Moms, you know you want to share...Guys, enter if you DARE...

@miamilady (4910)
United States
May 1, 2009 7:16pm CST
It's time to share your labor stories! That moment of joy. That moment of PAIN. Did you make a mad dash to the hospital? Was your labor induced? Was the daddy there? Was he a good coach? Did you want to CHOKE him? You know we love sharing that special moment. I want to hear your story.
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15 responses
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
2 May 09
Hello Miami - boy, you are curious, huh???!!! Well, you asked for it! First, I have to tell you, that on a Thursday, I saw my OB as regularly scheduled. My baby was due on the following Sunday... On my visit on Thursday, she informed me that she was going on vacation (!) and that I shouldn't worry, I was showing NO signs of being ready and she sent me on my merry way... I should also mention, my DH works out of our house, 90% of the time, but over the weekend, he got an emergency call and had to go out early on Monday morning to a site that was well over an hour away... ALL THAT being said, on Monday AM, around 5 AM, I wake to back pain, stomach cramps and my DH has already left for work - did I mention he was heading an hour away???!!! At around 6:30, I called him and told him he'd better get home; by this time he was too far gone and told me to hang up immediatley, call his mom, who lived less than three miles away and said he would meet me at the hsp. I call his mom and say, "What are you doing?" She says, "Are you okay, are you in labor?" I say I think so and she's on her way over to get me! Long story short, she got there, picked me up, got me to the hsp just in time for HARD labor to begin and she and my DH stayed the entire time. It's actually a good thing they were both there becuase it turned out to be a very traumatic birth for both me and my son and I honestly only remember about an hour's worth of events in a 15 hour time span! J I remember after he was out, he wasn't crying and I saw only his little foot as they wisked him away from me... I remember saying "his feet are so long" and then I started crying because I wanted him...and they were taking him away... I remember the doc asking DH did he want to go with the nurses to see our son and my DH said "NO, we want to see him together" I remember crying even harder and saying "NO honey, go with him, make sure he's okay, please, make sure our baby's okay..." And he did... He went to the NICU while MIL stayed with me and then he came back just a few minutes later with a printed photo of our son.... That's how I saw him for the first time - a digital photo. So many more details in that day, but that's the short version. DH was a great coach, he was true to his word and was walking up to the hsp entrance as I was being put into a wheelchair... He's never mentioned any of the embarrassing things that must have happened, he's always treated the experience with respect to me, my body and the event. My dash to the hsp was kind of mad, because I was in the showere when MIL showed up and was having contractions and I remember he saying "I'm not delivering my grandson in this shower!" (She's a nurse) and I can remember in the car on the way, during a contraction saying to her, "Mom, can you step on it??"
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 May 09
That's a great story. Sounds like you have a great husband and mother in law. It also sounds like you went through some scary stuff. Is your baby okay now?
• United States
3 May 09
Hey there, Miami - yeah, my baby is okay now... he's almost 4 now and has the "BEASTIE" market cornered! LOL. As far as my DH, he has his days.... my MIL, well, she'd do anything for me... if I let her.... Scary stuff, yeah, but well worth it. I love my little guy more than anything now and only look at the negatives as payment for the positives... Know what I mean??
