An Earring Got Stuck Inside My Daughter's Earlobe!!! What Shall I Do Now!!?!!

@schulzie (4061)
United States
October 26, 2008 4:25am CST
Today I checked my daughter's earrings and noticed that one of her earrings was missing. Well, I saw the backing was on her ear and her ears had been having reactions to her earrings so I had given her ears a break. Anyways, I tried to remove the backing from her ear I felt a lot of resistance and my daughter yelped in pain and to my horror I saw that the earring was stuck inside of her ear! So, I wiggled around on her earlobe where the earring should have been and I saw a little twinkling that was the cubic zirconia part of the earring itself peaking out from inside her piercing. So, I gently applied slight pressure from the back of her earlobe towards the front and stretched the skin until it came back out the front of her earlobe. She was bleeding and crying and I felt just awful for her. I gave her some childrens Tylenol and put the antiseptic cleaner that I got from Claire's when her sister got her ears pierced. After I cleaned her ear really well I left all earrings out of her ears and put Neosporin on her earlobe and am going to keep an eye on it. Has anyone else here had this problem? What kind of earrings can I use on her now? The hole is pretty large due to this and I usually put post earrings on her. Would small hoops be a better option? I don't want the holes to seal up and I do realize that I should wait for them to heal a little before attempting to put another pair of earrings on her. Any prior experience with this or advice would be great. I had thought about taking her to the doctor, but I don't think that they could really do anything for her at this point. I just want to make sure she doesn't get an infection and that the hole becomes smaller - the way it is supposed to be. Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!
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19 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Oct 08
OUCH for your daughter poor thing and I never heard of this happening before so maybe it was to small to be in her ear as it sunk in oops. Of course get it healed up before putting any thing back in. and I would say get her some wire errings no way can they get lost!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Thats good to hear hugs and blessings
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I know it just looked so very painful! I felt so sorry for her. But they have almost healed up completely by now. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@mentalward (14691)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Don't worry about the holes sealing up... they won't. Once they are established and have healed when they were initially pierced, they will never seal up again. It sounds like your daughter has an allergy to nickel. I have an allergic reaction to everything except solid gold and platinum. I can't even wear gold plated earrings for very long because the plating wears off or at least thin enough for what is underneath to affect my ears. It looks like your daughter is the same way. I've had my ears swell up and become infected if I tried wearing anything but gold or platinum. I had the exact situation happen to me where the post earring got buried inside because my ear lobe swelled up so badly. I didn't use Neosporin but I did wash it very often with peroxide, which healed it up quite nicely. Once it was healed completely, I put in a pair of solid gold earrings and didn't have a bit of trouble. It may require a little 'push' to get it through the hole, but it will not seal completely... the skin might grow together, but the hole will still be there. After putting in gold or platinum earrings once her ear has healed, you should wash it a few times a day with peroxide until the skin heals. It's more expensive, of course, but it's better to buy really good earrings than go through the pain of infected ears!
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Oh, don't worry about the hole being large right now. Once it heals, the hole will shrink.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Well, her ears are starting to look almost normal at this point, so I am relieved. I have been cleaning her ears with hyrdrogen peroxide and then then putting a clean gold earring into the holes and then back out and then cleaning again. I would say within another month they should be about back to normal. Thanks so much for your advice! Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Okay...I have never had that problem...but someone once told me to put string through it until it heals....then the hole won't close and you won't have the problem with losing another you will get the string through I don't know.....but it won't get infected either.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
That sounds like a good idea, however she is 10 years old and I can't begin to think how someone might pull that string at school and then slice her earlobe right open. I saw a lady one time whose earlobes were sliced like that. That is a big fear of mine for a child. But thanks for the advice. Her ears are almost back to normal thank goodness! Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Do not put any earing's in. Let the hole close or it will stay big. You can alway's get it repierced. My girlfriends son did that on perpose as to make the holes bigger. The best thing right now is not to put any earings in at all until it heals. Call your Nurse and tell her what happened see what they have to say. But I would let it heal and redo it later. What is the harm if you do it later does she really need pierced ears. No not right now. If she gets sad tell her when she gets married. lol Your friend onlydia
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
They are almost completely healed now. I kept cleaning them and putting the earrings back in. I got her ears pierced when she was six months old so she would not have to go through the pain of having her ears pierced and remembering it. I had mine done as an adult and it hurt so much! Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Oh my goodness Iv never had anything like that happen I'm sorry it must have been really painful the only thing I can recommended is that you take her to the doctor and maybe the doctor can sagest somthing for that.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Well it is almost completely healed now. I have been keeping it clean with hydrogen peroxide and it looks pretty good now. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Oh good I'm glad its better now.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
I really don't know what to say about that at all. It just sounds so painful. I feel sorry for her and hope she gets better really soon.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Thanks, I'll be keeping an eye on it. I hope she gets better soon too.
