Have you ever adopted a pet from the pound or an animal shelter?

@ladym33 (10979)
United States
January 25, 2010 10:37am CST
We just adopted a 2 year old German Shephard this weekend. She is an awesome dog. Have you ever adoopted a pet from the pound or an animal shelter?
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4 responses
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
26 Jan 10
That is wonderful of you to adopt a pet, especially a large breed dog. I believe our animal shelters find it difficult to adopt the larger breeds. We have two adopted cats. Both came from the RSPCA. One is a black and white shorthair, called Kiwi. The other is a very fluffy tortie called Scamper. What have you named your dog?
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
26 Jan 10
Last year my husband and I got a cat from a shelter. She was two years old when we adopted her, and she a wonderful cat. Before we got her we talked about getting a kitten, but we decided to call a shelter instead and see the cats that they had. The woman who had the animal shelter was very friendly, she told us that they only had one cat who was ready for a new home, and she asked us if we wanted to see that cat. We agreed and when we saw her we were both sure that we wanted her. We have had her for a year by now and we definately don't regret our decision
• United States
25 Jan 10
Not technically. The "pound" when I was a kid was just a couple of fenced cages just outside the city limits. I used to go free the dogs and tell my parents I found 'em. didn't usually get to kep them though.
• United States
25 Jan 10
Awww, Cora is sweet, she looks happy that she found a family. I adopted a dog when I was a very young child. It was a black lab, his name was sam. His stay with us was way too short, only a few years but I never forgot him. Now I have 2 female Chocolate labs that have been with us for 9 & 10 years and they are happy like Cora. Wish I had some pic's to show you.