****Rest In Peace****

Perth, Australia
July 31, 2019 7:12am CST
The thought of doing a post about this was undecided since I found out. But I feel that I would like to. I didn't speak all that much to our wonderful MyLot family member @goaskalice until recently. When I read about his passing, I was very sad and in shock. As a huge majority of us are here were. I say majority as there are a lot of newbies here. I recently messaged him as I needed help getting into an old account of mine to look at some messages. I will be open and tell you that I was looking for old messages that I may have had from my abusive ex. I told Gil ( @goaskalice ) that I needed them in case I needed evidence of how he used to speak to me / treat me. Gil was so kind to help me immediately as well as saying that if I ever needed help with anything else or just to talk, that he was there for me. We sent a nice handful of messages back and forth and got to know each other a little bit. He was friendly, supportive and made me laugh. I wish that I could have known him sooner. For those of you who knew him for even longer. Long enough to call him your friend, I am so sorry for your loss. I am sorry to his family members. I have no idea what happened exactly but I wouldn't even ask as that's not my place. Of course I am curious but that's up to his family to tell. For those of you freaking out about whether or not MyLot is still in our future and if we "will still be paid." As much as I understand the concern, I have to say I'm a little disappointed that those are your first comments / questions rather than a simple comment of common courtesy for our MyLot family member who just passed. I said this recently in another post but I want to say it here too. Money is literally everywhere. Earn it, find it or even steal it if you're that desperate. But once a person passes, that is it. They are no more. So if your very first concern was about whether of not you will earn here instead of feeling sympathy for this man and his family, I'm just disappointed. R.I.P Gil. Thank you for everything you have done here on MyLot and on a personal note, thank you for helping me out that day and reaching your hand out to me through such a difficult time. xxxx
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41 responses
@just4him (310047)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
31 Jul 19
I'm guilty, not about thinking about money, but wondering what would happen to myLot and this wonderful site with so many wonderful people who care so much. My second thought was shock about his passing. Money never entered my thoughts when I read the post. I'm still in shock.
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@just4him (310047)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 I wasn't expecting that either. From the video JJ put up, he looked very young.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@just4him Yes, he sure did. I believe JJ said Gil was 51 years old.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@just4him You're fine Valerie. I already know you're a caring person so I don't mean it like that. I know many wondered about the future of MyLot. I was just bummed out with certain people whose main focus was just about the earnings and if they will continue getting it rather than making a nice comment for Gil. I'm still in shock too. I really wasn't expecting to read such a thing on MyLot when I came on. Thank you for your answer.
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@Sojourn (13838)
• India
31 Jul 19
Whoever said so, showed some form of narrow-mindedness. I haven't contacted Alex personally ever,but it always seemed to me that he is unlike the admins in many other sites in the internet. I had heard numerous praises from mylotters about his prompt resolution of problems just before when he took the long break owing to health reasons. I am glad to come to know how he came to your assistance in your times of need. He really showed how an admin should be.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Sojourn I completely agree with you! Very shallow for people to be more concerned about their payments and not say more things about the loss the wonderful site has just had. Again, I completely agree with you! MyLot is unique as it doesn't tolerate really bad behaviour or spamming. Thank you for your answer!
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 19
That's very thoughtful of you what you posted here. Am sure going to miss all his postings and announcements. May his soul rest in peace. Sad that all people think about is money.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 I understand the feeling. These people only have love for money and not for the people around them.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Jlyn10 Thank you for your kind words about my post and about Gil. I agree! It really made me angry to see such comments here. Some people need more class!
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Jlyn10 Well said! Yes, some people are very much like that!
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@flapiz (22487)
• United Kingdom
1 Aug 19
Offering my prayers to one of the pillars of my lot. I hope his family finds comfort in knowing a lot of people are praying for him. May he rest in peace.
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@flapiz (22487)
• United Kingdom
1 Aug 19
@VivaLaDani13 We are mylot! We care about people.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@flapiz Beautifully put!
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@flapiz That would be an awesome motto for MyLot!
