New book on running

@maezee (41996)
United States
August 29, 2020 5:35pm CST
This is my current excitement in life. After a helish weekend dealing with my uncle and his illness, I took some time on Friday to check out the local Goodwill and do some shopping. Unfortunately you still cannot try things on. But whatever. I found a couple of books, including this one pictured. I recently started trying to run here and there and made it to my maximum of 9 minutes straight. Hah, I know I have a long way to go. But it is a start - especially as I was a pack a day smoker for ~15 years but quit as of 7 months ago. My lungs have some work to do. I have already learned a lot from the book! For one, did you know it is suggested to breathe out of your mouth - as this will provide the most oxygen to you.. I did NOT know this until reading this. I also am now reading a chapter about the picking the right running shoes for your gait/what type of runner you are and what your needs are. It also depends on if you are flat-footed or have a high arch. I haven’t quite figured out what shoes are best for my running goals and my feet. I am excited to read about other things for newbie runners that may help me. Any advice you have for a beginning runner?
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9 responses
@mariaph (112)
• Indonesia
30 Aug 20
nice. i dont have advice as I was just jogging
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
Jogging is hard to do. Right now I consider "jogging" to be the same as "running". I have only managed to run/jog for 10 mins straight. And then I am out of breath.
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@mariaph (112)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 20
@maezee in fact, jogging and running are different.
• Botswana
4 Sep 20
Just a simple tip, running while listening to music or a podcast makes running more enjoyable and less hectic.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
Thank you! I have tried READING while joggigng and that is unrealistic. (The book flies all around!) I have only really ran whil e watching Netflix, which helps pass the time as well.
@thelme55 (76635)
• Germany
31 Aug 20
I don't like to run as I easily stumble on my feet. So, no advice from me here.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
Ah that is too bad. But I personally don't feel lik eyou are missing out on too much (I hate running myself)
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• Botswana
4 Sep 20
I have always felt it was important to breath in and out while running but not necessarily that i knew any potential benefit and i am happy to know that it is something recommended by professionals.Would you like to share more on which shoes are suitable for running, i see you have mentioned just a bit about it.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
I don't know? I was reading that depending on what kind of gait and foot you have But I have more research to do!
@Marmens (38)
• Spain
30 Aug 20
Motivation is important to get started and you got it through your book. Don't give up!
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
Thank you! I think the book IS helping.
@Hahahauy (43)
• Indonesia
30 Aug 20
Good luck, you can do it! :)
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
Thanks for the positive encouragement!
@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
29 Aug 20
Yes read it and enjoy your reading
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Sep 20
Thank you. Do you run or jug?
• Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
30 Aug 20
I cannot give recommendation because i am not runners but fighting for ur new activity:))
@Dekk11 (9)
30 Aug 20
I'm not a runner, but I got used to it after a long time without running by walking for 1 hour. enjoy it while it lasts