What made you take shower twice within quick succession?

....laughing at myself - Cannot stop laughing.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
December 10, 2008 9:02am CST
I just had to! Usually I take shower after I come back from office . Today was no exception and I had a nice, satisfying shower. And I wanted to try my new found lotion, a brand new, alluring bottle! It felt bit slimy though but who cares, I thought it’s one of those new things. Then guess what, the lotion would not dissolve and on rubbing my hands got all white! Obviously, it wasn’t just a moisturiser. It was a moisturiser filled body wash! Now, no points for gauzing my stupidity! That makes me wonder, have you ever had to wash two times, in quick succession?
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12 responses
@mayka123 (16605)
• India
11 Dec 08
This has happened to me when my kids were just a few years old. I had come home late from office and my husband was is one of his very good moods. He decided to make the dinner for all of us and even serve it at the dining table. So I went for a quick shower and asked them to have their dinner. Hubby served my plate and all the three started eating their meals. They had almost finished by the time I came to the table. Hubby suddenly moved his hand to take something and the plate landed on my lap....with hot food.......Luckily it was not too hot so I did not get burnt.....but had to rush again for another bath.....and had to sleep with just a glass of milk because all the food was over and I was too angry to cook a meal just for myself.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
This such a sweet thing you have shared, Nora. Even though you to shower two times and had to end up with milks only, this memory is going to stay forever. Beautiful fond memory!
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@sivanj (1263)
• India
11 Dec 08
Very funny it sounds but i can understand the mood u were in at that moment. but such things do happen when we have food or go out to play in theme parks. something goes bad and u r forced to take bath again. when we recall it would sound a funny moment to cherish.
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@mayka123 (16605)
• India
12 Dec 08
Since my husband is no more these are some fond memories. My kids do remember a lot of instances when for some reason I had to sleep with just a glass of milk!!!!
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
11 Dec 08
LOL! It shows that you were in a hurry, when you bought that lotion and you did not carefully read about its contents. It does not matter, if you had to undergo the shower twice, it would have refreshed you doubly.........!!! As you have described, there was no other option left but to take a bath for the second time. I cannot recall similar type of incident happening with me, however, few days ago I had to take bath twice, in quick successions. I had taken my first bath and was wiping my body with a dark coloured towel and suddenly etching and irritation started all over my body, when I tried to find out the reason, I was horrified to see the red ants crawling all over my body and making me feel restless. Understandly, the ants were in the towel and when I rubbed it, they landed on my head and body. I could not think of any other immediate remedy to get rid of those naughty ants and had to take go under the shower again, till all ants went away from my body (the weather at that time was pleasant, had it been winter, it would have more difficult to take shower again). After that, I take adequate precautions in using my towel and check it many times, if there are not any ants travelling within the towel.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
That must have been terribly scary! Red ants can be annoying, I get severe allergies to bites. Good thing, you washed yourself. Hope they didn't bite you and make you red. lol..
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@mayka123 (16605)
• India
12 Dec 08
Hi Deepak, Congratulations on completing 6000 posts
@balasri (26537)
• India
11 Dec 08
I don’t have to be careless to take showers in quick succession Mimpi. Whenever I go out I take a quick shower and go. So the successions depend on the frequency of me getting out of the house which is very often.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 08
Really! you mean, before every step outside you take a plunge!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
11 Dec 08
I promise.Ask my wife.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 08
I dont have to ask the queen, I know her king well, I guess.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Dec 08
hi dear well, its nice to know that NEw Cosmetic make u take shower in succesion well, i dont use any cosmetic after showe so it never happened to me, but i do take shower for longer times when i am in mood to enjoy and i can stand under shower for 20-30 mins Take care
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Dec 08
I know Zass, you have always been a shower singer...
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Dec 08
No i don't. I just love my friends and they are special...
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Dec 08
aahhhhh why people have so good memory kia aap badam khati hooo
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
12 Dec 08
Hi mimpi! I am thinking if this happen to me before, but I can't come up with one, lol. But I know that I shampoo my hair twice, I thought that I have conditioner in my hand and didn't realized that I'm still holding shampoo, lol. But I'm sure that you smell great after two shower.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
You know what I have been there as well! Now, I admit that I am very careless with all those messes. My mom thinks that I am crazy and quirky. I refute but I know that I am.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Dec 08
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
11 Dec 08
Hi Mimpi,if this discussion is an indirect way of asking me whether I have used body wash in place of a moisturising lotion,The answer is NO.!!!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 08
So, you mean, you never showered two times in quick interval!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
Good for you dear...
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
11 Dec 08
No never got a chance......
@lovesummer (1162)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Yes!! particularily after I have done some other rubbing activity lol lol then I take a quick shower after that ehe
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
31 Dec 08
That's sensible!
@riyasam (16556)
• India
10 Dec 08
mornings are very hectic for me.i have to get my daughter dressed up for school at 7.00am.also have to prepare her tiffin.my kid is so picky.(she doesnt want this,she doesnt want that).my son goes at 9.00 to pre-school.after that i take a shower.by that time ,my son returns.one day ,i fed him something forcibly and he threw up all over me.a shower again was the only option.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 08
You just narrated a perfect picture of a household that have kids around....I have seen my sisters there!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Dec 08
I am trying to think of a time where I may have had two showers one after the other and I am coming up short! Knowing my own clumisness etc though, I am sure that there will have been one time or another where I have showered and then spilled something on myself, or painted something and then had to re-shower etc but my memory is refusing to work for me today it seems! If I remember anything eventually I will come on back.....
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
This happens James. Never mind, this even happens to panda spanker no. 1.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
11 Dec 08
nothing like that for me. I guess you missed out the product actually. you should have read it well. but still it happens.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 08
I am so stupid...
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Yes, I have done that before, and also once right after coming out of the bath and putting all fresh clothes on, including a new blouse that I'd never worn before, I managed to drop a pot of spaghetti sauce and it hit the side of the cupboard and bounced off onto my shoulder and then to the floor and then it bounced up and hit my knee. Oh, yes, I was wearing white long pants, too. I went right back into the shower!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 08
Don't tell me!! White trousers and new blouse!!
@syfarisk (378)
• Malaysia
11 Dec 08
I don't think I've ever done that. Here in Malaysia most people shower twice a day, in the morning and evening. Even if I've done it before, I can't recall. But the only one I can think is when I've taken my shower in the morning, and then suddenly I change my mind and feel like going for a morning jog. So, I will take my jog, and then take another shower afterwards. I think that was the quickest. But definitely not quicker than the one you just mentioned.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Dec 08
That's quite sensible actually. Having to go without shower after a jog, would be the last thing I would want. Thanks for dropping in syfarisk.