Another Facebook Surprise From a Student

Eugene, Oregon
March 25, 2023 6:27pm CST
During my absence from myLot and one reason for it, I was tutoring English on a site called Cambly. It didn't pay much at all, but I worked four hours each morning from 7 to 11 AM talking to students of all ages. Early mornings were good to talk to people from Hong Kong & other parts of China and I had regular students from those places as well as Taiwan. A little later in the morning, I talked to Turkish students, and some from Saudi Arabia & other Middle East countries. Some of my favorites were from Brazil and a month or so ago, a very bright young I talked with three times each week managed to find me on FB too. It was not easy since she did not know my last name, but knew I lived in Oregon. She knew what I looked like since we tutored on camera. We had talked a lot about politics in her country and in the US and she spoke English very well. We have exchanged a few messages on FB and it is great to be in touch with her again. (My wife also tutored on the site and had many regulars too. She is aware of the young woman from Brazil finding me.
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16 responses
@florelway (23223)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
26 Mar 23
She's very clever on how to find you. I will try if I can find you on FB lol, . That's great job and looks like you're enjoying it. Are your students have already a basic knowledge about English? or did you teach them from scratch.
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Mar 23
I no longer do that tutoring. I did enjoy it a lot. They did have a basic knowledge of English, yes. I helped with pronunciation and grammar if needed and we could talk about cultures or languages, politics.
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@florelway (23223)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
26 Mar 23
@JamesHxstatic That's great, it's more enjoyable teaching that way. Actual use of the language is more effective.
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@rakski (114579)
• Philippines
26 Mar 23
That is nice!!
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@snowy22315 (177348)
• United States
26 Mar 23
Did you like Cambly? I think I applied there once.
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@snowy22315 (177348)
• United States
27 Mar 23
@JamesHxstatic My internet here isn't great..probably wouldn't work out.
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• Eugene, Oregon
27 Mar 23
@snowy22315 Right, a very strong internet is required and they check it each time you sign on.
• Eugene, Oregon
27 Mar 23
The max pay was $10 an hour, but overall it was a great experience.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
26 Mar 23
I did not doubt that your wife is aware of this young woman. Meeting people from different countries is always an interesting experience.
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Mar 23
Right @LadyDuck, and in fact, she and Anne had talked while Anne was still tutoring. I had almost forgotten that.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
26 Mar 23
@JamesHxstatic I would never hide to my husband if a man would want to be friend... virtual friend of course.
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Mar 23
@LadyDuck Nooo, a bad idea to hide things.
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
27 Mar 23
Lol to the disclaimer
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
28 Mar 23
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• Eugene, Oregon
27 Mar 23
Well, I didn't want anyone to think I was being sneaky.
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@aninditasen (16184)
• Raurkela, India
26 Mar 23
I am also an English tutor and have taught students based in US, Canada, Dubai and India. I taught through many websites and my own private students through Skype.
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Mar 23
That's really interesting. You must enjoy doing it.
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• Eugene, Oregon
27 Mar 23
@aninditasen I hope that happens soon.
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@aninditasen (16184)
• Raurkela, India
27 Mar 23
@JamesHxstatic I will if I get an offer or any student contacts me for classes.
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@allknowing (132676)
• India
26 Mar 23
It must have been a challenge for this student to find you on Face Book and I can imagine how happy she must have been when she was able to
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@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
26 Mar 23
That is very nice that she found you. I am going to check out that place too thanks.
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@jstory07 (137893)
• Roseburg, Oregon
26 Mar 23
That sounds like a lot of fun for you.
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Mar 23
It is. She is so bright and has a great job where she is advancing rapidly.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
26 Mar 23
You must have made a very positive impression on the young lady from Brazil if she went to all that trouble to find you on Facebook. It was quite a compliment.
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Mar 23
It really was! I was flattered.
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Mar 23
That is great that your students think so much of you and liked you tutoring them, Glad she was able to get in touch with you,
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• Eugene, Oregon
25 Mar 23
It was great! We tutored on camera, so she knew what I looked like and only my first name.
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@noni1959 (10018)
• United States
26 Mar 23
I thought about doing something like that but not sure I could get into the politic area of conversation. I listen more than talk about it.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Mar 23
I had to smile to think that you added that last sentence! That's great that you are in touch again with the young lady.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
26 Mar 23
It’s good that your wife isn’t jealous otherwise you might be in trouble.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
27 Mar 23
You must have really liked doing it if it didn’t pay well. Must have been neat to hear all the different accents and see how they dress etc . Sounds like it probably took the girl quite some time to find you on Facebook. Sounds like she really liked you as a teacher.
@FourWalls (65840)
• United States
26 Mar 23
That’s cool (at least I hope it is and she’s not some stalker). Facebook, for all of its faults, has put me in touch with some long-lost friends.
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