Cleaning and organizing

January 8, 2007 9:48am CST
Well, yesterday I spent most of the day (and far too much of the evening), taking down all the Christmas decorations. I emptied, sorted, washed and then reorganized all of the storage bins. I got rid of things that I've been keeping in case I "might" want to use them again - including an extra (bigger) tree that I really don't have room to store! I figure, if I haven't used things in the past two or three Christmases, then I don't need them. I also got a new Rubbermaid organizer that holds all the rolls of wrapping paper that I bought at half-price after Christmas. Now those will be in good condition when I pull them out next holiday season. The bins and boxes went back, in a more logical arrangement, into the alcove under the basement stairs where I store this stuff from one year to the next. There's actually a bit of extra space in there now. It was SO much work (rather than just stuffing everything back in the boxes as I've done other years) but I feel better for having made the effort. What is the most disorganized room (or space) in your house? Do you have any plans to tackle it or do something different with it?
2 responses
• United States
8 Jan 07
My kids' bedroom closet was constantly a mess. Three of them share one room. However, recently I put some shelves and drawers in there and organized all of their toys. I also gave away a lot of the toys and clothes that they have outgrown. That cleared up a tremendous amount of space. Next, I'm going to tackle my own closet. I use one side of the closet and my husband the other. My strategy is the same - to get some shelving and drawers and then find a place for all of the necessary items and give away the ones that we no longer use.
• Canada
8 Jan 07
I had to do our bedroom closet too, cookielynn. Because I didn't have a lot of extra money to spend at the time, I got some of those organizers with the big Velcro tab that wraps around the bar in the closet, one each for me and my husband. I use them for lightweight things like t-shirts and such. Eventually, I'd love to get some of those really nice, more permanent and sturdier closet organizers. My sister did those in her bedroom and entry way closets and they are excellent... pricey, but I'll get there LOL
• United States
8 Jan 07
I agree with you that cost is certainly a factor when you're trying to adequately organize closet space. I bought inexpensive storage pieces from Walmart. It's not one matching organized unit. I just evaluated the kids' closet and kind of thought about what size containers I would need to hold certain items. Then I purchased them and arranged them in the closet in a way that allows the children to easily put their own belongings away. Thanks for the idea about the hanging shelves.
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I am not very good at organizing things. Always I want to keep things thinking that may be later on I can use, but when I need that I can find it after searching for a long time.
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