Blacks can be racist too!

@miamilady (4910)
United States
May 31, 2009 9:35am CST
This has been a discussion that I've been wanting to start for quite some time. I think I was hesitant, because I wasn't sure how to word it. I don't want it to turn into an excuse for some folks to come in and spew their hatred, BUT I think it's something we need to talk about and acknowledge. We can't fix things if we don't talk about them, right? Maybe saying "blacks can be racist too" is stating the obvious to some. But, I think it's also something that we tend to tip toe around. When we talk about racism, we are usually referring to whites hating blacks or thinking that they are "bad" in some way or another. But the truth is, there are some black people that hate white people, aren't there? That's wrong too isn't it? Sometimes I hesitate to ask my black friends questions, because I am afraid to offend and I am afraid that they will immediately label me a racist when I am simply wanting to ask a sincere question. Am I the only one facing this dilemma? Again, as I said. I don't think we can fix this if we can't have open and honest conversations about it. What are your thoughts? Please leave your hatred at the door.
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52 responses
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
31 May 09
To me, this also goes back to us having to be so PC these days that we don't want to offend anyone. I've had some black friends who would agree that they feel the same way. Some say it is because it is the way they were treated years ago. Others say that some feel that they are owed some kind of restitution for their history. Others tell me that they would rather not go there. At the same time some say we whites will never understand and that is why they feel they are "racist" too.
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• United States
31 May 09
I agree.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
31 May 09
Of course whites can never completely understand what it feels like to be black. But that doesn't mean we can't comprehend at least some of it...
• United States
31 May 09
You bring up a valid point I know a lot of people who don't like white people because of the way they treated our ancesters. I think that is completely stupid. You should not judge people for someone elses mistakes. They seem to forget that there were white people who helped us to gain our freedom. It is time to stop living in the past. Every black person likes to praise Martin Luther King Jr., but some don't take his teachings to heart. They like to dwell on the negative. Maybe I am naive, but I just don't understand how you can hate someone you don't even know, who has never done anything to you. About them feeling they are owed some kind of restitution for their history, they have received it. We have all the same rights that every other citizen of this country has, yet some of these idiots don't use them. Instead of hating and complaining they should find a constructive way to do something about, if they feel slighted. Sorry I tend to babble:)
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
I'd understand why you're hesitant to discuss the matter. The truth is, and this is what I believe, blacks have been condemned to slavery according to history. So today, to get even, or to match the 'hatred' and discrimination against them, they also manifest their hatred to the whites, making them guilty of being racists. But such is just a by-product of what the whites have done to them in the past. It's just a natural reaction to extreme discrimination or mutualism or the 'an eye for an eye' philosophy. With the world already in a lot of trouble economically, I guess this problem has not really been given much attention, not to mention the depletion of our environment. I guess our black friends would also share the same view. If some whites would have treated them equally, I guess they would act in the same way, as respect begets respect or something like that.
• United States
1 Jun 09
Your eye for an eye statement makes a lot of sense. I agree that if we were shown respect based on our person not our color, we'd be much further along. People either try to ignore the problem or throw superficial remedies at it.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I think everyone is racist to a certain point. I honestly don't see this being fixed any time soon. Each race is looked down on, I grew up in the South. I was raised that everyone was equal, it didn't matter what the color of their skin was. Only ones that was looked down on where the ones that was lazy. Lazy in terms that a person is capable of working, but chooses to live the state, and that comes in all colors not just one. My dad told me once that the "N" word was a horrible word to call a person that was black. He said it was disrespectful. The same as calling a white person typical names. I have learned that it didn't matter what your skin color was, that living in the South. I have been listed as white trash, hill billy with only a 8th grade education. It didn't matter if I went off and did things with my life, just saying where I live, people automatically judge me. So, it's not just a color issue. I think people need to stop thinking of bad things to say about people because of the color of their skin, how they talk, act, or where they live. They need to focus on their own lives, life is to short for all of this crap.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
24 Jul 09
