do anti-virus programs slow your pc down?

January 1, 2008 4:15am CST
is that true? some say it does... what's your stand?
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16 responses
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 08
Yeah i true i had faced it as well but its better than to loose data
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
I see. Yes it is better than losing important data. Or else I would go crazy! LOL
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
2 Jan 08
yeah true so prevention is better than cure enjoy
• Pakistan
1 Jan 08
Anti-virus programs do consume system resources but if you have an upgraded pc then you will not feel anything.If you have an oudated pc then you will notice your system slowing down because of the scanning that your antivirus tool is performing in the background.You can try light antivirus tools that consume leeser system resources.There are various on the internet and they are free as well.
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
1 Jan 08
If you have a slow or low specification computer that you might feel that it is a little bit slower and a lot slower when the anti virus program run its daily scheduled check up on your computer. Otherwise, you can't really see any difference.
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• Philippines
1 Jan 08
Thanks a lot
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@musicman6 (2407)
• United States
1 Jan 08
According to all the research I've read, they say that some of the anti-virus programs do slow it down, but not all of them! And I do recommend the anti-virus program, because I have already lost one computer due to not having one! You can research or ask around which one would be good for your computer!
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• India
1 Jan 08
Yes, Antivirus programs do slow down your pc. But if you compare the use of the program to the amount of slow down, the use is far greater. Without the antivirus you might not have a system to slow down in a few days, right?. Safety first :). If you're still worried about your pc slowing down then you can use Kaspersky internet security, has got some great reviews and some of them have run benchmarks and said that this program has the least computer response delay.
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• Philippines
1 Jan 08
We use kaspersky here at home and sometimes I feel that it does slown down but sometimes it's okay. Thank you.
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• United States
1 Jan 08
Anti-virus only slow down your computer when one of two things occur. Either the software is of Norton brand, or your computer does not have a HT process, or DUO/QUAD processor. The reason why an anti-virus software does slow down your computer is because it is constantly running background task. The task eat up your memory, and or processor speed, thus causing you to have reduced performance. You might notice that some games ask you to make sure you have your anti-virus software disabled before running their game. This is for increased performance. If you have a HT, DUO, or QUAD processor, it is almost like having 2 or 4 processors running together at once. This allows you not to have strain on just one processor- thus, not causing your computer to have drag or reduced performance. The thing with Norton, is that it is incompatible with Windows, even though they sale their software with Windows. It is quite ironic actually. So, if you have a Norton Anti-virus software, or Kaspersky, it would be highly recommended that you un-install it, and switch to another brand. I hope this helped you out some =].
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
1 Jan 08
I doubt if anti-virus slows down our pcs, on the other hand a good and quality anti-virus programme helps our computer from infecting with various kinds of viruses.
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
Yes I know it helps like that. Thank you
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
9 Jan 08
It doesn't have to slow down your computer. When they are running you can just minimize it and you can continue to work. Everybody needs to have one on their computer or your computer would not be running for very long. The minute you enter the internet you could pick up a virus. And if you are reading emails for money, well, you could pick up a virus a minute. So even if your anti-virus program does slow down your computer it is worth it.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
8 Jan 08
yes they do slowdown your computer,if it is not properly configured.because it is using resources from your memory then it uses up the memory that should be used by your programs,it is better to configure your antivirus program fir it to not use up so much memory that would make your computer slowdown.
@ahamid (32)
• United States
1 Jan 08
anti-viruses do slow down your computer just like any other program. every program needs to use RAM space to run so in that sense it slows down your computer. AOL, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. all slow down ur computer...
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• United States
8 Jan 08
The program I have dosn't seem to slow it down not that I notice atleast. But some programs may slow the computer down or it could be that the coputer needs to be cleaned up and defraged.
• Indonesia
1 Jan 08
Of Course is makes our computer slow.. Im Using Kaspersky Antivirus 7.0 and i feel the slow.. Ever my RAM is 1GB --a But.. for the security and risk i prefer you too keep the antivirus installed ^^
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• Denmark
1 Jan 08
All Anti-virus (in fact all programs) slows your computer down, i use Avast that gives a good protection against viruses, Trojans, etc and only slows your computer down a bit, so get Avast, it's a good program uses no cpu (almost), and gives good protection.
1 Jan 08
I just switched to Avast and I find it much better than Norton or McAfee. Norton would usually cause more problems than it was worth. Avast is small in comparison and just sits quietly on the taskbar until it updates the virus database or finds a virus or fact I took off Norton, put on Avast, and found a bunch of viruses that Norton didn't...and you can hardly notice it taking away from the speed or performance of the computer.
• United States
9 Jan 08
if it's Norton or McAfee yep it can slow you down ALOT
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 08
haaaa..... of course that proccess eat lot of cpu ram :P I don't need AV just trash in my computer hehe lol.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
2 Jan 08
Hello dear glitzypurple. Everything has its two sides. When the anti-virus programs are slowing our pc down, which is a fact, it is also helping protect our computers. By the way, once I had it installed on my laptop, but as it slowed down my laptop, un-installed it because I want to have a faster speed. But I have to be careful not to open suspicious sites. Thanks for your discussion.