Heroes... do you have one?

Heroes - So, who is your hero?
Do you have any heroes before your current hero?
@ahgong (10064)
March 2, 2009 3:54am CST
I am sure during the time we are aware of things, we each have someone that we look up too. It may be your mother or father. Or even your uncle. Then we start to read more and watch more TV. That hero changes to someone fictional. It could be superman, or ironman or even the flash. And then as we grow older still, that hero we look up to changes again. This time, it may be some one real. Like some rich tycoon or a person who made it successfully from rags to riches. Heck, we may even have more than one hero we look up to. Some one whom we look at for direction at some point in our life. I certainly know for sure when I was a kid, my father is some one I looked up to. Then as a kid, I looked to Batman as he was smart and resourceful. Then to my grandmother whose loyalty to my grandfather is really something amirable. Of course, through it all, mother is always the unsung heroine in my life. Now, well, I don't really know if I still have a hero or not. I may have to sit on this one to be sure. Or maybe it is my wife and her father that is inspiring me to trough on forward to be a better man. So, who is your hero? Do you have any heroes before your current hero?
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3 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
4 Mar 09
I have never thought about this before ^_^ All i know is that, i only have got those fictional heroes, such as superman and hulk.. lol =D MAybe it's due to my age at that time and with the influence of my mom, whom always been telling me about police, and thus it's part of my heroes too.. haha =D BUt as i grow up, i dun have much ple to look up too, until now.. All along, i strive to be like anybody else, and i dun look up to anybody for i believe that i can be like them if i were to put in the efforts.. lol =D I only see them as my future success, but not someone, i will wanna be.. hehe ^_^
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
5 Mar 09
So... who is it? Out with it already! Who are the people you see as your future success which you can emulate and be better than?
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
5 Mar 09
lol =D IT's everybody!! Everybody is successful in their very own ways and they are always proud of some things they have in life, or done in life ^_^ Everybody has got a different take and attitiude to life, and it's not easy to emulate their success ^_^ PLus, what makes one really successful, also depends alot on luck and right opportunities.. ANd also, all successful ple started out from being an avergae person.. Thus, there's no need to look much further to those really successful ple, but rather to ple just around us ^_^ We learn, and we try to emulate their sucess, to a step further.. haha =D Though i might not be so successful that everybody knows me, but what matters is that, i gained recognition ^_^
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Hi ahgong! I think our life is defined by "heros" even if we don't call them that. I have many heros but these are those that have affected my life and changed my views. I have favorites but heros change things. I think that true heros are not really the ones we want to be like but moreso the ones that cause us to change. Mine would definately begin with my grandparents as my most respected teachers but then extend to those I've met along the way that have helped me become who I am.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
3 Mar 09
True True True, you made a very valid point there. Going by your definition, I would say my greatest teacher and hero, would be my wife. She really opened my eyes to a whole world of possibilities that I never knew existed. Stubborn that I am, she managed to make me a better man!
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
3 Mar 09
To say my mother is what is not required here at all as it is very much implicit that she will be at the top of the list always. Other than that I always used to look to my uncle as a kid and a teenager but since he met his end I have no hero as such.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
3 Mar 09
Sorry to hear about your uncle. I am sure he is in a better place now. No new hero after your uncle's passing? No one you look up to since then?