Would You Allow a Stranger to Slap Your Toddler???

@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
September 3, 2009 4:34pm CST
http://www.foxcarolina.com/news/20690136/detail.html This happened near Atlanta GA... A 61 year old man slapped a 2 year old child for crying in Wal*Mart. He didn't slap her just once, he slapped her 4 times. Of course, all that accomplished was to make the child SCREAM!!! How would you react if a stranger began slapping on your toddler??? Do you think he deserves time in jail??? He has been arrested & bond was denied. From seeing him on TV, He appears to be nutz!!! What would you have done???
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30 responses
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Sep 09
Oh, don't get me started! There has been more than one occassion when I have witnessed someone slapping a small child in public. In severe cases, I simply walk up to the adult doing the slapping, quietly ask them to stop or I will make them stop. They of course get rude, and as the child is still crying or fussing, turn to slap the child again at which point I grab the wrist of the hand ready to administer the slap and use my other hand to SLAP the offending adult across the face. They are so shocked, and so is the kid (!), that everything stops and you can hear a pin drop. I then let go of the wrist and walk away. I've never been arrested or charged, but I've sure gotten a lot of clapping and cheers by bystanders! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Sep 09
Should I be worried that I named my dog Spunky? ROFL
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
You know...I wasn't even shocked as I read it!!! I was raised that it's OK to spank the butt but NO slapping the face!!! I know I would NEVER let a stranger slap my child & get away with it!!!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Kill him. Look for something quick to grab in Walmart to beat his bloody dumb@ss head in! yeah yeah, I try not to react like a violent person but NO STRANGER EVER HAS THE RIGHT TO TOUCH MY CHILD. They probably shouldn't even be looking at my child. I haven't read the link, this is the second discussion about this I replied to. What did the parent do about it? I hope to GOD that he or she did something violent back to the jerk just on principle!! No wonder bond was denied, that's like child abuse! I hope he stays in jail, he deserves to rot there.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Strangers shouldn't be touching someone else's child. I wouldn't even touch someone's child, not to spank or physically punish. Maybe to stop them from running in the street or something but that can be done without HITTING, omg...
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I'm pleased to announce he's facing 20 years in prison!!! Nothing I've heard or read indicate the mother did a dayum thing. I'm normally not a violent person, but had I seen this happening, I think I would have tried to take him down myself. One report said that after slapping the child that he looked at the mother & said, I told you I'd handle it. That alone would have made me jack his jaw!!! I was raised that if you spare the rod you'll spoil the child. However, you NEVER hit anything other than the tushie!!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
No I certainly would not and personally I would have slapped him back no matter the Outcome No one has any right to hit a Child that is a Stranger to them, I hate when I see the Mum's or Dad's smack them but as a Stranger to walk up to a Child and smack them is twerrible I am glad he has been locked up he certainly does deserve to go to Jail
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I think I would be in jail for abusing him. Just think if someone came up & slapped Gissi. I know you'd go off on them!!!!
@patms1 (521)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I would not only not allow him to hit my child but if he did I would pick up the biggest thing I could find and hit him. That story made me sick. what kind of a creep would do that? What makes me angry is if the kids father came along and beat him down the father would be in trouble. I hope he winds up in jail and the inmate find out what he did.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Sep 09
He's facing 20 years & I'm sure the inmates will know what he did. Even murderers can't stand a child abuser. His life will be hell!!!
• United States
4 Sep 09
If that man had hit MY child, odds are nobody would ever find his body...
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I'll bring my shovel. There's plenty of desert to hide bodies in here.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I'd help the 2 of you & we could use my back yard to hide the body!!! Nothing I've heard today indicated the Mother did anything to defend her child. I know I would have!!!