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@LadyDuck (461818)
• Switzerland
31 Jul 19
I was disgusted seeing people only concerned about being paid. Gil (Alex) helped me soon after I joined. I entered a wrong PayPal account, he could trace the payment made and send it to my correct account. He was a great guy, nice, funny, supportive. I never met him, but I considered him a great friend. We will miss him. I am really sorry reading about the abusive relation with your ex.
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@LadyDuck (461818)
• Switzerland
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 Gill was really nice, he said he had health problem, but I could not imagine so serious problems. Your ex deserves a lesson.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@LadyDuck I remember seeing a post in regards to his health but wasn't sure what was going on exactly. I'm sorry for whatever it was that took away his life. I hope he realises one day completely what he did. I do plan on venting about it on here one day. I might not either. Not sure yet. People can be so judgemental about this. I have experienced a lot of "You were stupid to stay" or "Why did you let him do this to you." And random stuff like that. And ALL comments like this have come from people who have never been in an abusive relationship so clearly they do not understand just how difficult it can be trying to get out.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@LadyDuck As am I. I actually didn't expect to see such comments. Was so sweet of Gil to help you with everything you were having trouble with. He was so sweet that way. And thank you. He is the reason for many of my nightmares too.
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@moffittjc (118984)
• Gainesville, Florida
31 Jul 19
That was a wonderful post Danielle! You could tell it was written from the heart. And very well stated.
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@moffittjc (118984)
• Gainesville, Florida
2 Aug 19
@VivaLaDani13 I always love reading and answering your posts and comments!
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@moffittjc Thank you very much as it all really did come from my heart. Thank you for reading and answering.
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• Perth, Australia
2 Aug 19
@moffittjc awww! You always know how to make me smile don't ya?
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
1 Aug 19
People who are so small minded to think of money do not appreciate the family aspect of myLot. Over the years I have been enriched so much, not by money, but by the relationships here.Alex was part of that.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@GardenGerty Your comment is so sweet and I admire it a lot. Thank you for answering. I agree with you!
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
31 Jul 19
Our condolences go his family and friends. I only dealt once with him and found him very understanding and helpful. RIP Gil!
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@1hopefulman Sounds exactly like him. Thank you for a beautiful comment in regards to Gil.
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@RasmaSandra (74556)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Aug 19
All my prayers and blessings for his family and I know that his star shines the brightest now in the heavens and he'll be remembered always.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@RasmaSandra Beautiful comment! Thank you for answering.
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@TheHorse (208224)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Jul 19
I enjoyed the few personal conversations I had with Gil. Overall, I admired his sense of humor and integrity. I only heard of his passing yesterday.
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@TheHorse (208224)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 I wish I'd gotten to know him better personally.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@TheHorse Very well said! It's all so sad. I'm feeling awful for his family as well as some MyLotters here who are devastated as they knew Gil a lot longer and spoke to him often. Best we can do is be there for them if and when they feel like talking about this shocking news.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@TheHorse I know what you mean. This really is one of those times where we will wish we did something differently or just did something in general.
@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
31 Jul 19
That was very nice of you to explain to the members here how mourning a person is supposed to be. Every thing you said is correct and thoughtful.. I am still upset about this news and keep thinking about his loved ones. They are facing an emptiness for a long time.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
1 Aug 19
@VivaLaDani13 When my dad was really bad and he never told me how bad he really felt, I went to the doctors office to get the whole problem and asked what I could do. Most doctors will only go into the patients room very early. I called the office and set up some time that we were able to talk. Everything my dad told me after appointments was not true. He didn't want his own children to hear anything bad. I learned so much from the doctor. If you cannot get in to see the doctor, call him yourself.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@ramapo17 I'm so sorry for whatever your dad was going through to the point he couldn't tell you the truth.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@ramapo17 Thank you for your kind words as I really put a lot of heart and thought into this post. I am thinking the same thing too. I can't shake off the feeling of dread and sadness for Gil's family and friends. Thank you for reading and answering.