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@GardenGerty (158350)
• United States
27 Oct 08
That did happen on one of my ears, the second time I got them pierced. You are right, putting wires or hoops in will keep the hole open, but let them heal to a smaller size. I like to coat my posts or any other earring with neosporin or other antibiotic ointment before putting them in. The usual instructions on new piercings used to involve telling the new wearer to twist the earrings twice a day. If that is done they would not get ingrown.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I never thought about putting Neosporin on the earring before putting it in but that really is an excellent idea! I got her ears pierced when she was six months old and she is ten years old now. So the piercings are not new at all. She is just a typical kid and probably got dirt, etc. into the holes. Thanks for the advice. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
2 people like this
• United States
27 Oct 08
someone else has mentioned only being able to wear gold or platinum. i have that same problem..if its anything less than 24karat, then i get an infection and the swelling starts. i CAN wear silver though, without any problems. but if its gold plated, its like the acids in my skin or something start to "eat" thru the plating in a just a day or two and the most it seems! im sure you've seen those "hypo-allergenic" ones that you are not supposed to have a reaction to, dont believe it! if she is having trouble with infections and she is wearing something other than silver, platinum, or a 24k gold, i wouldnt even try those hypo-allergenic ones!! i cant even wear them for an hour before my earlobes start feeling painful and begin to turn red! let it heal, keep cleaning it, and invest in a pair of quality gold studs. after its healed you might have to put pressure to get the stud back thru the hole.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Thanks for all the advice. I was getting her the sensitve ears ones and the hypo-allergenic ones and they make her ears swell up too. Personally, I cannot wear the silver ones they make my ears get a crust on them. I can only wear gold earrings, but thankfully I can wear 14 karat earrings. Thankfully, her ears have almost completely healed up by now and I can almost put some earrings back in there. I think I will have to get her some really nice 18 karat or 24 karat earrings. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
2 people like this
• United States
20 Jun 12
so i need a little help here, the back of my earring was rather small and my ear basically engulfed the back of it. i attempted to dig it out without any success so i yanked the front of the earring out. the back of the earring is still stuck in my ear. soo will it naturally push it-self out? or do i have to remove it? would it be a big deal if i just left it in there?
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
27 Jun 12
Well, I'm not a doctor or anything but what happened to you exactly is what happened to my cousin when she was little. It won't come out its own, your ear will grow around it. You either have to go to the doctor and have them remove it or try to push it back out with the front of the earring. It's gonna hurt if you try but that's what my cousin did. For my girl her ear was swollen around it but the hole had stretched and it was still fresh enough of a wound that I could push it back out. It bled alot though and I would recommend going to the doctor if it's completely stuck inside. Good luck.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
27 Oct 08
if you could not have gotten it out then you would have need to carry her to the doctor and have it i haven,t had this problem with a earing getting in the ear we have to be very careful when putting on our earring because things like this can happen any time. now you have to watch for infection if it start to become red swollen you need to start treating for infections since this is the signs.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Yes, it is doing much better now. It is almost healed up. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I had a simular problem when I was young. I got my ears pierced and had a pair of earrings with balls on the back. While wearing them the little balls slid inside my earlobes and the skin grew over them. There was no way to get them out and I had to have a little cut made by the hole in order to get them out. I've also repierced my ears when they've closed using a sewing needle, a fishhook and a piece of stiff wire (I know, stupidity). These days I have one hole in each ear (though I did have them pierced a second time years ago, those are closed now) and I keep the original posts in them. If you decide to put earrings back in your daughter's don't say how old she is...make sure it's something she wants to do and I'd stick with hoops. [b]MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG AND TRUST IN GOD**[/b]
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Thanks so much for the advice. Her ears have almost completely healed now and I won't need to get them re-pierced thank goodness. I put cleaned earrings into the holes about every 3 days and clean with hydrogen peroxide. She will be wearing her earrings tomorrow for a little bit as she has a cheerleading competition tomorrow. She is 10 years old and pretty good about not messing with her earrings. The only thing she does do is lose them sometimes when she is wearing them. Her dad bought her some diamond earrings and she lost both of them at the playground at school somewhere. They were quite expensive too. Thanks for your comment and have a great day!!!
