your body

body - beautiful body behind the red dress
@nomoso (650)
April 9, 2008 10:18pm CST
what do you feel when you see you body in mirror?? do you want to improve or is it already looking good?
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59 responses
• United States
10 Apr 08
When I see my self in the mirror, I think of my self as a handsome young man. We as humans are not perfect, but I feel that we should be happy the way we are created. I think a lot of timesd people take things for granted. You have people who want surgery for this or that. Just be content. We as people are always trying to compare and be the best at everything. Girls trying to lose weight because they were told they were too fat. In some cases like that they are usually not even that fat. So words are powerful.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
11 Jul 08
Thanks for your comment..
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
When I look at myself in the mirror... well, what else would I be looking at when infront of the mirror? Anyway, I feel that I want to improve more
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
Sorry for not easily understanding.. what do you mean by "play?"
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@nomoso (650)
• India
11 Apr 08
i mean do you play with any of your body parts.. usually people play.. and admire their body.. thats asked you..
2 people like this
@nomoso (650)
• India
11 Apr 08
oh you look at that...but do you play??
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
1 Jan 09
I feel that I have a nice body and I look smart in that.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
1 Jan 09
oh great then your wife has no worries.. or your gal
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
2 Jan 09
Oh! Sure! My better half has now worries about me or my body, she loves me.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
2 Jan 09
that is good.. all the best.
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@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
I just want to have a little extra pounds.
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@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
i am? really? well, thanks for the compliment dear...
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@nomoso (650)
• India
15 Apr 08
you are really looking good...its just a fact..
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@nomoso (650)
• India
10 Apr 08
you look so beautiful...and if u put weight you will become much more beautiful..
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@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
10 Apr 08
personaly anyone as hot as u should need to improve themself. i think i need to improve anything. i'm happy with the way my body looks it would be worst then wht i have to i'm glad of wht i have. i like to keep in shape but not trying to look good
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@prasanta (1948)
• India
10 May 08
It always depend on the camera trick. Photogenic faces are created.
@nomoso (650)
• India
11 Apr 08
hmmm great..i believe your body looks good in your picture..
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@nomoso (650)
• India
29 May 08
ha ha
• Canada
10 Apr 08
I am not happy with my body at all right now. I think I'm too chubby. I let my bad eating habbits get the best of me. I am also pale. And short. But I am working on improving my appearance, and accepting the things that I can't change.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
10 Apr 08
even i am not happy with my body... but i am not bad too when i see so many with big tummy..
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@nomoso (650)
• India
31 Aug 08
no no i am not that beautiful..
@Flouya (283)
• India
19 Aug 08
It seems that you looks so pretty.\ Why are you worry abou youself? Good girl.
@DEEPA333 (108)
• India
13 Jul 08
Hi, Whenever I see on mirror I thank God and parents for making me like this.
@nomoso (650)
• India
31 Aug 08
but you din show us how beautiful you are... We are waiting to know..
• Brunei Darussalam
10 Apr 08
when i see my body in mirror..i feel like i want to lost my weight...hehe
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@nomoso (650)
• India
10 Apr 08
thats what i too feel when i see myself..
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• Philippines
17 Apr 10
i feel the same......hate to see myself in the mirror.Its really hard to look a dress that feel comfortable with.
@nomoso (650)
• India
20 Aug 11
You can always follow a perfect diet and perfect diet doesnt mean eating less it is eating equal amount of nutrients required by the body to effectively run the body system.
@xXx2008 (18)
10 Apr 08
l have lost track of my weight for qiult a while, i think i have put more weight.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
9 Jul 08
go run so that you lose weight..Thank you
@Rajasir (46)
• Nepal
25 May 08
My friend, Different people have different opinions and I am no different from others.The reading and the study never gave me a chance to really look in the mirror.I have avoided narcisism.In fact recently I have posted a poem on Mylot and it is titled "When Mirror Frightens You".Don't be offended because opinions come a penny a dozen in this intelligent world. Bless you, Rajasir
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@nomoso (650)
• India
25 May 08
thank you raja sir.. yes i do know opinions differ and i just want the difference to be noted here..
@dballer (19)
• Romania
15 May 08
When i look in the mirror i look for the things i need to work on, im a bodybuilder so i look for parts of my body that need more developing. i am neva happy with my apperance, and i neva will be, i will alwways be looking for what i can improve in my body
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@nomoso (650)
• India
16 May 08
most of the body builder wont be satisfied with their body..
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
I really want to improve my abs. I already have a six pack but I think I need to do more so that I would maintain it and make it even look better.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
4 Jul 08
Oh you have a six pack..thats so good.. I love to see those six pack..Keep it up..
• India
10 Sep 08
Well, I feel that If I work more, in terms of exercise, I can improvise. I have it in good shape, so just improving is left. cool forum
@nomoso (650)
• India
15 Sep 08
Oh all the best for your improved workout..
• India
12 Sep 10
Hello my wife and my female friends say i look so good and sexy, my male friends agree to this,, so i don't want to alter my look... What about yours? Thanks for sharing. Welcome always, cheers. Professor. .
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@nomoso (650)
• India
1 May 11
Oh is it... your wife is blessed then. Mine too is cute:-) Thanks
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Im think that im ok but need toning up in the side area and maybe tops of my legs but as far as weight im ok with mine its just a number i just wanna tone up
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
10 Jul 08
yeah i couldnt think of the word when i was typing LOL
@nomoso (650)
• India
9 Jul 08
Thats nice you mean you want to shape up your thighs..
@nomoso (650)
• India
14 Jul 08
Its ok.. thanks for reply,...
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I am happy with my body. People tell me that I am almost too skinny, but I don't think I look gross looking. I definitely don't want to lose weight though.
@nomoso (650)
• India
13 Jul 08
thats a nice attitude..
@nomoso (650)
• India
26 Dec 08
@mEisky (824)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
yea.,it is.:) keep it up;)
• China
10 Apr 08
I'am very satisfied with my body.hehe Everyday I do exercise lasting for almost ten years! It did not do good to body,but your soul.
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@nomoso (650)
• India
13 Apr 08
thats nice..thank you..i do exercise but very rarely..
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• United States
18 Jul 09
ii see my flaws never the possitive
@nomoso (650)
• India
20 Jul 09
What steps have to taken to increase your positives??
@nomoso (650)
• India
28 Jul 09
thats nice.. post a pic of yours if possible..
• United States
23 Jul 09
ive tried everything tht i can afford tht is ..
@cctvzc (36)
• China
11 Aug 09
HaHa~~~I see myself in mirror every time.I want to gain my weight,but no matter how many food I eat,I do not gain weight.Could you tell me some ways to gain weight?
@nomoso (650)
• India
11 Aug 09
Yeah i will tell you 4 ways to gain weight. You should follow it daily for about 2 months. 1. Eat boiled egg daily (or) 2. Eat ice cream daily (or) 3. Mix honey with milk and have it daily 4. Eat and sleep But you have to work out at regular intervals may once per week. Because all these will increase fat content in your body so be careful.
@cctvzc (36)
• China
12 Aug 09
Thanks for your suggestion.
@cctvzc (36)
• China
12 Aug 09
Thanks for your suggestion!
• Romania
9 Jul 10
I like what I see. Maybe a little improvement... but I can live with that :))
@nomoso (650)
• India
12 Sep 10
If you are satisfied that is 80% enough.