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I think if a stranger was to slap either of my children and I was there to see it, I would probably knock them to the ground. I'm not saying that I never slap my own children, because I do at times when they don't know how to behave. However, this person doesn't know me and doesn't know my kids. They don't know anything about my parenting style and they don't have any right to step in where it isn't their place. Trust me, I've been out places and seen a child misbehaving and will comment that if they were mine they would get a spanking, but I would never act on that thought.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I was raised that you spank a child...but NEVER slap them!!! I have said to a few unruly brats that they should be grateful for the mother they had. Because, if they were mine, I'd tan their hide!!!! And I've looked at parents & said it looks like it's time somebody went home & takes a nap. But I would NEVER dream of slapping a child!!!!
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
4 Sep 09
What would I have done if a stranger slapped my child? I would have totally lost it right there in Walmart. I would immediately call the police but probably not until I bashed him verbally for touching my child. This man does deserve jail time and even a hefty fine. I don't behave very well when someone hurts one of our kids and they are grown. Am not overprotective but simply doing my job as a mom.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I have to agree with you. A mom is somewhat like a Pit Bull. She'll rip your throat out if you mess with her babies!!!
• Australia
4 Sep 09
I'm not a fan of crying children, and I don't have any children of my own (at the moment), but I would never hit/slap a child for crying especially if it wasn't my own. If I had my own child and a stranger slapped them/hit them, I would be horrified... I'd be chasing the person down and slapping them/hitting them to see how they like it! I think time in jail would only make him more crazy, if anything he needs community service that involves children to punish him if he hates them so much. Obviously not leaving him alone with the children, but having a police officer around OR tying him to a chair, taping up his mouth, dressing him up as santa claus and letting little children sit on his lap and tell him what they want for christmas... I'm sure he'd like that :D :P
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
He's now facing 20 years in prison. Assuming he's convicted, he'll be 75-80 years old before being let out. My guess is he'll die in prison. I'm not a fan of crying children either. When I run across one I begin playing with them in order to make them laugh. Sometimes I go as far as to pretend I'm crying. Most of the time they quit crying & try & comfort me. Children are amazing little creatures when given the opportunity to be themselves!!!
@kezabelle (2974)
4 Sep 09
WHile I would have been tempted to slap him back id probably have resisted and taken great pleasure in having him arrested for child abuse what a disgusting man! Yes he deserves time in jail possibly some anger management theraphy because i think you truely have problems if a childs crying can anger you enough to make you hit out. NO ONE slaps my children i dont even like to do it myself so not a chance i would let anyone else!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
He's looking at 20 years in jail. I think he'll lose his anger problems. I bet there are a lot of guys in jail that won't take kindly to him slapping a child!!!
@kcoregon (302)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Oh my. I wouldn't of had any regard for the law and would have done all I could to kick that old man's rear end. If he made the comment about shut that baby up to me I would have told him off right there and then and would probably make a huge scene which would likely cause him to feel embarrassed and leave. If for some reason it got as far for him to come up and slap my child I would give him the hardest blows I've ever thrown in my life. My children are not to be touched by ANYONE.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I do believe I would have gone postal on the old f@rt!!!
@rajupaul (973)
• India
4 Sep 09
LadyMarissa The has man to be hand over to police and as per my view he is not a man. He is worst than a criminal. Can you imagine who can slap a little child. It is beyond my imagination.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I cannot imagine what he was thinking!!! Even if he's crazy, hr should be kept away from children!!!!
@vandana7 (100083)
• India
4 Sep 09
That was terrible! Cant believe a grown up would behave so ridiculously. I think he needs psychiatric care. Even I thought he was nutz. Good question - what would I have done. Well, the child comes first. First step would be to console the child and take the baby away from the scene - it shouldnt remain as a traumatic memory. Rest of the people will do the needful as far as getting hold of the man. Of course, I would press charges. But only after my baby was feeling better.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Good answer!!!
@misisbau (317)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
I will kick his nuts!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Not a bad idea!!!
