What has surprised you about getting older?

@Fleura (29266)
United Kingdom
September 26, 2023 3:25am CST
One thing that has surprised me is how much people continue to change and develop (as people I mean, not physically) with age. I used to think that once you reached about 30 that was it, you were properly ‘grown up’, but now I look at people that age and they seem awfully young and naïve. I remember when older friends or relatives used to look at us ‘youngsters’ when we complained about getting old, and tell us we seemed so young from their perspective – but I never realised that they meant more than just thinking that 25 or 30 is old or young in terms of numbers. Another surprise for me has been how one’s body changes in unexpected ways. And I don’t mean getting creaky joints or poor eyesight (although I’m not looking forward to those eventualities). I have been surprised to find that my ears have grown bigger! I always had neat little ears; now I feel that they are sticking through my hair like an elf (but less attractively). This isn’t helped by the fact that my hair is also getting a bit thinner. What about you? All rights reserved. © Text copyright Fleur 2023.
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17 responses
@LadyDuck (461941)
• Switzerland
26 Sep
It is not correct that the ears grow. Our nose and ears change getting older, not because they grow, but it is the effects of skin changes and gravity. I have not changed a lot through the years. What has surprised me is that I am still flexible as I was when I was 40. I remember my Mom and my mother-in-law needing help to go in and out the car. I jump in and out as I always did, no need of help.
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@LadyDuck (461941)
• Switzerland
26 Sep
@Fleura - I asked to several doctors and all confirmed that ears and nose do not grow bigger. Weird that it is the top part of your ears.
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
26 Sep
@ladyduck Long may it last.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Thanks for that, I stand corrected. In that case though I am even more puzzled, because it is the top part of my ears that seem to have grown bigger and that surely can't be due to gravity!
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@LindaOHio (160321)
• United States
26 Sep
When I got married at 22 I thought I was mature. How silly I was! I have had major changes as I've aged...none good. Nothing I can do about it though. Have a good day.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Wow I can't imagine getting married at that age - although I know it was common practice until quite recently.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep
@LindaOHio Yes. I think 29 is too young! How did the marriage go?
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@LindaOHio (160321)
• United States
27 Sep
@Fleura Do you think 22 is too young? My hubby was 29. It was time for him to move out of his mother's house.
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@BarBaraPrz (45817)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
26 Sep
I'm surprised that I'm not half the man I used to be...
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Sep
I find that some people just never grow up . Sometimes I look at any younger-than-me adults and think of them as "kids" . In my culture, they say big ears means a long life . When I was "young", getting older seemed sooooo far away. And now that I'm "here", it seems like my youth is so far away . How did we get to this age - it's mind baffling .
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
27 Sep
@Fleura Crazy, yes, I think I've gotten a little of that as I've aged too .
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Crazy isn't it?
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
26 Sep
@fleura I’m so glad not to be in my 30s anymore. My grandfather got a growth spurt in his ears and they were enormous. And noses can grow. When I worked in A&E reception an elderly gent came in with an enormous, red, angry looking hooter and silly me said “Are you here about your nose?” He said “No my wife’s just been brought in by ambulance. Can you tell me where she is?”
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Yes I only found out recently that cartilage continues to grow, although slowly, throughout life. This explains the ears and noses phenomenon. The poor man! You should never jump to conclusions you know
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Correction - apparently I was wrong about the cartilage growth. In that case it is even more weird!
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27 Sep
I think I will gonna be an elf, too ??
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep
When I grow up I want to be an elf!
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27 Sep
@Fleura sounds good ??
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@AmbiePam (86269)
• United States
27 Sep
I think my feet are growing. The shoe size I used to wear no longer fits me, and it is quite annoying. I really did not expect that to happen.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep
Mine too. I guess they sort of flatten out or something with age?
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@allknowing (130523)
• India
27 Sep
In my case I have put on weight. I used to be slim and I do not much like it specially the belly fat.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep
Yes I'm trying to keep that in check as much as I can.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• Pikeville, North Carolina
26 Sep
I have found that my mind never wants to acknowledge that I'm as old as my body tells me I am.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
I'm totally in denial too!
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@wolfgirl569 (97301)
• Marion, Ohio
26 Sep
I don't think our ears change. It just seems that way as your hair is getting thinner
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Maybe that's it. I will have to dig out some old photos.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
26 Sep
I'm quite surprised or rather shocked about this post. I'm old but I look more or less the same as I did years ago. My ears and my nose haven't grown. I only have more wrinkles. My hair is a bit thinner now. But as I had thick hair in my youth, it doesn't matter.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
I look more like my mother than ever. But the top parts of my ears I'm sure have grown. I will have to look for old photos to compare.
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@Dena91 (16009)
• United States
26 Sep
What surprises me about getting older is how fast it comes to be. I was teaching our ladies Sunday school class and talked about age. I told them it seems like only a couple of years ago that I graduated high school. Next month is our 40th high school reunion.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep
Yes it's frightening isn't it? It's my birthday soon - I can't quite believe how old I am!
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@porwest (78788)
• United States
12 Oct
I am usually marveling at what new pains in strange places I get now. "Where the hell did THAT come from?" lol You know, like, you'll wake up in the morning and your ear lobe is throbbing or something like that.
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@Knuckled (11)
• Indonesia
27 Sep
I used to think the same way, but now I realize that being 30 doesn't necessarily mean being fully grown up. Additionally, unexpected physical changes can also be a surprise.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep
I used to think my parents knew what to do in all situations. Now I realise that of course they were just working things out as best they could, just like I am now!
@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
26 Sep
Thank goodness I don't have to worry about thinning hair or my ears sticking out! My ears are flat against my skull and I'll never go bald... But my nose has continued to grow as I've gotten older... It doesn't really fit my face anymore, in my opinion. I don't like it.
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@1creekgirl (40790)
• United States
26 Sep
Very interesting post. I guess I'm old compared to most, but in some ways I feel younger. But this past year has aged me a lot and still is. But God is merciful.
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@JudyEv (328094)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Sep
I can appreciate so much more what my Mum was going through in her later years. They say your ear-lobes never stop growing but I didn't know about ears. Becoming a bit deaf is turning into a real annoyance and I avoid crowds as much as possible.
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