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• Banks, Oregon
1 Aug 19
He was a very good guy, very understanding and easy to talk to, he didn't judge people with differing opinions and gave many second chances.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@chrissbergstrom You have summed Gil up beautifully! That was all him indeed.
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@Hannihar (129966)
• Israel
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 Very beautifully put Dani. Thank you for that.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Hannihar Thank you very much and no worries at all. I wanted to say something for Gil.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Hannihar Thank you. I didn't know until recently when Gil and I were sending messages back and forth. He told me that was his real name. I probably never would have known otherwise.
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@Hannihar (129966)
• Israel
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 You are very thoughtful. I never knew his name was Gil. I always thought it was Alex but did not really know him. I did not have much contact with him.
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• United States
31 Jul 19
Rest in Peace Gil. There is a new star in the heavens tonight, it's name is Gil. My Mom always told me that people who passed away went up to become stars in the sky with God. My sympathy goes out to Gil's family too, it can't be easy losing someone so suddenly.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@BearArtistLady My mum used to tell me that too. Minus the God part though. Thank you for reading and for such a beautiful response.
• United States
31 Jul 19
Yes coincidentally Dani, I did a post regarding the worship of the almighty dollar. Disgusting. RIP
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@TiarasOceanView I agree. I haven't read your post yet as I'm still catching up but will try to soon as possible. The things people will do for money is pathetic do. Even if it means harming people along the way.
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• United States
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 Oh dont worry about my post Dani..I was just saying we were thinking along the same lines my dear.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@TiarasOceanView Great minds think alike.
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@TheHorse (208224)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Jul 19
I'm glad I didn't see any of the posts about "Will we get paid?" or anything like that. I would probably just shake my head and sigh.
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@TheHorse (208224)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 If I see such a comment, I'll make a mental note of how I react. It might be with sadness as much as anger.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@TheHorse I hope you don't. You just might if you go through the comments on posts regarding Gil. It made me very angry when I saw them!
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@TheHorse Both feelings are understandable.
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
10 Aug 19
I didn't know him as a friend but still have had seceral private conversation. What was most wonderful about him was that yo could approach him with almost anything without hesitation and things would be kept private. He was very accomodating and without a doubt understanding. RIP Gil. You will be missed.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Aug 19
@Daljinder Very well said D to the J.
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• Perth, Australia
12 Aug 19
@Daljinder lol I did hear about it but haven't gone to check out the post yet. It kinda makes me feel sad to go read it. I know a new admin was needed but wasn't ready for that. Made it all become so clear and become so real with what just happened. ( hope that makes sense )
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
12 Aug 19
@VivaLaDani13 Thank you. And now we have new admin, "Mr. A". Sounds like some spy.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
1 Aug 19
I'm sorry when I read something like this I never had the opportunity to talk to him
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• Perth, Australia
2 Aug 19
@LowRiderX All good thank you. I'm feeling sad for his family and close friends though.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Aug 19
@LowRiderX It is very sad. I'm 100% sure if you spoke to him, you'd have nothing but nice words to say about him. He treated everyone here equal and with respect. Nice man! Very sad.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
2 Aug 19
@VivaLaDani13 I believe I would, I hope you are ok
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
31 Jul 19
I may say he is a good man, a considerate. He's a great loss for his family.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Nakitakona From what I can tell, and from what I sensed about him when talking to him, he was a very good man.
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 I do agree with you. He's very amiable and helpful.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@Nakitakona oh 100%
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
31 Jul 19
Well said. I hope his family is doing okay, this is a tough time for them.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@cperry2 Thank you. I had to get it off my chest. And I agree. I can't stop thinking about his family or his friends here on MyLot.
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• Perth, Australia
31 Jul 19
@cperry2 I can understand that as you're still fairly new to MyLot. But yes, I completely agree with you!
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
31 Jul 19
@VivaLaDani13 I was just telling Anna, I never had the pleasure of speaking to the gentleman, so I feel a little lost. But the money aspect is never the first consideration in a situation like this, nor is it a close second or third.
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