do you have recipe of quesedillas? howmany of you like it?

United States
April 2, 2007 3:03pm CST
I am wondering anybody have perfect recipe of quesedillas,though I make my own version of store bought tortillas cheddar mild cheese mushrooms green peppers onions left over chicken I spread veggies,chicken and cheese cover top with one more tortilla.I microwave for 4 min. if you know the exact recipe post here.
3 responses
@aweins (4199)
• India
3 Apr 07
try this my hubby loves it. large 4 tortillas grated cheese olive oil or grape seed oil optional sliced mushrooms green onions black olives fresh tomatoes, diced chicken pieces avocado lettuce apple cider vinegar salt heat a large cast iron frying pan. to medium high heat.add a small amount of oil about a tsp and spread around the bottom. . take 1 large and place it in the pan. flip it over a few min.. when pockets of air can be seen , take a handful of grated cheese, , sprinkle over the top the tortilla, making sure that the cheese does not land on the pan. and add watever additional ingredients you choose .if you want it to be a chicken quesedillas then you can add cooked , diced chicken . this is a quesesdilla, its done. now reduce the heat to low and cover the pan, if the quesedillas begins to smoke too much remove it from the heat after a minute , check the cheese if it is melted. whe n the cheese is sufficiently melted , use a spatula to lift up one side and flip over the other.the tortillas should now be browned. now remove them from pan and cut into wedges. to make the lettuce to accompany it , thinly slice some iceberg lettuce , sprinkle some cider vinegar on it and some salt. serve it with salsa.
@CatNPK (461)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I put in black beans, whatever easy-to-melt cheese(s) I have on hand, either fresh hot peppers or hot pepper flakes, sometimes black olives or red bell pepper. I eat it with home-made quacamole, salsa, and sometimes sour cream.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
2 Apr 07
i usually make quesedillas out over leftover fajitas...put the tortilla in the frying pan spread mexican blend cheese on it then add the leftover fajitas(chicken or beef,with onios,peppers and garlic) fold the tortilla over cook till golden brown on erach side serve with salsa