Happy New Years

@noni1959 (9923)
United States
January 2, 2024 5:07pm CST
A new year usually brings forth new year's resolutions. Depending on the articles and stats you read, only about 8% keep their resolutions all year long. According to the site, Power of Us, resolutions began about 4,000 years ago in the ancient Babylonians. The article didn't say much else about it and I'm too lazy to look it up more. Either way, it's been ongoing to this day. With those odds, I stopped. I know myself. If I'm pressured into a date for life change, I will fail. What do I do? I began changes any time of the year and keep trying all year into the next and the next and so on. What did I begin this year? Nothing. I'm bringing in what I've been working on all last year. Health, weight loss, removing toxic people, putting myself on a better schedule for my brain health (ADHD getting a bit wonky lately), better positivity, and working on Dave Ramsey snowball to get my debt paid. I want to move to the western area of WA by summer and if all goes well, my son will buy property and I may be able to build another mini cabin by spring of 2025. it's a goal but not a resolution. Happy New Year everyone!! What do you hope for this year besides the usual wealth and health?
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8 responses
@LadyDuck (462007)
• Switzerland
3 Jan
And the term "New Year's Resolution" first appeared in a Boston newspaper in 1813, not so long time ago compared to 4,000 years. I never did and I will never do resolutions or set goals. Happy New Year to you.
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@LadyDuck (462007)
• Switzerland
4 Jan
@noni1959 - As my husband memory is deteriorating so much, I take every day as it comes and I do my best to help him and to help myself.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
@LadyDuck I'm sorry to hear his memory is deteriorating. It's lovely you do your best to help him. Good to take time for yourself. That is something I have to remember to do myself.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
In the past, I would set up resolutions only to fault a month or so in. Just continuing what I've been working on when I've seen the need is so much better. Interesting about the Boston Newspaper. That gives me something more to read. Happy New Year!
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@celticeagle (160854)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Jan
That's a lot of stuff to be working on. I just do a few things at a time. I get too befuddled if I try to do more. Just what I'm comfortable with.
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@celticeagle (160854)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Jan
@noni1959 .........Ugh! I haven't been near the ocean in 15 years.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
8 Jan
@celticeagle I have always lived from one to two hours away from the beach in Both Oregon and California. This is the first time I'm about five hours away.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
It's what I've been working on over time so it's not overwhelming. Getting back to the "trees" and near the ocean is important for my health and the weather that I have to face next week. Don't want to do this again next winter.
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@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Jan
A Happy New Year to you too!! I hope all your goals will be met this year . . . oh another mini cabin would be great! I want to bring back "joy" into my life. Certain issues have sucked the life out of me in the past few years (even last year) . . . I want to feel "great" again. There are various things . . . it will take time . . . but getting the ball rolling on any of 'em will be the for-now goal.
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@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Jan
@noni1959 Big hugs to you for all you've been through. Life throws in wrenches and oh I just want to throw them back. Let's definitely make happiness happen this year .
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
8 Jan
@much2say I'm working on it for sure. Nature is a good way for me to find some peace.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
Having the goal to feel great again is a great one. I had some horrible things happen the last couple years and then last March, really horrendous but this is the year I want to really make a happy one. I hope you reach your goals.
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@RebeccasFarm (87066)
• United States
3 Jan
To you too dear Heart. Happy New Years. I hope to move soon.
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• United States
4 Jan
@noni1959 It wont be far no.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
Are you moving far? Happy new year!
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@RasmaSandra (74633)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Jan
A Happy and Healthy New Year to you. I keep my previous years notebooks and then I compare how much I did last year to what I want to do this year to give me the incentive to do more and better. Online this year with all I do I want or hope to make it a banner year for myself,
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@RasmaSandra (74633)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Jan
@noni1959 to you too a very Happy New Year!
@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
What a great idea to keep note books to refer back to. I used to keep diaries but don't want people reading some. Maybe making good notebooks of accomplishments would be good for me. Happy New Year!
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
2 Jan
I have a LONG list of things to get done this year some is from 3 yrs ago I've been working on & some are from last year, & the main part is from THIS yr. I had a set back this yr that threw ALL my plans down the drain in a matter of mins with my health that put me in the hosp for 6 mons that about took me out for GOOD, but I bounded back & getting back on my feet again to FINISH what I started.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
3 Jan
I'm sorry you had to be in the hospital but so happy to hear you have bounced back.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
@2ndchances24 Definitely a great blessing to be much better.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
4 Jan
@noni1959 thank you, I'm blessed to be where I am with my health from where I was when it started, I thank God every single day that I wake up to.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49388)
• United States
2 Jan
Happy New Year.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
3 Jan
Happy New Year!
@dya80dya (34649)
3 Jan
I don't have any hopes. I don't want to be disappointed.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
4 Jan
Never give up hope. I know how it can be disappointing to want something and it not happen.