"Financial Advisors" in the Philippines - where FAs are not regulated

@Raine38 (12257)
United States
August 26, 2023 5:40am CST
Unpopular opinion on financial advisors posting their never-ending spiel on social media: Many of these "gurus" who market financial advice often fall short of authenticity, as true experts are usually engrossed in their personal financial pursuits rather than selling seminars. It's logical to question why one would invest their time enriching others when they could be amassing wealth for themselves. Typically, this type of mentorship is only pursued if it's profitable, leading many gurus to engage in pump and dump schemes or capitalize on pricy seminars and books they promote. Teaching wealth accumulation is akin to teaching swimming; while you can describe the motions, true learning occurs in the water, and without supervision, the risk of sinking is high. In all honesty, when my friends inquire, I advise them to explore classic texts, a source of knowledge that has greatly influenced my own understanding. However, most lose enthusiasm when I stress the importance of being mathematically adept, even capable of mental calculations. Many opt for the allure of the simplistic, empty calorie teachings of these gurus. It's remarkable how those who are initially keen to delve into financial filings lose interest as soon as they realize the depth of analysis required. Such is the way – people often seek the path of least resistance.
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2 responses
• India
26 Aug
Sorry this is not related but it's a great stream to make your career in as many are interested in taking help of these FA's
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@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
26 Aug
FAs worth their salt are invaluable, I do not downplay their importance and abilities. But those who want to subscribe to a quick fix or quick money-making scheme at the expense of the naivety of their social media friends - I don't like them.
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• India
26 Aug
@Raine38 agree
@snowy22315 (172388)
• United States
26 Aug
Yes, you certainly want a competent and knowledgeable financial advisor.
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@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
26 Aug
Unfortunately, the ones in the Philippines are not regulated. You can be of any background, or have little to no financial knowledge, and you are allowed to market yourself as a financial advisor. Sadly, some of my friends and relatives from there has fallen prey to some of these FAs. But not all are incapable, if only they will do their own research and ask the right questions, then they will be able to find an FA who's really knowledgeable and helpful.