to read some of the comments as I still don't understand how money is made here.
• United States
7 Nov 15
With all the comments her I think its clearer now.