How many page of Best Response (BR) have you get ?

@winzpc (2354)
March 13, 2009 1:27am CST
I have got around five page and the sixth page hasn't full yet. I feel excited when I found I get a new BR but I don't care did whether get the BR from my response or not. I just try to make my best in answering the other members problem or sharing my experience with them. How much page already you have ? and What kind of feeling you feel when you see a new BR in you best response box ? Do you check it everyday? I would say Thank's for the willing time to read and make some response in my discussion.
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19 responses
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
14 Mar 09
I never check mine so there you go on that one. I just respond and talk to my friends and see what is going on. You have a great day
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
16 Mar 09
Yeah ok had to go look 3 pages of best responses and took a look at task coming soon have to keep checking back. will be neet I hope talk later mt friend onlydia
@babyorchid (1737)
• China
13 Mar 09
i have to answer this question very sadly.. none
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 09
I very suprise with you when I read your post. You doesn't have any one but you honestly spoke it. That's amaze me. Don't give up. One day you will receive your first BR. It just need a time. Try harder and enjoy yourself in here.
@littleowl (7157)
14 Mar 09
Hi winzpc its good to see you again! I do get excited when I get a BR but never have a look or count how many I have, infact I didn't even realise you could yet it is just really nice to get a BR to me...littleowl
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 09
Hi, littleowl. Nice too see you too. I always check the BR box and see how good was I in making a response to other members discussion. Thank's for the response.
• United States
13 Mar 09
i love best responses. i have 10 pages of them & proud of evyone of them.
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 09
Nice, you have much than mine. I hope you get much more. best response can give the spirit.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Mar 09
thank you. i have probably been here aloot longer than you is why i have more. you will get alot more i'm sure. you have a sweet attitude it seems. good luck & many more best responses.
13 Mar 09
Hi winzpc, I have about 26 Best Response page and I was quite surprised but its a nice surprise, dsidn't I get this much and hope you will get more, I think it just depend how much you spend time on mylot and respond more. Tamara
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 09
HI, tamara. you have suprise me with your number of post. Last seen you just got around 8 thousand. Now you are almost near 10 thosand. Thank's for the post Yeah, I wish can reach the same number with yours.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Another thing to learn about Mylot, where do you find a page of BR that you have earned? I get e-mail showing each one I earn and I always thank the one giving thees to me. I know how hard i work when i give these out so I appreciate when someone gives me one.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Thank you
• Canada
14 Mar 09
I've never thought to look at my BR pages until I found your discussion. I'm surprised to see 5 and a half pages of them. I didn't realize I had so many. I haven't been very active, but I think it's a good amount considering.
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
13 Mar 09
I had to go look to find out..Wow, 7 so far! I honestly didn't think I had that many,but then,I wasn't keeping score how I was doing with that..I just like discovering the interesting subjects for discussion I feel I can offer something to..Best responses are nice,but I'd rather have people checking out my other discussions too..
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 09
Great, you got more than mine. Finding interest discussion and response it make me feel more too.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I have 6 pages of them, I was kind of! No I guess thats good.
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@deepti15 (1190)
• India
14 Mar 09
It's hard to get them now. I get very few BR, ratio must be 1:10. I have 10 pages till now and 11th is half done. First I used to check them daily but now once in a month and I never forget to say thank you for it.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
14 Mar 09
Geezzz, I have to dig it up and see how many I got and I was so surprised to see that I already have 32 pages of BR's. I can't believe that I already have that much yet am very much happy about it. I just got one also the other day just 2 days after I get back online again after a long lay off.
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Well I dont have that many best response pages yet, but its growing, I must admit its kind of nice to receive a best responds, because its a good feeling to know that something I posted made someone feel better or helped in some way, and I like helping others if I can, and receiving best responds is just the icing on the cake.
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@my125125 (818)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 09
Congratulation to you having so much Best Responses, but I only got 2, my friends! It is very sad to me.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 09
better than none. Thank's for the response. Keep post and enjoy yourself in here.
@Jae2619 (1483)
• United States
14 Mar 09
I just started mylot, 2 months ago. I enjoy it and getting a Best Reponse is always a plus with this site, but not a must. I try to answer each of the question the poster has asked, and be honest and truthful. I have 5 full pages of best responses, and with each one I feel honored to have recieved that vote. With best responses, I will thank the poster for giving best repsonse to me. I don't know if that's to be done, but I think out of respect, It should be done. There are some days, where I will check my mail and get a Congratulations, eamil from mylot, and it makes me smile.
@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I get a notification in my e-mail when I receive a best response, so I don't have to actually check it out on mylot's site. I think most people get that notification when they too get a best response. I can't count how many pages of best responses I have. I've been here a long time, so naturally I'd have a lot. I think it is nice when I see I have a best response, but I don't get any special feeling. I just look to see which discussion it was that I answered to get the BR, and that is about it.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
13 Mar 09
I think i have quite a few pages, but i did not check them.. lol =D Most of them comes from my frenz, and i'm actually surprised to receive best responses.. lol =D Most of the time, i will think that there are ple whose responses are much better than mine.. hehe ^_^ To me, best response is just like a bonus.. If i have been awarded with one, i will be happyy.. But if i dun have any, i wont feel disappointed too, for that's not my goal for responding to all kinds of posts ^_^
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@mayka123 (16603)
• India
13 Mar 09
I have not seen the number of pages of BR that I have received. It feels nice when I get a BR which is something very rare!! I do not exactly think of the BR when posting my replies here. I just post what I feel.
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• Philippines
30 Mar 09
Hello, when I read your discussion, I have to go to my best response tab. And I only got 26 best responses. I am thankful for all the members who choose my response as best response. I would try more hard to give more detailed and useful responses to different discussion.. have fun
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
30 Mar 09
Hello winzpc! I am also happy everytime I have a mail on my email stating that I earned a mylot a best response. It's like an achievement to me. I am not sure how much best response I got but I guess it's a 5-6 pages.