Creativity makes life meaningful, how creative you are, share your creativity..

February 10, 2007 1:12pm CST
Doing new things, sometimes very different things, doing imaginary things, in a new way, very different from conventional way, is the creativity. Creativity comes out from personnel interest in a particular field. Because of creativity, humans are continuously progressing. How creative, you are? Share good creations of someone or your which changed the meaning of life.
3 responses
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
Creativity is one of the greatest gift man has. There are times, people don't appreciate the talent they have. I am not that creative in someways, but I believe, that I have also a talent for being creative in some things.
1 person likes this
• India
15 Feb 07
Ok. Carry some creative will be noticed.
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
Thanks ...
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
how creative are you???
1 person likes this
• India
16 Feb 07
I think, very little...
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I always try to do something new and different in my life for not only me but for my husband and daughter as well. We all get tired of the same ole things day in and day out. I have created ways around our home for us to enjoy things with out having to go out and spend a fortune to do so. We have put in a swimming pool, bought a big screen television, bought a playstation and games and a pool table for us all to play at home. We like to fish and we can do that here in our subdivision. We can save money by having money at home and we can buy other things with that extra money for our enjoyments. We rarely go out to see movies either anymore. We rent movies through Netflix and we get those movies deleivered right to our mailbox and we send them back to them the same way. It saves alot of time and trouble and money.
1 person likes this
• India
10 Feb 07
Many ways, in a good family life, you are doing many things differently to refresh your home and family life. In fact, you created your own world.