Trials in Life!! how to face it bravely?

@Bebs08 (10681)
United States
June 13, 2008 9:45am CST
This is the question that needs encouraging answers. It is really hard to face trials if your faith is not strong enough. As if the world falls down on you when trials and disappointment came. Hard to think of what to do. Hard to stay in focus. How did you face this? how you usually react when trials and problems come? are brave to face it? are you whining,complaining or what? well,,,others.. did and they will be wet to the right mood after letting our what they feel. How about you?
9 responses
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
When I face trial, I always make it a point to bring all the burden to God in prayers instead of worrying or complaining... for in the first place I have been assured by God in His word that He will never leave me nor forsake me and this is what makes me strong even in the midst of the hard trials in life. I have great faith that no matter what happens, God is with me and He will see me through!
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Good points!! thanks for sharing.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
13 Jun 08
Hi there Bebs! When I feel really down, I remind myself of the things that I have. Everything that I should be thankful for. I spend time with my loved ones to remind myself more that I am loved and cared for by lots of people and I tell the people who are closest to me about how I feel and their reassurances, smiles and hugs never fail to give me the strength and courage to get up again and move on.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Oh!! that's a nice encouragement. Thanks for sharing...
• Australia
30 Jun 08
Life is all about trials. That's why were here. Spirtitual being having a mortal(trial) existence. Not mortal beings haveing a spiritual experience. I always find it comforting to think as well that there are other people in this world having a worse time than me. Now for alot of people that's not comforting but You work it out as you see fit. Pray often, Pray hard and peace be unto you and know it is but a short time before this life is but a memory
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• China
14 Jun 08
I think people shoule be living happily live, to all the brave face, in fact, is no. Is not it? of their actions always been bould with their own ideas, breaking it,no big deal!!
• China
14 Jun 08
everyone should face the fact, shouldn't he ?
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• China
14 Jun 08
Hold your faith!Try to make a step.
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• Philippines
14 Jun 08
Just face them.Your trials will not walk away
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@Insung001 (740)
• Philippines
13 Jun 08
I have been through a lot of trials. I see them as an opportunity to learn. To learn new lessons in life. To practice and harness your thinking capability to cope up with a situation and solve a certain problem. It is often easier said than done ofcourse. But I'd say it's always better to face trials with clear and presence of mind than to whine and worry too much. Just imagine how strong wise you will be when you get to passed those trials. They say the hardness of a steel is measured by the amount of heat it went through. The longer it stays in the furnace, the harder it gets. . The same with us, the more trials we encounter, the more lessons, the more we will grow and become strong, and soon enough will be able to face any challenge life might give. It will make you proud afterwards. After all, can you imagine how boring life would be without trials and challenges? Just keep the faith buddy!
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
15 Jun 08
yes, you have good points.. thanks for sharing.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I think it is only normal to be a little sad and depressed at first. Then you have to pick yourself up and get on with your life. I think if you need to have a good cry or lay in bed all day for a day or to then do so. But then get up and face the world.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
15 Jun 08
correct!! I agree...thanks for sharing.