What would you like to shop for?

United States
May 16, 2008 8:57am CST
Yesterday, I bought a king sized comforter and two sets of pillow shams for $36. I have to admit, I really am privy to some great deals by working in a department store. It was originally about a $300 comforter and the pillow shams were $30 a piece. Anyway, just in time to spruce up for my aunt's visit. If I could go out today though and buy any one item, I would definitely buy a new couch. Ours has seen better days, but the departmemt store where I work doesn't sell furniture and even if they did, I think $36 is pretty much out of the question. If you could go out today, and buy one item, no matter how big or small, what would you buy?
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25 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 May 08
I don't really need things right now (perhaps a carpet for the lounge). If it were just me, I'd go to the Travel Agent and buy an airline ticket, First Class because I am going to be airborne a long time. The ticket would take in the following places in no order of priority: Edinburgh, New York, Regina, St Louis, Phoenix, Brisbane, Singapore, Mumbai, Paris and back to London. Can you guess why I'd make that trip? Hope so.
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• United States
17 May 08
Maybe I'm tired from work, but no I don't know why you'd make that trip. After all you didn't mention Phoenix.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
17 May 08
OH YES I DID!!! Look again please, it's there between St Louis and Brisbane. You had me worried for a minute. In fact, I might make a special trip to Phoenix anyway. That'll teach you.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
16 May 08
For me it woukld be a computer tower. Or a new computer. Mine has had it. My sounds doesn't work anymore and other problems I am having. It is time for a new one. At the same time I am glad mine works and I have a way to get online and talk and respond to others.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
17 May 08
Yeah that is true. I might as well go for the whole computer.
• United States
17 May 08
Why just have the tower, when you can go for the whole darn computer. Go for the gusto.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
16 May 08
A matching bedroom suite. We have a king size bed with non-matching dresser and side table. Looks out of place (second hand items). It would be nice to have a full bedroom suite that matches and looks nice.
• United States
17 May 08
Don't feel bad, our bedroom doesn't match either. In fact my boyfriend comes with a 1970's water bed. I'd give anything for a regular bed.
@mummymo (23706)
16 May 08
There are so many things I would love to buy for our house! My other half though is desperate for a large flat screen tv to put on the wall and if I could afford it I think I would get that for him - I am sure the kids would love it for films and the wii too! That was a brilliant deal sweetheart , the job certainly has its perks doesn't it? xxx
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• United States
17 May 08
Yes, working in retail, definitely has its perks. We are need of a new tv too. Everytime it turns on, its a miracle.
@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
16 May 08
hi k. i'll definitely get something for my daughter. maybe a nice dress or a cute toy. anything i know that will put a smile in my little princess' face. i've always found myself drifting to the kid's section whenever i dropby a department store. i always want to check if i can buy something for my daughter. no matter how small or inexpensive it is, as long as it is somethign that she can use or have fun with, i don't have second thoughts and i just purchase it for her.
• United States
17 May 08
I do the same thing with my son. My boyfriend says I spoil him, but I really don't. If I see a good deal, I'm going for it. An 11 year old boy can always use new clothes and new shoes. Yesterday, I was able to buy him 2 Ecko and 2 G-Unit hats for .75 a piece. How can I pass up deals like that?
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 May 08
You sound just like my mom used to she always bought stuff for me and my sister, but rarely for herself 'so allen please go do some shopping just for you. lol
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• Philippines
16 May 08
i'd say a buy a house and lot of my own with a car. hehehe. If something I can really buy with my money, I'd go for a personal computer.
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• United States
17 May 08
All three sound good, but I think its going to have to be the personal computer. LOL.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 May 08
oh let me think.... if i could go out right now and get something no matter what, it would be red peep toe pumps. yes i know it sounds silly but i have been looking for the perfect pair and i can not find them. so if i could get one thing that would be it.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 May 08
Oh you are killing me!! I have to have those shoes, I just have too. I probably only wear them once, but i just love them and i want them, no i need them. where do you live i will come get them
• United States
19 May 08
Too bad you didn't live closer. I've probably got the perfect pair where I live and they are all on clearance. LOL.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
17 May 08
I could do with a new car... but $36 won't do it. I also would like a faster computer... And a wide screen television. That's about all. lol
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• United States
17 May 08
No $36 won't buy you a new car, but then again I never put limitations on how much you could spend. Thats just what I spent on my comforter. So want to reconsider?
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 May 08
I would love to go out and buy me a gazebo to have put up in my back yard. They are very expensive though and I just do not have the money to buy one yet. I would also love to go out and buy me a whole new wardrobe. I am clothes poor right now because I have grown out of them over the years. I would actually like to lose weight and wear my old new ones.
