Just a Little Care!

@Mitraa (3184)
December 16, 2006 9:38am CST
In our daily lives we always give more importance to bigger cares and responsibilities. The present way of life in our society has also more demands for this. But besides this, there is a gross ignorance towards certain smaller cares those we face every now and then. Even by paying a little timely attention to these, some of our bigger cares / problems gets eliminated automatically, before our knowledge! In spite of this, we all have our blind eyes to these as the result of our alert-lacking habits. In my opinion, by giving definite and timely attention as well as little care to things we ignore, will sure bring us better surprising result very often and reduce more demanding responsibilities. Are you in similar opinion?
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1 response
@Kishore7 (29)
• India
3 Apr 07
You are right! I also find that many of our bigger cares and responsibilities are the results of our ignorence or negligence to smaller cares some time in the past. Really you have thrown light on a very alerting topic that makes us careful for smaller cares and timely actions for them. Certainly, I think, many of our bigger probleme will be averted by this timely care and action. I shall take care. Thank you very much.