how is 2008 for you? did u have a good year or not?

December 17, 2008 6:34am CST
hi mylotters. the year is about to end. looking back i may say that this year is not my year. i had so much trials and challenges this year which i thought i could not surpass. but on the brighter side, i could still smile @ 2008 because as i count my blessings this year, could definitely say that God is faithful to me this year because He never leave me or forsake me in the midst of my turmoil. I had a new house, new job and new business venture this year. what a blessing! i realized that no matter how many bad things happened to me this year, counting my blessings made me say that God is really good. Im looking forward to be much more better year in 2009. how about you? thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts.
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69 responses
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
In retrospect, even though I don;'t have a data entry gig at the moment, 2008 would probably come as the most productive year in my work. The project got easier and we found a payment method that better suits our needs. It was a great year overall. I do hope 2009 will be another slam bang affair!
• United States
23 Dec 08
Same is with me. Start of 2008 was somewhat mixed of good and bad things. Half of it went not so good, living in loneliness as I departed from my loved ones. Really got sick of it. Started looking for jobs but it's pretty hard to get job in the place where 'give local priority' shitz is running in. felt real 'f*ck*d uP'.. but after 2 quarters past, things started turning good to me. So, it's both bad and good for me.
@mi_amor (25)
• United States
17 Dec 08
2008 has been both a wonderful one as well as a trying one. One of the greatest things is that my spiritual life has grown in leaps and bounds. I was baptized in August as a show of my faith in the Almighty. I am going through a stressful trial but I know that I will have the victory soon. 2008 is the launching pad for my life increase in 2009. Be blessed.
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• Philippines
17 Dec 08
great!having a personal relationship with God is the best thing that could happen to any person. it has eternal results. keep the faith burning and continue to commit your life to God.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
17 Dec 08
Well, I've had my share of ups and downs, probably like a lot of people. Yes, I think that there are some moments that could have been better. But in the end, I can't really complain. I'm content with how my 2008 went. I just think about what I have, a loving fiance, amazing friends, in the process of getting my Bachelor's, a family, I was able to get an incredible job experience over the summer. When I think of those things, I couldn't have asked for better, or for more.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I would say God as always has been very good to me. The year 2008 is filled with blessings and so with trials. What is important to me is that God is always with me through all the circumstances of my life. Good or bad times...He is always with me and so I believe each year will always be a good one for as long as I remain in the loving hands of God. I thank God for having blessed me with a wonderful family. This is more than I could every ask for.
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• United States
17 Dec 08
i cannot wait till 2009!! 2008 has been the WORST freaking year of my LIFE!! everything bad that can happen happened and some more than once!! good riddance and i swear if 2009 isnt better im gonna commit myself to a mental ward
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• Philippines
17 Dec 08
you are not alone. many people in this world are going through so much. but there is always hope in God. pray that God will give you a better year next year. it also my prayer.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
this year is like the one of the best years i had in my life! i am so blessed and so happy this year and hopefully it would also be the next year.... i was able to find work this year.. i was able to travel! like in four different places which was really great!! me and my husband argued less... my kids are healthier than ever! this year was so great!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
17 Dec 08
It is one of the best years for me.It has brought me luck.
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• United States
17 Dec 08
This year has not been so great!! We have gone through alot of changed in 1 yr that I could have done with out. On the other hand though it did bring a job to my husband (but he is being laid off Jan 9th 2009) and has put us in a new home, but we probably will be loosing all of that in 2009 again. To be honest the past 2 yrs have been difficult on and off. Hopefully 2009 may start off hard but I am hopeing that it will change our luck and we can just live with a little less stress for just a little while. We both really need a break!!!! I can say at least we have been healthy and still are in good health for 2008!!! Thank you God!!!! Shihtzumama
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@rizzu87 (860)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
My year was not that good as i expected it to be alot better. I came to foreign country to study in this year. And the life here is not as good as i thought it would be. But i think i have made the right decision as far as studies are concerned. I use to stay upset most of the time because i was not able to meet my parents this year. I hope 2009 would be alot better for me than 2008. Be happu. keep mylotting
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
17 Dec 08
I have had one of the worst years in 2008.many things went wrong for me personally and all in all it has been a bad year for me and my family.but the best thing that happened to me which made the year tolerable was me getting introduced to online sites like mylot, ciao,helium.i could forget my worries as long as i was with all of my fellow members and friends on these sites and make some earnings too - I am so glad there are places like these online which give happiness and a sense of purpose to so many people :)
@krfanlim (232)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
2008 has been a bad year for me. This year itself, i've failed to accomplish something, and to make things worse, it's not something hard to achieve. But it's been a pretty big slap on my face, because i cannot really accept failures when it's something that i'm moulding and have full control in my own hands. And, the worst part is, i've only seen my loved one twice, this year. Only twice.
