Back massage wanted so badly....

@Zelmarq (12585)
Cebu City, Philippines
July 16, 2008 10:46pm CST
Im feeling not so well the past few dyas, with a painful back, running nose and a disturbing cough. I am imagining to have a great back massage and I have decided to have it this saturday. I cant wait for that day to come since I really wanted someone to have that therapuetic touch that I know will relieve the stress and the pain on my back. I hope saturday will come as soon as possible, im looking forward. I want to feel the touch that will make me feel comforatble. I will go to the blind masseurs, its famous here in our place. How about you? Do you need back massage too?
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9 responses
• United States
17 Jul 08
I am always in need of a back massage. I am just glad my boyfriend will give me once often. Almost every time I see him I get a massage.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
17 Jul 08
Wow thats good for you to have a boyfriend who massages you back. Thats great, how I wish I could have a boyfriend like yours.
• United States
17 Jul 08
I am very glad to have such a wonderful boyfriend. thank you.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Hope you enjoy it Zel. I have always thought I was too ticklish for a massage. I would probably be okay as long as they didn't touch my neck (that's where I'm most ticklish). Lately my back has been bothering me too so I am considering going for a massage.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Jul 08
I love them well a swedish massage back legs arms and feet I like the Salt and lavenderoil massage on feet to relaxign!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
18 Jul 08
Yes please :):):) I would love a back massage. A real one. Hubby massages my back, but he has no idea of his own strength and I don't think hr has that "therapeutic touch" either :)I think the last time I had a proper back massage was almost 16 years ago. I felt so much better after. But to get one here is quite expensive so I have just doing without.
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
17 Jul 08
Hi Zel, When I have that feeling before, I also used to visit the group who are expert in foot massage and it will relived me a lot..But,now it is very expensive here in our area and if I need one, I will just asked my husband to massage my back..He has a strong hand so it helps a lot especially sitting down often doing MYlotting..LOL! I hope you will feel better.I know how it feels when you're not feeling well!
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
18 Jul 08
yup, I think I need one soon! there is one place nearby that offers $10 for 10 mins of massage for head and shoulders only. It's not that cheap but I guess it offers some fast relief. and the places where I ache the most are the shoulders anyhow. I have never experienced blind massage but i think that must be great. and we are also helping them stay employed so that's a good thing to consider! i know a friend who has a blind masseuse. perhaps I should get her contact from her. thanks for the thought!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Jul 08
I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. My daughter is sick also and she has a doctor appointment today to see what is wrong with her. We think she may have a urinary tract or kidney infection. My husband usually gives me my back messages. I like to have those every now and then also when my back hurts too.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
17 Jul 08
Hi Zelmarq! I have seen those blind masseurs in Greenhills before but have never gotten their services. I have always wanted to have a massage from them as I have heard how good they really are. Maybe one of these days, I will. And I hope you will be feeling better even before Saturday comes. Take care of your health and God Bless!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Jul 08
I have never had a back massage before although somedays I do think that I could do with one. I would like to have one done just to see what it feels like though!
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