• United States
2 May 09
Well I gave birth to 3 kids but the one that was the one that stuck out was my oldest son he is now 13 but when I went into labor it was so fast and I was clear out in the country out in the middle of BFE as my father would say. The EMT were preparing for the delivery of him in the ambulance they did not think I would make it to the hospital I did make it but right inside the doors to the ER my doctor stood with his suit and tie on no scrubs he made it there right before I did and as they pushed me in I do not even think the doors to the ER were closed I gave birth to my 10 pound son. I had an hole audience I really dint mind though. The next day I had so many people come see me and bring me stuff just to wish me luck and tell me that I done a good job I got so many diapers that I did not have to buy diapers for like 6 months lol lol. Well there is my labor story! Happy mylotting!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 May 09
Wow. It sounds like it was pretty exciting! You didn't meantion labor pains... It sounds like it was a record breaking labor time wise! It seems to me you may have gotten off a little bit easy. Not Fair! lol
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 May 09
my labor was induced. They started by freezing me and then the baby just did not come. They ended up doing a c-section, only they couldn't put me to sleep because I had freezing in me so they put a sheet up to cover me from seeing what they were doing and it scared the living daylights out of me because I was thinking of the white sheet they put over you after you die. lol
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@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
5 May 09
With CJ it was induced; doctor broke waterbag and I went into labor. Things were progressing until it came to a point where I felt something was terribly wrong; I'd had two other children so I could tell. Well, the nurses called doctor at clinic, he came by and checked me. I told him something was wrong but he wouldn't listen and left telling them not to call him again until the baby was coming out. I was in so much pain by that time that I couldn't hardly stand it. Not too long after he left the baby heart monitor sounded an alarm and CJ's heart had stopped. There was a doctor in the next room sewing up one of his patients and he ran in to help. He forcefully, with his hands, pushed the baby back up inside and tried to fill my bag with more water. I had to go through labor twice and boy was I mad..! I'm just glad that CJ survived because when he was finally delivered, he was "0"s across the board; which means he had to heartrate, etc. They worked on him for a few mins. and it became "10"s...So he made it. To this day I wish I should've sued...but I had to sign a 'litigation' form so I didn't know what that meant or if I could've sued... I am so glad that I have my CJ today, though..!
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
3 May 09
First baby was a planned c-section. Didn't feel the pain until after she was born. Even so, it was a positive experience as I got to be awake to see her. I was given the choice of seeing her actually born, but I opted against seeing a big gaping hole in my abdomen. LOL Second birth was a nightmare and it would take too long to tell. Let's just suffice to say I wouldn't take my dog to that hospital to have puppies. I spent two hours in the delivery room trying to push out a baby in transverse lie and they never said a word! Another doctor had to come in and physically turn her. I invented new cuss words that day. Third baby was strange labor (time between contractions fluctuated). I had the greatest labor and delivery nurse. She argued with the doctor when he said there was no way I could be in labor. She won. My son was delivered by Dr. Sugar. Seriously! The second and third baby both had to be induced even though I was in labor because I just wouldn't progress past two. It seems to be a pattern with the women in my family although my biological mother pushed out nine of us. My husband (now ex) was there for the second and third. I was single when my first baby was born. I do give him that much credit and he did try to comfort me, but back labor is horrible. I told my daughter they other day I could tell her exactly what happened in every detail when each of them was born. That's something you just don't forget!
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
2 May 09
Hi miamilady...I have 4 kids, now grown, my baby is 19, and I was induced with all of them. I guess my stubborn side came through when it was time to deliver each one of them. With my first, I was up eating macaroni and tomatoes in the hospital, and 20 minutes later, she was born. Although I must say, I endured a total of 33 hours labour. My second child I swore I wasnt going to have any pain medication. I wanted a totally natural delivery. WOW..was I crazy or what ..I never did it again. The next 2, I had pain killers, and the last one just flew out..The doc came running in, dressing on the way to deliver and my hubby actually caught my daughter before the doc could. Now years later when my daughter had her second baby, I couldnt beleive how much things have changed. She had very little pain and had a button she pushed when she felt uncomfortable that gave her doses of pain relief...Where was that when I had mine!!
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• India
2 May 09
I chickened out…YES I admit at the onset. First of all, in India daddys don’t stay in the labour room as yet. Secondly, before the D-day, I was admitted in the hospital with fever, so I kind of got to hear some good horror stories about normal delivery and I had sleepless nights. Projected D-day passed with no sign of baby wanting to leave his comfortable lair and they were thinking of inducing labour and I was more scared. So two days later I could not take it any longer and coaxed my husband into talking with the doctors for C-section. They were not willing at first (I don’t know why doctors are so fascinated with normal delivery) but ultimately they gave in and I was completely unaware when junior was delivered. Quite a few tight slaps later I did come to my senses and was shown a dressed chicken on a tray So in a sense, I missed out on labour pain so to speak
• Canada
16 Sep 09
I don't have any labour stories, because I have never had children and don't plan to, but I did take a parenting class a few years ago, and my teacher told me a good one about her sister. LOL The lady, who happens to share the same first name as mine, was in pain, and her husband standing next to the bed tried to tell her that the pain wasn't that bad. She whacked him, knocked him out cold, and doesn't even remember doing it. My husband, who has kids from three previous marriages, told me the first rule of being in the room with a labouring woman is not to stand within arms reach!!! :)
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
2 May 09
With my first he came early so I felt as though I made a mad dash to the hospital and I was very young and scared..The Dad wasn't there not by his choice was just how it happened he was trying to contact me and I was on the phone with my cousin who was my coach at the time! With my second I was induced and he was there this time...I remember going through a contraction and he was talking with my nurse I looked at her and said your fine and smiled then I looked at him and said you on the other hand shut the bleep bleep up lol! When she was ready to come out she came reallllllly quick and he was the only voice I heard!