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@rajeshank (253)
• India
17 Dec 08
For me its mixed year...both good and bad...happenings first half is really bad and got many problem...i left my job spent more time in home felt very bad...and so support and got really bad mind set...felt really bad.. second half is bit ok...joined new job good concern and good people over there i enjoyed my work..really kool..i solved many problem in my family..and gain good confidence and back to i can say mixed year for me...hope better next years..lets see..:)
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• United States
17 Dec 08
2008 was a very weird and fun year. I've been to the best parties of my life and met some of the best people in my life. Wrestling wise, my career flourished. I was in the main event at the historic Apolo Theater in my town. That was a very big deal to me and still is. Relationship wise, I've had some hot girlfriends. I mean, very cool people I've dated. They all ended for one reason or another, I'm not here to judge. I have also started dating a girl I used to date in 2007 again this year. I'll still be dating her through out 2009 I'm sure. I stopped being friends with one of my best friends. He was talking trash on me over and over to this girl that I wanted to date. So therefore, I tried sabotaging his relationship with his girlfriend and he got mad and we aren't friends now. He tried fighting me in the wal mart parking lot a few months ago. That was funny because I was down to throw down and he just stayed in his car yelling at me. It's funny how people think they are big and bad. Overall, 2008 was a great year and I look forward to the next year. Happy mylotting!
• China
17 Dec 08
it;s not my year,i have lot of trouble in this year,i hope it cn change next year
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• India
17 Dec 08
Lot of good and bad happened to my life in the year 2008.In life we cannot expect only good thing happen to our life.A small incident can turn everything in our life.I think nothing is in our control.A mysterious supernatural force is controlling all our day to day activities.I am hoping that year 2009 brings lot of happiness and joy in my life.
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• United States
17 Dec 08
It had its ups and downs. but it go allot better when i asked my bf out which was almost 8 months ago. But there is still allot of hard times I am having to go threw unfortunately.
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@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
17 Dec 08
2008 has been a great year for me despite the difficulties that i encountered especially with my financial situation. I am hoping for a pleasant surprise in the coming weeks though... hopefully it will come soon because it will be the perfect way to end the year for me :) happy 2008 to all and hope that 2009 will be a good one!
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• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
Hi Chellymarz, Year 2008 is really a challenging year for me. Lots of good and bad challenges on me. Overall, it still a good year as my family and i still live happily even though so many things have happened. In addition with current economic crisis, it really another challenges for year 2009. All the best !!!
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• India
18 Dec 08
It did not happen to me till now because i have spent very less time on mylot till now and moreover i respond to those discussions which have been responded by many mylot people so i think i respond right discussion only and i have never faced the problem till now and moreover i can't understand eventhough mylot has a very big database how they are able to find out the wrong discussions they are really great working in mylot.
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• India
18 Dec 08
this is really a wrong post i had done i thought of it posting in other thread but i did it here can anyone tell me how to delete this please i have tried but i did not find the delete option till now and will this voilate the mylot gudelines i am worried please help me delete the above post
@skjilani (23)
• India
17 Dec 08
i have a pleasant life than any other bcoz what hought of acheving in my life i have got and my life is takin many shapes as it happens in every bodys life th best part my life is my exams were i got marks which i neve even dreeamed in my life
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