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• United States
19 May 08
I just saw a beautiful gazebo at the grocery store of all places the other night, for only $179. I thought that was really reasonable. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be at the top of my list, but it would be nice to have in this heat. Its 110 today.
• Philippines
20 May 08
If you still remember, I shared something about my plans of going abroad to pursue my studies. At this point, I am already purchasing some things that I believe I will be needing once I am already there. I wanted to buy new luggages but since my old ones are still in good shape, I decided to use the money for other stuffs. I have been looking for good thermal clothes but still have not found any. Well, I did but the quality is not really nice. I was lucky to have found some leg and arm warmers though. In the next few days, I will be looking for some good pairs of shoes that I can bring with me. For now, I just hope that I get to have my papers very soon.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 May 08
Thats wonderful. Where is it exactly you will be traveling?
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
17 May 08
Katherine..would food count? LOL I would rather go out and buy as much food as i could since groceries are getting so expensive..i really have everything I need so food and not budgeting would really be a treat for me..LOL Anyone want some of my furniture? LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
17 May 08
Your couch has got to be in better shape than mine, so I'll take that. LOL.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
17 May 08
oops..forgot to say..my cats use it as a scratching post so sorry..they get this from me..LOL..anything else you'd like?
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
19 May 08
Oh, if I have a lot of money today I would definitely buy a telivision set for my Mother. Our TV is somewhat old and needs to be replaced soon.
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• United States
19 May 08
I know the feeling. Our tv is old and is going to need to be replaced soon too. Its such an expense.
@danoluma (817)
• Kenya
17 May 08
I would probably buy a digital camera! i lost mine acouple of days ago and I badly miss it!
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• United States
17 May 08
You lost your camera? I would be so heartbroken. I hope you are able to replace it soon.
• India
17 May 08
i would like to shop for clothes.... i want to buy some formals
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• United States
19 May 08
That would be alot of fun. Where would you wear the formals to?
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
16 May 08
Well right now!! I would purchase a home if I could afford it... One where the roof was not falling in, the septic was not full and the floor was not falling thru... kinda sad when I right it down... But I have seen MAJOR worse... most people don't know about any of this... just maybe the roof! lol kinda a spendy item huh! lol
• United States
17 May 08
I guess it could be worse. You could have no home at all. I really wish I had the money for your roof at least.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
16 May 08
Same as you I need a new sofa, I want a sectional with reclining ends, but i can't afford one right now so we make do with what we have. I got a comforter for my King size bed at Macy's on a mark down, it was original $400, ended up paying $40. for it, had sheets and the works. Don't you just love those specials.
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• United States
17 May 08
Yes, I do love those specials and I run into them every single day. But you know what, I don't spend more than $40 a week. Not bad considering.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 May 08
well since I am not really rich I would take my twenty five dollar gift certificate and go and buy myself a pretty skirt as I am much too big to be wearing pants and anyway I really do want a new skirt and perhaps with a few dollars added'from my mylot money I could afford really really pretty and practicaltoo. not very exciting but it would be for me. Kb you really did get a great bargain on the comforter and the pillow shams. good for you. I have seen those priced on line and some of them are really expensive. i would love to get a new bedspread too fro my twin bed. My son gave me the most luxiourus sealy posturpedic two years ago and it needs some bigger'sheets too as mine I had really do not fit. So I might also go sheetshopping lol.
• United States
17 May 08
Too bad you don't live close. I could get you a discount on your skirt and yes, I got a wonderful deal on that comforter.
• United States
16 May 08
A dining room table set. I bought a second hand one and it was slightly warped. I got it to refinish it and knew I could unwarp the wood as it wasn't too bad. While in the barn for a couple of months until we moved in, it warped more and now would take a ton of time, effort, and supplies I do not have to fix it. :( We are using it for lack of anything better to use, but it looks terrible!! So, that is what I would buy- a dining room table.
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• United States
17 May 08
I need new furniture in every room of my house. The couches are falling apart. I need dressers for both myself and my son and definitely more table space.
@GreenMoo (11834)
16 May 08
I can't stand shopping, I absolutely detest it. If I had to go out right now & buy something though I'd restock my kitchen as we're about out of food! The only kind of shops I do enjoy are second hand shops where I can browse around and never know what sort of bragin I might pick up. Unfortunately for me there are none close to here. It's a weird society that we live in where going to the shops is considered a hobby by so many people. I think working in a shop would drive me mad! But at least there would be good deals to be had :-)
• United States
17 May 08
Sometimes I like thrift stores and sometimes I don't. I get in my moods. I might shop regularly and then avoid them for a long time.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
16 May 08
Well this a nice question indeed. I would like to go out with my girlfriend and buy her some nice short skirts for some extra fun and also i would like to buy a new computer because the old one is kind of getting me annoyed.
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• United States
17 May 08
I'm sure your girlfriend would be pleased to know that you thought of her first.