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
4 Sep 09
Geeze. I wouldn't even let anyone hurt my pets! What more if I had kids? So heck no, I wouldn't let anyone hurt my "human child" if I had one. My kids are furry with 4 legs and cold noses. I have 3 Labrador retrievers, hehe. On a serious note, that old man must have some mental issues to be doing that. He should be put away in some sort of facility for inflicting harm on that little girl. While I am normally compassionate, especially with the elderly, I must say that age doesnt justify his actions.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I understand what you're saying. I have 2 Black Labs & 2 black cats. And NO children of my own. I had a step daughter when I was married to my first husband. Some nut exposed himself in front of her & I had him arrested. Not for exposing himself in front of me (I knew what one looked like). But for doing it in front of a 6 year old. I was getting out of the car when the cops walked up. One of them looked at me & said what's the problem. He said later he could see blood in my eyes. Little did he know but I had murder in my heart!!!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I heard about this in a couple of other discussions recently. I also seen it announced on the local news channel too. I would not put up with something like that at all. I would more than like sue the man for doing it.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I think I would have clawed his eyes out of his head!!! I know he'd have NEVER picked up my child & begin slapping her & gotten away with it. Nothing I heard even said the Mother defended her child. That bothered me. I know parents are sometimes too close to the situation to be effective while in public so I'll tease & play with whiny kids while I'm in line waiting to checkout. Sometimes I pretend I'm crying just to show them how they are acting. I find that one helps the most. Usually they either start laughing or they stop crying & try to console me. Either way, they quit crying & that's what I'm aiming for.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I would never and never did slap my own children or grandchildren and I for sure would NEVER let anyone get by with slapping them. I would not even allow a total stranger spank my child or grandchild. I would for sure have had him arrested and he needs to be treated as a child abuser. How dare anyone touch another person's child like that.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I agree. I think it's OK for a parent to correct a child, but slapping them in the face is NOT a way to correct them!!! Nothing I've read on this says the Mother had him arrested. I do believe I would have probably been the one in jail for assaulting him!!! He looks like a naturally mean person. I can't imagine even thinking of doing such a thing to a strange child. I usually play with a crying child until I make them laugh. Then they forget what they were crying about. I just hope I hear what happens to this loser!!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Sep 09
Slapped him back harder! There's a little part of me that fondly remembers being clipped round the ear by the local cop when he caught me stealing apples from a local orchard. What was worse, he took me home to my mother and she really did lay about me! But truthfully I cannot condone any such behaviour. This guy shouldn't be jailed, but he does need to have the error of his ways pointed out to him. Maybe a couple of weeks work sweeping up at a local nursery! Of course some of us love a good spanking! LOL.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I know a good, hard spanking would excite you!!! However, I seriously doubt your desire to be slapped in the face. There are times when I'm in Wal*Mart that I think I'll scream if I hear one more child cry, but I've NEVER thought of slapping one of them!!! I've been know to pretend I'm crying & the child quits crying to comfort me. I can find NO reason to slap a child!!!
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4 Sep 09
Hi LadyM, So where waas the mother then while he was slapping the child, the mother should have been with her child at all time and this man must be nuts. Tamara
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Hiya tamara... The mother was there with the child. He told her to shut the kid up or he'd take care of it. Then he picked up the child & slapped her 4 times. Nothing I've read or heard indicated that the mother ever tried to defend the child. Then again they didn't say who reported him to the police. So, I'm reserving judgment on the mother until all the facts come out. Maybe the mother was in shock & didn't react fast enough. He's a very large, mean looking man.. Maybe he intimidated her. I just don't know!!!
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
Yes, I think he is just plain crazy. Why would a stranger want to slap a mere toddler? He could have talked with the parent or whoever was with the toddler. He could also just walk away from the noise and go to another section in Walmart. What made things worse was that he slapped her 4 more times. Once is already horrible and shocking. Him being an old person is definitely not an excuse. He deserves a few days and maybe a week or so in a jail so that he would know the consequences of the shameless thing he did. But he should not be jailed for more than 2 weeks. Then he needs to apologize and make up for what he did. If it was my child, I would slap him back and maybe sue him. I'd never slap my own child, so what made him think he could slap my child?
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@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
I read that somewhere too and I have never been so disgusted!!! The guy deserves to be punished...bad! he is crazy... if he did that to my kid, he will be so sorry............... he should rot in jail!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Sep 09
If he doesn't rot in jail, I'm sure he'll rot in hell!!!