I do not like the idea that only us white people are racists. And none of our white people have suffered, been persecuted, etc. on account of the color of our skin, religion, etc. But if you go back over 2000 years ago, we were. Then it was the blond to brown haired white people with the gray, blue, and green eyes who were considered scum ignorant barbarians. So the ancient Romans were racists, but not just to blacks, but to anyone who came from Northern Europe. To me, a racist is someone who says all people of that ethnic group are bad and evil and not to be trusted and someone who wants to beat them up and lynch them if he had a chance. And I am not the type who is such a scaredy cat that will say "not all black people are, some are the nicest people I have ever met." I think that is pure cowardice. And people who are politically correct should accept that there are some bad black people like Idid Amin (sorry for the spelling) or that guy who is the dictator of Zimbabwe, or that serial killer in St. Louis who the ladies thought was a nice man. Yet I get the idea from the media that every other ethnic group has some bad eggs, but not the blacks. They are so perfect and that hurts. And there are two ways to increase racism, thinking that your ethnic group is superior or thinking your ethnic group is inferior. Until we get over that, racism will always exist. And at some point of history, there was never a group that did not get smeared. So blacks are not on a special pedestal because they have been hurt and persecuted more then any other group and they really should not feel offended or singled out. After all the ancient Hebrews were enslaved by the Egyptians, and they did not hold that against them.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Jun 09
Im thinking today blacks are not as racist as they were when i was growing up. I had a black friend in school. i went to a 95 percent black school in Mansfield, ohio back then. one day i stopped with my friend Janet, the black girl at her house. her mom seemed to hate me right away. she screamed at her that she knew she was not to hang out with nasty little white girls like me. anyway, janet was still my friend for 2 yrs after that till we moved. my mom was also racist so we just made sure they never knew. today blacks always seem friendly with me. also, how do we know we dont have some black ancestors? my dad pointed out an old lady on a porch one time when i was about twelve he said was his aunt. she was very black. he said she was native american, but if she was im a 22yrs old virgin no one really admitted it back then if they had black relatives so yes, i know they were racist at one time just like my family was. not sure now. These days we need to just say we are Americans, not this kind or that. we're all in this together as Obama has let us know. frankly it hurts when people try to be/say they are something different than plain Americans in this country. its all our country.the past is the past let it be,
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• Philippines
2 Jun 09
Well, I never encountered anything such as that. Probably, there could be black hating white because of the racial discrimination that they had been. But, I guess, the white hating black outnumber the black hating white.
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Jun 09
I think it a little unfair to single out the "blacks", because every race can be racist. I think they're in the minority but yes, I've noticed it. I think if you approach a racist person with this, you might incite racism, rather than to "fix" the problem. When I make a friend, I don't see colour difference, or difference in beliefs. I love them for the person they are inside. It matters not where they come from or which religion or cultures they follow. That's their choice, but none of us can help the country we're born in, or to which type of people we're born. The top and bottom of it is, we're all born human. None of us has fifteen fingers or toes and we all have a nose in the middle of our faces. I hate filling those danged forms in that ask you if you're white, black, caucasion, oriental, asian or whatever. I think that's a downright insult! Brightest Blessings, my friend.
• United States
1 Jun 09
In my life experiences I have found that being a racist is not a black or white situation but can and is displayed between all races.
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• United States
1 Jun 09
We all have some form of bigotry, and anyone who says they don't, I will say you are lying. It may not be against a person of another color, maybe it is a religion that you have hate for, or even a type of person. My Dad loved just about everyone, but he hated hippies, or "long haired boys" to be exact, he didn't care what color they were. I can still hear him say he would rather me and my sister marry a black man, than a hippie, and this was back in the 60's in the south. Dad didn't use the "N" word, he used the word Trash, he would say" There is white trash, and black trash", he wasn't referring to how someones house looked or what neighborhood they lived in, he was referring to how they lived their lives. You are absolutely right when you say we can't fix this without talking Miamilady. There is too much hate and racism in this world. My God doesn't see color, and if you hate a person because they are a certain color, then how are you gonna live with them in heaven? We need to step back and think before we judge someone because of the color of their skin. None of us want to be judged, so why would we judge others? We all want to be liked or loved, so why wouldn't we like or love others? Think about it! Blessings Marilyn
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@mathss1 (1181)
• United States
31 May 09
I cannot enter your discussion the door is blocked All that hate eugh !
