Morning or evening - which is the best time to water your garden?

September 3, 2008 1:32am CST
People in my locality are quite stern about it. "You water plants in the morning," they say. They don't give reasons. It is to be accepted as "truth" without questions. I did read in a gardening website that it is better to water the garden in the morning. But, what difference does it really make? In what way is watering the garden in the morning better than watering the garden in the evening? When do you water your garden? Sometimes, I water my garden in the evenings and, sometimes, in the morning. Cheers and happy mylotting
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43 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Sep 08
Hi Positveminded, I am not really much of a gardener myself but all I know is hat I water mine once the sun has gone down or before it is up. I have heard you should never water when the sun is out so a bit like you really in that sometimes I water in the evening, sometimes in the morning. Ellie :D
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
3 Sep 08
You are right, watering in the middle day is like boiling the plants, with water on them in the sun.
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• India
4 Sep 08
LOL same here!! Thanks for the response. :)
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
3 Sep 08
I used to have the same debate with my neighbours. Personally it makes sense to me to water first thing in the morning. A good soaking will take the water below the soil so evaporation is no major issue; and watering at night whilst having temperatures drop with plants and leaves still wet may not be the best thing.
2 people like this
• India
4 Sep 08
Hmmm, you do have a point there, James!!
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
I think it's more practical to water the plants in the evening. With this, the plants will be able to absorb the water. If we plant them in the morning, chances are with the sun up most of the day, the water will be dried up in just a few hours.
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• Australia
3 Sep 08
I agree with you jammyt, especially in summer, it is best to water in the evening, that way the water does not evaporate while the sun is out, giving the plants alot more time to absorb the water.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I also agree and I water my gardens in the evening....Especially on really hot days..On the cooler, cloudy days though sometiems i'll do it in the AM but not often
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• India
4 Sep 08
I have the same idea myself; so it makes perfect sense. Thanks for the response. :)
• United States
3 Sep 08
You water plants in the morning because the plants can use more of the water. If you water after it's hotter in the day, the plant will lose some of the water due to evaporation. It also is best to water in the morning because the plants have a chance to dry off. If you water too late in the evening, the plant will stay damp and disease can set in. The only really bad time to water your plants, though, is during the heat of the day. Instant wilting!
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• India
4 Sep 08
Thats a lovely response. Thanks a lot. :)
• United States
4 Sep 08's wonderful that you've never had a plant to wilt after watering it during the hottest part of the day. However, I have been gardening since I can remember and I am following the advice of my Mom and Grandma who farmed for a living. It is also the same advice given by most "experts," so I guess you are lucky you've never had a plant wilt. It depends on the type of plant that you are talking about. Things firmly rooted in the ground, like trees, bushes and permanent plantings would not have the same reaction as a plant in a container or pot; nor would a vegetable garden or a flower bed with freshly planted flowers. And if watering plants late at night invites disease then I wonder why the entire planet isn't covered with diseased plants since it often rains late in the evenings?? Well, I would imagine that because plants don't usually grow naturally where there isn't good drainage. The plants would also be more well rooted that a freshly planted flower bed or garden. That and the fact that I don't know that some plants don't die because of fungus or molds or other disease because of rain....I really haven't had time to check out the entire planet. You are talking about planet earth, right?
• United States
4 Sep 08
I have never had a plant wilt on my from watering it in the scorching afternoon sun!!!! I HAVE had a wilted plant perk up though after watering it in the heat of the day. And if watering plants late at night invites disease then I wonder why the entire planet isn't covered with diseased plants since it often rains late in the evenings??
• United States
3 Sep 08
I do not pay any attention to what other people have concluded. I watch nature and see the way it behaves. Sometimes it rains in the morning, sometimes it rains in the middle of the night, and sometimes it rains in the middle of the day. So that's what I do. If my plants look thirsty then I water them... I do not look at a clock and say to them "sorry... I know you're thirsty but it is not the appropriate clock time that my neighbor has decided is the only time that you should get a drink".
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• India
4 Sep 08
Hmm that's interesting! I have heard that it is a big no-no to sprinkle water on a plant at high noon. I have brought to life so many little branches stolen from several places by precisely that method. I would plant it and keep sprinkling water over it every two hours, even at noon in the scorching heat, and then one fine day, after a week, I would see buds coming out. And so many people say that sprinkling water on a plant at noon is a sure way to kill it. I have brought plants to life that way.
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• India
5 Sep 08
Wow, you are making my mouth water. I just love watermelon. A slice of watermelon just out of the fridge on a hot day is one of the greatest things in the world. :) Cheers!!
• United States
4 Sep 08
I think that 'rule' to not water your garden in the scorching sun originally had to do with wasting water because of evaporation, but I've heard that it'll burn them up too... I think that 'rumor' probably started when some poor brainless sap didn't know why he was following this rule and just made a reason up. Speaking of gardening... I am eating a watermelon out of my garden right now... in fact it was watered at high noon a couple of times!!! Man it is sooooo sweet and delicious, and I don't even LIKE watermelon!!
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@mikinikih (201)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Either really early in the morning, so the water is absorbed before the sun evaporates it, or early evening (after dinner); if you water too late in the evening the plants can grow mold (dark, wet places are hospitable to mold varieties).
• India
4 Sep 08
What about hot countries? Mold wouldn't be a problem, would it? Cheers!
