Do you get dead persons in your dreams? Are you afraid and become moody?

getting dream - dreaming in sleep
December 12, 2009 8:04pm CST
I sometimes get dead relatives and friends in my dreams. When I get up, thoughts about them comes up and I go into nostalgic memories. But I never become afraid. Sometimes the dream will be so real that I feel as though they have really come in person, can feel the touch also and I feel happy. Especially if my parents come, I become emotional. Do you see dead persons in your dreams? What do you feel when you are awake?
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6 responses
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Hi Buchi, One of my disturbing dreams is seeing a floating coffin with someone in it but I can't recognize the face. I've had this three times in my lifetime but happened like decades apart. I've observed that this dream,and some other similar but less intense ones occur when I've had a stressful day or a tiff with someone. Dreams are either continuation of the day's activities, pent up feelings that remain un-expressed, manifestions of plans and aspirations, or fears that were kept within. They could also be warnings of what's going to happen in the future. And of course, everytime you sleep you dream, but you only usually remember those that occur right before you wake up. Have a good day!
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• India
14 Dec 09
Yes. Dreams are the manifestations of our sub-conscious mind feelings and emotions, fear and expectations.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
13 Dec 09
I have never had that and I am not sure I want to have that ability .Here there are persons who read the dreams and interpret them to mean other things .They even use these dreams to gamble .For some these dreams are insight into their lives and to be used to guide them form evil and pitfalls in their way
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I have dreams sometimes about people who have passed away. It is usually people that were in my family. I am not afraid to dream about them though. It is nice to see them again in my dreams.
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• India
13 Dec 09
You feel happy to see them at least in dreams.
@shinymood (405)
• China
13 Dec 09
I am sure most people have similar dreams as you did and there's nothing to be afraid of since they are dreams. In my culture, there's a book especially written to interprete different dreams. I remember some of the seemingly bad dreams turn out to be good things. For example, if one dreams of being trased by some bad guys, he is to much money in the near future, something like that. Dreams are fascinating if you like. I miss dreams because I don't have much dreams these days LOL.
@LiveLove (443)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I think I only get relatives who have passed in my dreams when I am extremely ill and its mainly them wishing for better health for me. I didn't get as much visits like my grandmother and other relatives did when my father passed and that may have been when i was so young but he really scared my grandmother when she could hear his voice on the phone line saying "Help me". My Aunt also had a hard time selling a old house since he would frequent there too. I suppose now he understands where he is and haven't really made much contact since.
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• India
14 Dec 09
My God! This is scary Livelove. You mean he made a phone call? Could your aunt see him in her house? Please share the information.
@neelimaravi (1793)
• India
14 Dec 09
hi aunty, no, actually, i won't get dreams much.
• India
15 Dec 09
I too do not remember all the dreams. Usually I forget as soon as I wake up. But sometimes I remember a few of them.