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
31 May 09
*Unblocks the door* Come on it!
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@mathss1 (1181)
• United States
31 May 09
Ah thanks,
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
31 May 09
A man (or woman?) of few words, eh? How do you do those smileys anyway?
• United States
31 May 09
I am a young black woman, and I totally agree that black people can also be racist. I want to thank you for bringing the subject up, because it does need to be talke about. I read all the other comments and I think everyone is right, racism is not designated to just one race. When you said that you hesitate to ask your black friends questions because they may call you a racist, that's sad, because if they are true friends they wouldn't get mad at an honest question. They should know you well enough to know that you are not racist. In my opinion racism=ignorance. It is time that we all get past this. After everything that has happened in this world you would think that people would put all this hate behind, but I guess there is not much you can do for ignorant people.
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@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Anybody can be racist! Heck - Asians can be racist too!! Against White AND Black , maybe even Hispanics. Hating someone based on their race is racist. I went to a liberal 4-year university, where dialogue about diversity and racism is often encouraged. I never hesitated to ask my Black or White or Hispanic FRIENDS about anything regarding their culture,race,what-have-you. If they get offended, they're probably not real friends since they misunderstood my sincerity and curiosity. So if they're you're real friends, I say go ahead and ask! Of course, as a courtesy, you should state that your intentions are clean prior to asking. As much as we'd like to deny it, race is still one of the most touchy subjects and is rarely talked about. We all want to pretend that racism doesn't affect us anymore, when in fact it does. A LOT! Thanks for being so bold - I hope others respond. P.S. I'm Asian. I have a minor in Asian American Studies - not that it means anything. But it definitely made me sensitive and aware about racial issues in this generation.
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@rexertea (117)
• India
1 Jun 09
if you look at the term 'racist' it means offense in regard to race. It has not been mentioned that racism means only offense related to color. Now it is fairly possible that one race can be neglecting another face, or hate another race. It may be because of color or otherwise. Yes, few Blacks do have hatred against whites, it is because the whites have started the game and it is quite possible that blacks reciprocate the whites with the same attitude. Well I think, racism does exist in the minds of black and racism is not good for the well being of the human beings in the present world. It should be avoided by everybody.
@lizshab (44)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Prejudice is any "ism" you want to label it. Hate is hate, no matter the color you paint it (no pun intended). Hatred can take many physical forms, and someone may think because they don't actually do anything that they don't feel a negative way towards another group of people. But if seeing an individual from that group triggers any type of negative feeling or reaction, then yes you are indeed racist. Take this scenario: Group A dominates Group B for many years, does things to make them feel inferior, less than human, drives home the point that they are better due to some physical difference. Group B's generations grow up this way, hate the lack of control over their own lives, live in fear of their lives, try to avoid interactions with Group A as much as possible. Not everyone from Group A acts in this manner, but they are the exception rather than the rule. Any individual from Group A, though, represents the prejudice to Group B. And there will be individuals from Group B who will feel that anybody from Group A should pay for what happened in prior times, though they may have absolutely nothing to do with that or even feel that way. Case in point...the Rwandan Genocide, Nazi extermination of Jews, and yes African-Americans in the USA. Is it right? No! Is any of it right? No. Does it happen? Absolutely! Sadly, human nature wants to make us feel better, more superior than someone else, and also retaliate when we have been wronged.
