RAoK: Random Acts of Kindness

RAoK: Random Acts of Kindness - Have you ever done something for someone that they totally didn't expect? That's what a 'random act of kindness' is!
@freak369 (5113)
United States
February 17, 2007 6:48pm CST
Have you ever done something for someone that they totally didn't expect? If so, share your story, not matter how long or short, here. Ever since the boys were young we've tried to do three random acts of kindness a day. Something as simple as opening a door for someone, carrying home groceries or saying hello to someone on the street and asking them how they are doing. I never knew how much of an impact that made until an older neighbor died. At her service her son got up and read some letters that she wrote. One mentioned me and two of the brood."When ever they passed me, they never failed to say hello and smile. There were days when they were the only people that would stop to chat or ask if I needed anything from the fruit stand" So come on, everyone has a nice side and as much as you hate to admit it, it does feel good to do something random for others ...
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5 responses
@Bizziebod (3497)
19 Feb 07
It's good for the soul and the yin and the yan to do random acts of kindness. I like to think that I'm always polite and kind to people like opening doors or even giving my seat up if I'm on the bus. My one RAoK that springs to mind was when I was working nightshift at a petrol station many moons ago and this guy came in who had broken down. I can't remember why he couldn't get a mechanic to come out to him but when I finished my shift I towed him home, he was so grateful and wrote a letter to the company I worked for praising my help!
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
25 Feb 07
"It's good for the soul and the yin and the yan to do random acts of kindness" That should be a bumper sticker!
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
we have that kindness act but some people around us did not notice it even they see it they just ignoring it
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
19 Feb 07
That's a great goal to do 3 random acts a day - sounds like the movie "Pay it Forward" As for me, I think a lot of things I do are actually random acts of kindness because I never expect anything in return. I learned growing up that you can't always expect people to return the favor, so I learned to do good things just for the sake of being nice :) I can't think of any big thing that I've done randomly, I guess I don't even think about these things anymore - I just do them.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
I love doing random acts.. I do it all the time. It warms my heart to help people.
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@hezoid (2144)
25 Mar 07
There's a forum that i go on where we specifically set up RAOK 'swaps', where a load of us will sign up, and the organiser will pair up up or group us up, and give the address details of people to those in our pair/group, but not our forum name so it's anonymous. Then we will fill in a short questionaire about likes & dislikes and all the the pair/group will send each ther little packages to make up RAOK's! Ok, so it's not entirely random, but it's nice to get a little unexpected package, and the thoughtsa that go itno as so lovely, it's truely heart-warming!