
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
December 20, 2006 3:03am CST
Ok I have proved a point by starting a Topic about why People condemn Smokers all the time The Outcome is that we smokers are harming the world Other topics where started like about Gays These People are not normal according to a lot of People either and oh dear they might interfere with someone and they should not be aloud out in the open Then you have the Topic that I read yesterday that Americans are Dumb just because they don't think like that Person does and there are many other Topics that I have come across where one or the other is being condemed and do you know what really got my Attention? Most of what I am reading is what has been put by the Goverment, the Media and People like that and it proves to me that a lot of People condemn others because of what they are being fed I smoke I know I should not and I am planning on stopping but we are condemned as Killers I have Friends that are Gay so what they are lovely People nice People and they get on with their Life and don't bother anyone I have a lot of American Friends and believe me they are the loveliest and best Friends I have People are judging without knowing much apart from what they hear Do you know why Drink is not mentioned much and Drugs Because you have People in the Goverment that like drinking and having a good time and there also those that *keep going* on Drugs thats why But I have proved my Point there is to much judgement in the World and not just on things that I have mentioned on a lot of things Thanks everyone though
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14 responses
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
20 Dec 06
people judge because they feel that they have been judge wrong you are right to say the world is judgemental by what they hear or read because they can plead ignorance when it gets throwed back in there face therefore leaving them an escape route rather then stand up and admit that they are wrong they would rather be thought of as not knowledgeable,people really need to be les judgemental and more helpful some habits are hard to quit I know that smoking is because I quit I know that drinking is because I quit but not because of what I heard or read but because of some test results and research on the problems and how what I was doing to make things worse,they now say that 16,000 people die every year from over the counter pain releivers now just because this has been brought to light are people going to get worried and quit probably not but they should not be condemed nor judge for what they choose to do to there bodies.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Smoking is proven to cause cancer and other diseases of suffering. From the smallest of allergy and sinus problems, to lung diseases and cancer of the asophagus and lungs. The worst part to me is that people that smoke don't just harm their own body, but everyone elses that they smoke around. Their illnesses and suffering because of the smoking also make hardships on their loved ones. My own mother-in-law, having a heart attack and told that smoking will increase the artery tightness causing a greater chance of another heart attack to happen, she won't stop smoking. Of course, your friends are just expected to be around you smoking whether they like it or not, right! And if they choose to not be around you when you smoke you are extremely offended. Why are you so outraged because someone wants to be healthy and care about their body and their loved ones? I realize its difficult to stop smoking,but looking at the outcome of that choice should make it easier to keeping trying to stop until you do. If you knew you'd get AIDS from smoking would you stop? My point being, are the diseases that come from smoking not enough to make you stop? I face that issue with my in-laws. I have to put up with them smoking around me and deal with my allergy attacks and difficulty breathing just to prove to them I love them. Where is their love and respect in return? Or is it because they're smokers they are exempt from caring about anyone else? Okay....I think you get my point how strongly I feel about smoking. I do wish you all luck to stop smoking or to at least respect other people's opinions for not desiring to smoke.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
It is not proven it is what they say is proven but thats beside the point I have always and will always respect Non Smokers I just wish they would respect the Smokers back
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you funnysis and you are right
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
20 Dec 06
So your point is that the goverment controls social opinions? Thats a pretty hefty claim. I'm not sure the government itself has all that much to do with it besides legislating for the people, which the majority of the people have to support anyways. The government does not control our media, its a free market. The government doesn't control TV programs (except to remove profanity), or fashion, or pop culture, so....
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
I am not saying controlling I am saying influence that is what I am saying
@Lillith (774)
• United States
20 Dec 06
You are so right! In addition, most people tend to follow like a herd of sheep. They are "fed" something from their government, their religion, their teachers, families, etc, and they immediately take up the "cause." I, too, am a smoker, and while I do not try to offend people with it, I do not appreciate the judgment I receive from people who do not even know me. I also have friends who are gay, as well, as those who do not necesarily share my religious views. We still get along just fine because we accept each other. The older I get, the more I realize just how much time people waste on hating and judging others. I, personally, don't have the time or energy for it. Another thing I agree with you about, is the fact that what the government enjoys seems to be "acceptable" or at least not as condemned as other things.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you so much Lillith all I wanted to do is prove a point to People and thank you for your Support on this as you say Life is to short to go around judging and condeming People
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you Steve
• United States
20 Dec 06
I agree with you 100%!! People can't mind their own business and have to find something to complain about so they turn to those with vices or a lifestyle they don't agree with....They all just need to get a dang life. Smoke away smokers!