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
2 May 09
Keeping it short and sweet... One month before due date, painting in living room during Startsky and Hutch in 1980, felt a pop, ran to bathroom, water broke, ran upstairs, packed bags, took shower, waited for labor pains, went to hospital, had 17 hours of total labor, son was born, pain forgotten!! One month AFTER due date, in 1982, came back from visit with dr. finding out baby was breach, went into labor after dinner, left for hospital, they took xrays while in labor for position of baby, went to delivery, water broke, brown came out, merconium (baby poop), oh no, emergency C-section, baby daughter was born, labor was maybe 6 hours. June 2007, I am there assisting at the birth of my granddaughter with my daughter in labor. Totally painless, what a gift!! LOL
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 May 09
lol on the painless. One of my sisters was breach. I don't remember if they did a c-section or if my mom just had a REALLY painfull deliver.
@celticeagle (160064)
• Boise, Idaho
2 May 09
My husband was working out of town at the time I went into the hospital. My water broke on the way to the bathroom at my grandmothers. I didn't even know what it was. I had had afew contractions but not nothing real bad as yet. Mom took me to the hospital. My nurse was evil and mean. Gave me some sound advice but as if I should know already and made me feel like a idiot. My mother never called my husband until after the fact. She was scared they were going to kill me because they used this horrible looking machine to check my dialation. My best friend at the time came and kept my mother from going over the edge. My daughter was born aroound 2p. on October, 14, 1971. Named her Camilla Lorae after a movie star named Camilla Sparv.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
2 May 09
When I had children Daddy stayed out in the waiting room. I never blamed him for 26 hours of labor and I just kept telling myself in 24 hours this will be over and I'll have a beautiful new baby. The next child came after 3 hours so we thought we'd try one more time, another girl this one took 2 full days and finally have to be induced. And she's been that much trouble ever since. But we love her.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 May 09
2 days! wow. Sounds like you are a great mom.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 May 09
Heyya miamilady! I had my oldest young and I had him at a large hospital that is also used by the university here for aspiring doctors. I was wheeled in this HUGE room with lights all around and my aunt was actually with me. I had him very fast so there was no time for medication..which I begged for..and when it was over with I looked up and on the "overlook" there was a CLASS watching!!!!! I was so embarrassed I thought I would die!
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 May 09
I meant to type "it was clearly NOT painless". I still can't believe they had a CLASS watching you without your consent. geez! lol
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 May 09
I thought they would have needed permission too! Apparently It was far from painless. I was even more embarrassed because of all the screaming and crying for medicine I won't give it to you when your having them fast. It doesn't have time to work anyway.
• Malta
2 May 09
No labor pains at all!! My boy seemed didn't want to get out! I had an x ray on 38th week and doctor told me that I was going to give birth by Caesarian because there was no way I was going to go through normal birth. If they tried to induce labor on me, I was going to wait for 48 hrs or more, with the risk of creating further problems for me and for the baby. So, I had a c-section. I bless every moment of it, I was awake and I knew exactly when the doctor took him out because he lifted him and showed it to me. It was wonderful and I thank my doctor so much!
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• United States
2 May 09
Well I can write a book about labor stories. I have been through it 6 times. The first one sticks out because I was so young and so unprepared. It happened fast and I remember biting the nurses hand.The only thing I remember being told about labor was that it feels like having a tough bowel movement. wow, was that off base! It did go quickly but I was not aware that it is so mechanical the way your body kind of expels the baby and if you relax it makes it easier. Live and learn! I didn't have any pain meds, I didn't really experience a lot of pain, just discomfort. The father was not there for the whole labor and I was so exhausted afterwards. I do remember being able to wear my calvin klein jeans home from the hospital,lol! only time that ever happened, but like I said I was young and I gained very little weight. I did experience post partum depression which I also was not really informed about. It settled into being depression which I have battled on and off for years.