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I am not sure how old your daughter is, but I had a bad experience with my peireced ears when I was younger, mostly due the fact that I was not responsible enough yet to take care of them. My ears got really infected. We tried to continue to keep them peirced but I finally decided it was not worth all the pain and frustration. You might want to ask your daughter how important it is to her that her ears remain pierced. Since the hole at the moment is too large, and will likely need to heal before she can wear earings again you might have to just re-do the ear once it heals. The hole will still be there but a little skin might grow over it, but is usually easy to re-do. For best healing I would honestly let them do what they need to do to heal, and then once they are all healed you can just re-open the hole. If you try to put earings in there before it is healed it could really hurt her and cause a horrible infection.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Thank goodness her ears are almost healed now. She won't need them re-pierced. Thanks for your advice. Thanks for your comment and have a great day!!!
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I would have no idea. I was a day care director years ago when my son was little and heard way too many horror stories about babies and toddlers with earrings that I would never recommend them to anyone.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
You know, the funny thing is that she has had pierced ears since she was 6 months old and only just now is there a problem when she is 10 years old. She is going to have to learn to take care of them as she is getting older now. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Hi , OH WOW ! I have not heard of this ! Sorry she had to go thru that . must of been so painful . Dont worry the hole wont heal up that fast . give the ear time to heal . I would not wanna wear them again tho if i went thru all that.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I will never put those cheap earrings that got lost in her earlobe in her ears again! It was awful. I felt so bad for her. But not her ears are almost back to normal, thank God. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
2 people like this
• United States
15 Jul 09
The same thing happened to me and to my daughter!! I ended up finding earring with a bigger stone that wouldn't slip inside of my ear. . . My daugther needed very small hoops. The earring backs bothered her ears too. They were too abrasive. She is still in the process of healing up. In hindsight, I should have bought the extra long posts with a larger front. Or maybe they should start making all of them that way!!
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
15 Jul 09
Yes, you would think that they would make all of those type of earrings with the longer post and bigger stones/settings in order to avoid these problems. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Oct 08
That was killing me trying to read that. WOW! I am so glad you were able to get that out. It sounds as if you did the right thing all the way around. Cleaning it ut and putting antibiotic on it was the best you could do. Probably should give it a few days. The lobe should heal back to normal size after some time. Hopefully you can catch it before it closes.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Yes, it is starting to look almost normal now. I am cleaning an earring, poking it in the hole, then taking it out. Then I clean her ears again. I think it will be ok. At least I hope so. Poor little thing! I know it had to hurt alot! Thanks for your comment and have a nice day!
2 people like this
• United States
19 Nov 08
Are the earrings that you are putting in too small? That may be the problem. Also, do you change her earrings frequently, or do you leave the same pair in? If you leave the same pair in for an extended amount of time, make sure that you turn/rotate them at least once a week.
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• United States
8 Aug 09
I had the same thing to happen to my daughter today as a matter of fact!!! We actually went straight to the doctor when I noticed it. They had to "put her ear to sleep" twice actually. But they were able to push it back through. I am not sure the size of your daughter's earring, but ours were small cz's. Her hole is the same size as before so I am not sure why hers is so big. You and I have different desires for our daughters. When we got home I took the other earring out of the "good" ear and we decided to let her ears grow back. Also, I wanted to let you know that they put my daughter on a round of antibiotics to clear up any infection. Hope this helps a little, just glad I am not in this boat by myself. Jeanne Lewis
16 Jan 12
I found this website because this same thing happened to me today. It is a second piercing, done about 4 weeks ago. I wear a CPAP face mask at night so I think maybe the strap pushed the front of very small earring into the ear. We used a wire cutter to hold the post while I removed the back...of course not squeezinf hard enough to cut through the post. Then I had more room to push the post forward and have the front pop back out. I took advil about a half hour before hoping that it would ease the inflamation. I kept dousing it with the anticeptic over and over and I will do the neosporin on the next post I put in. I will use gold just to be safe but I don't think in my case the kind of metal was problem. Good luck to anyone else who comes searching here. If all else fails, head to urgent care and let the professionals figure it out!
• Vernon, New York
8 May 14
This is happening to me right now!! It hurts a lot.