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
20 Dec 06
You are right.I have a couple of friends that are gay and I dont have any problem with them.That is their lifestyle they chose to live.They are human beings to.YES you did make your point in your discussion about why people condemn smokers you seemed a little angry but you did you get your point across.lol but anyways take care,be gud! lol
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Yes I have to admit I did a bit but that was because I was sick of hearing that Smokers are the Killers lol Honest I am a y patient Person and I am not horrible lol but when you see how People listen and then assume it makes me angry lol But I stopped giving grief after a while it was repeat lol Thank you for this
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Dec 06
well I wrote to cyber space mine didnt go thru lol thanks for posting this
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
lololol well I go it
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Dec 06
nope ya didnt they arent in here
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Dec 06
well chit my responces are not coming thru
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
21 Dec 06
gabs, you didn't respond to my post. Do you make a habit of only replying to people who agree with you?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 06
No Bitty I don't now please do not get nasty about it and you have been rated to if you look through all the posts Love I have replied to People not agreeing with me and I left yours for today as I was getting a bit irritated by some People calling Names I will reply to yours today so please don't judge me as an unfair Person (sorry there is that word again lol) but it has no meaning to my the Topic I just don't want you to think I am ignorant
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 06
sorry - Smile
hahahahaha I am sorry I will make sure I do not do it again
• Ireland
21 Dec 06
Oh that's grand so. I was feeling a bit left out for a while.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I think you are very right. Almost every type of person wants 'a leg up' over someone... so they pick their group to be just a little bit bigotted about. I've never met an inconsiderate smoker, if so it was so few I cannot remember them, if I did I would think it is just like every type of group.. there's mostly good apples and just a few bad apples. I've never known an obnoxious gay person, or an obnoxious American, or of another nation either. Well, since I am an american, I more than likely have come across an obnoxious one, and heaven forbid I may have even been an obnoxious one at least once in my life, for which I'm terribly sorry, and hope the other person involved knows it's likely I was having a bad day, and any behavior in a given moment on that day, doesn't really make me that way always. Can't this be true of smokers too? I know there are stories of rude house members, refusing to be considerate, but does this mean somehow people who smoke are lesser somehow as people? Is this one of the new politically correct bigotries? Yes I lean toward thinking that it is. I'm always watching the news, and am hooked to the net. So I agree with you. But you know why it is? because we don't want to confess that life is messed up because human nature is flawed, and all groups are guilty, which includes each one of us human beings share the 'blame'. But rather than face it, it's so much easier to point and say, it's them over there, they're to blame.. whether it's religious folks, non-religious, gay, straight, rich, poor, etc. The human subconscious blame game is one of the oldest games there is..
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you so much for this and you are completely right as for obnoxious People they are evrywhere and badly here in the Uk lol
@vipul20044 (5794)
• India
20 Dec 06
Buddy it is like people experience 1 or 2 people and they make a quick foolish conclusion that everyone is alike Really this is sick I mean if bush is wrong then he is to blame, why americans? there are many such things in life Noone is perfect people find faults in others, its really easy but it will be hard for them to realise their own cons!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Exactly the Americans have nothing to do with it at all Thank you
@nannacroc (4049)
20 Dec 06
Have you noticed that they make a big fuss about the small amount of pollution caused by smokers but seem to forget that cars are far worse for the environment? Governments would like to stop people thinking for themselves and be happy for taxpayers to pay millions of pounds for experts to tell us things which our grandparents knew. You've made a lot of very good points in this topic.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 06
Thank you for that and that is all I wanted to do I did not want to get anybodies back up but they also have to understand that I just do not like People judging without knowing no matter what it is
• United States
20 Dec 06
People in power have opinions. They speak those opinions slightly more cautiously (hopefully) than the average joe. Others who want to get into favor with those in power suggest plans catering to the powerful's opinions and they are activated. Happens in all cultures, everywhere. Tis the nature of the human beast of society. Enough folks think something is bad and it becomes illegal. I agree that people should try to actually THINK more and take individuals as exactly that, individuals, not labeling entire groups in a fell swoop. Is that going to happen? I don't think so, at least not anytime soon. At this point Western society has sues for the mob mentality so it is encouraged.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you so much for this
• Singapore
20 Dec 06
wow! this is the first time that i've seen you so firm in your discussion!! but i agree with all that you've said! and in my opinion, a lot of people tend to always like to point the finger at others...telling everyone that they are wrong...but have they actually evaluate themselves and are they as perfect as they thought? i dont think so!! Thanks for this discussion! Bravo for voicing out!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Lol Eunice yes I can be firm because I get angry that People are always so fast to judge I have now watched it for 6 weeks and then I thought about testing it with my last Discussion and I got what I thought I would get I picked the Smoking because I am a Smoker but I am a softie really lol I just get angry when I see these Judgements on other People thats all Hugs to you Girl
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
20 Dec 06
if people understand the dangers of smoking but choose to do so, then fine. But it's a problem when someone smokes around me or children, and if my partner smoked it would be a major turn off. My sisters and I only nagged my mother because we cared, she had the worst smokers cough and we hated putting up with the smell etc. But like I said, it's up to the individual..:)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you Emisle and like I said I respect the non smokers and I will be one of them soon but it is just the judgement on everything not just the smoking
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@amafrias (455)
• United States
20 Dec 06
AMEN to that...OOPS I used a religious word that might not be considerd politically correct!!! We are a country controlled by our Government whether we realize it or not. People do not use their own brains and judgements anymore. It is a shame!!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Lololol thank you
@tiamat (113)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Amen brother, keep on telling it like it is.