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• United States
1 Jun 09
"Please leave your hatred at the door"? That's a bit much, don't you think? I've met racist people of every color - black, white, and brown. I've seen discrimination from Africans, African Americans, European Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Middle Easterns. But to call it racist is ridiculous. If someone makes a stupid comment, people jump to brand them racist. I call it prejudiced. Everyone is prejudiced to some level. Doesn't matter where or how you were raised, what color you are, your ethnicity, etc., everyone has some level of prejudice against people who are different. It's just how humans who live in societies act. We're clique-ish. It becomes a problem when people embrace it or ignore it instead of seeing it and attempting to become more unbiased. As far as racisim goes, it's all wrong, regardless of whether or not there's a good reason for it. Hate is wrong. But that said, I do understand some minorities being bitter about other ethnicities. You're called a cultural epithet for so long and it's understandable that you build a wall up against anyone who looks or acts like the people who hurt you. Let me be clear, I'm not condoning it at all. But it is definitely more understandable for someone who's seen his parents (and himself been) ridiculed, humiliated, physically attacked, and ostracized for something they can't and wouldn't change than someone who grew up surrounded by people who look like him, worked with them, saw them on most popular TV shows, and generally fit in with the "in" crowd of America.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Jun 09
""Please leave your hatred at the door"? That's a bit much, don't you think?" No, I don't think it's a bit much. I've seen myLot discussion goet pretty nasty at times. I was simply trying to send the message that I'm not posting this discussion for people to start being rude etc. If you have been fortunate enough not to come across those types of discussions, consider yourself lucky. As for the rest of your post, thanks for your thoughts. I agree that how we behave is affected the types of things we've had to endure in life. But the more of us who can overcome our resentment (and other negative feelings) the better off we will all be.
• United States
2 Jun 09
I agree that the more people overcome resentment, the better off we'll be. I'm a bit ticked off at how many people find it so easy to just say "Get over it" when it's not just about my ancestors being enslaved. It's more about the backlash of deep-rooted racism I and my children have to deal with on a daily basis. And I'm supposed to just brush that off? Hm. No.
@connierebel (1557)
• United States
4 Jun 09
This is a great topic. There is racism on both sides for sure. A lot of it is built up out of proportion by the media. I think the fact that blacks are not called racist even when they hate whites, just makes whites more bitter against them. That is no way to have peace among everybody. If racism was condemned on both sides, I think that whites would not be so defensive. But in this politically correct society, many blacks think they deserve special treatment and so it's really the whites that are now discriminated against. So it's no wonder that some whites hate blacks. The same thing goes for other races, such as Hispanics (Sotomayor is very racist, but she will never be condemned by the media for that.) Real equal opportunity would not included race profiling for political correctness or for extra benefits. Blacks and whites would both have to make it on their own as best they could. that would take a lot of the tension away, if there was no preferential treatment for blacks or any other so called minority. The past is past, and we should not be expected to make up for stuff that was done years ago. Let the old wounds heal and lets make a fresh start with a clean slate.
• United States
1 Jun 09
I have black friends just like you do. But I could always ask them any question. And yes at times it makes you feel up tight about asking the questions. But how are we going to get answers if we don't ask them? I was never racist neither were my black friends. We never looked at our colors that way. I would always visit her and help her with her kids. I loved her mom to pieces. Her mom passed away from heart troubles. But all the racist stuff started back when they were turned into slaves. I mean how would we like it if we were slaves? we wouldn't. But are some of them still angry over it? yes they are. Some of them even scare me. But know matter what I will never be racist. I will always be friends and make friends with black people.
• United States
1 Jun 09
You are right they do need to get over it and move on with there lives. Or they will be unhappy for the rest of there life. It was the past its not now. I need to look into my history more. Well the whites must have gotten over it when they were slaves. So the blacks need to get over it to. I agree with you on that.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
1 Jun 09
You are very correct. Unfortunately, racism coming from blacks inadvertently fuels racism amongst white individuals (and vice versa). I mean, sure white people enslaved black people back in the day; but times have changed. My problem with African Americans in general is the simple fact that so many of them keep holding it against us white people. If you flick on the news you can frequently see that black people are suing families of white people who enslaved their black family members in the past (and winning). This is just stupid. I am no racist, but I can't help but feel some sort of hate (though I typically push it aside as fast as it comes). I feel as if so many black people want to make white people to be racist, and inadvertently this is racism itself!
@ulalume (713)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I have the right to generalize, as how can I really approach this subject without being general in my view. What I have said, in general is inevitably true. Where are the white people suing for hate crimes? For racism? Its virtually non-existent. If you're so incapable of reading my comment properly, then you are also proving to me that you should not be posting on this topic. You're motivation is to make me look like the bad guy, by implying that I think your viewpoint is just like every other black person; which is not what I was getting at.
@defcon505 (919)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Of course they can. Everyone can.
@defcon505 (919)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Of course they can. Everyone can.