Which is better ragnarok onle or runescape?

March 11, 2007 8:42am CST
Also please put ratings on these parts graphics,music,overal I really like runescape but i've never played ragnorach online. Is it good? Is it better then runescape?
4 responses
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
I've played runescape and it's just terrible in my humble opinion... The graphics are bad and i don't know.. I just don't feel the game.. ragnarok online is a great game.. It's one of the first successful MMORPG's out there.. and like till now they are still having updates which is cool
• Canada
21 Mar 07
for sure ragnarok online, runescape graphic is not that good but what would you expect from a free game... if u would like to try out ragnarok for free. i think you should try the private server first.. try this site out for a list of private server www.gamesites200.com/ragnarok/
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
I think Ragnarok is better than runescape in terms of gameplay and graphics. Runescape, for me, is somewhat an older generation of mmorpg but I bet it was awesome before. I just don't think Ragnarok is comparable to Runescape.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 07
It all depends on what kind of games you like. If you prefer building your character to compete and fight against other players, or you like having nice virtual friends who can enjoy with you the time you spend on gaming, choose ragnarok :) Graphics and music, unlike action games, are not the most important things for RPGs (role playing games), it all depends on gameplay. I stopped playing runescape long ago, so what i'm going to say about it is not going to be good. In my personal opinion, runescape has too many childish players who you can't really have good relationship with. In the game, everything is about getting rich and you are alone in the game.
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