• United States
4 Sep 08
I think that would depend on how hot it is. We lost one of our rose bushes to mold, even though it was 75 F overnight (in July). Mold can grow when the humidity is between 65 and 99%, but I'm not sure how water on a plant effects the humidity level of that direct area, versus overall humidity of a larger region. According to Charter Oak Environmental FAQ's, mold thrives between 40 & 78 degrees F, but can grow at temperatures up to 100 degrees F. Hope this helps:)
1 person likes this
• India
5 Sep 08
It sure helps. Thanks! :)
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I read that it's best to water in the morning before it gets to warm. You can water during the day, it won't kill the plant, because the water will evaporate before it even gets to the root. If you water in the evening when the sun is going down, it can cause the plant to get bacteria and die. So, I try to water in the morning, but I also water in the evening. Speaking of plants, I need to take some epsom salt and mix it with water and fertilize my flowers.
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• India
5 Sep 08
Thanks for the epsom salt tip. :) Why epsom salt? I have never heard of this before. Cheers!!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I always water in the morning when possible. I was told years ago watering during the heat of the day is bad because the water magnifies the sun's rays on the leaves and burns them. Watering at night leaves the plants wet through the cooler nights and can cause or encourage molds. Watering in the morning gives the water time to get down into the roots and help support the plants through the heat of the day. I've always had good luck with this and can't imagine changing.
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• India
12 Sep 08
Thanks for the tip, my friend!!!
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I was once told to water my plants in the early morning as waterng at night can cause water to stand and cooler temps could cause the standing water to harm the plants. It couls cause stem rot or fungus that could kill the plants. This is for outdoor plants. Afternoon watering is a definite no-no as the sun will just evaporate the water before it has a chance to soak in. I always water in the AM before work when I have a garden.
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• India
5 Sep 08
Thanks a lot for the response. :)
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I heard its better to water plants in the evening. The sun will take in the water if you water in the morning or even can burn your plants if there is water on the leaves. Magnifing the sun onto your plants using the sun with the water. If you do have to water in the morning make sure you put the water on the soil and not on the plants themselves. If you have a green thumb which I don't then your plants will grow easily.
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• India
8 Nov 08
Thanks a lot for the response. :)
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I have no idea when it is better to water plants or why. I pretty much water mine whenever I remember to do it. If I didn't do it right then, I would be on to something else and they would never get any water at all.
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• India
5 Sep 08
Haha ... I believe that is very convenient. Thanks for the response. :)
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I have always read that watering either in the evening or in the very early morning is best. This gives plenty of time for the water to soak into the soil before the hot sun comes out to evaporate it - so teh plants get better use of the water.
• India
5 Sep 08
Yes, I have heard the same too. :) Cheers!
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
4 Sep 08
You've probably got this answer already, and I apologize for duplicating it if you have. Watering your plants in the morning enables them to absorb more of it before it evaporates. Once the temperature rises, the water will evaporate more and more rapidly. You don't want to water in the evening because wet plants tend to spread fungi and bacteria much faster. Once the sun has set, the plants will remain wet much longer than during the day and bacteria has a much better opportunity to spread rapidly throughout the garden.
• India
5 Sep 08
You don't have to apologize. :) I have got the same answer before, but it is always nice to read how someone else puts it. :) Cheers and thanks for the response. :)
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I've been told early morning is best. In the evening, if it's not too late, it's not bad but too late is not good, something to do with mold. As long as you don't over water or do it when the sun is bright, allowing it to evaporate, then I would not worry.
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• India
5 Sep 08
Thanks for the response. :)
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I like to water mine in the early morning. I like to have them strong to face the heat and sun for the day. But I have also watered in the evening time too. Just never ever in the heat of the day. It will just evaporate in the heat of the day.
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• India
5 Sep 08
You sure have a point there. :) Thanks for the response. :)
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
4 Sep 08
For me when i was in my province in put water two times a day in the morning & afternoon,that will be the best time to put flower in my garden.
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• India
4 Sep 08
Thanks for the input. :)
• United States
4 Sep 08
As I live in a very hot section of the US I prefer to water in the evening. This gives to ground enough time to absorb the water whereas in the morning most of it evaporates in the heat of the day.
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• India
4 Sep 08
Same here. I live in a hot country, India... that's why I felt watering in the evenings was a better idea. :) Thanks for the response. :)
• United States
4 Sep 08
ok--the reason is -better to water in the morning because if you water later in hotter time of day the water tends to evaporate quicker cause of the heat and the reason watering at night isnt usually a good idea cause some plants are prone to mildew and watering at night theres no sun to dry the leaves and it can also attract bugs and snails to your plants if the ground is wet at once in awhile watering after dark is not a bad thing but it seems to be healthier for the plants with early morning watering,,hope that clears it up for you,
1 person likes this
• India
4 Sep 08
yup, your post was very very informative. Thanks a lot. :)
• United States
4 Sep 08
i think late in the afternoon when the sun goes down is the beat time. they have all night to soak up the water w/out the hot sun beating down on them.
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• India
5 Sep 08
That's a good idea. Thanks!
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
4 Sep 08
I think when you water your plants t night it ruins the photosynthesis process. Photosynthesis requires both sunlight and water in order to work. SO if there's no sunlight and just water then the plants will have to work overtime to store the water for the next day's work. That's what I think. Also, it might have something to do with the water temperature? Watering plants in the morning might be best because the water's not too cold to freeze the plants.
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• India
4 Sep 08
Thanks for the tip, my friend. :)