Well I drove

@SomeCowgirl (32191)
United States
February 28, 2010 6:24pm CST
Some of you may know that I went out to drive recently, or atleast knew that I needed to. Well I went out Saturday with an instructor, and today with hubby's mom. I did real well and so won't need the instructor. However, I need to drive a little more with her before she'll let me go with my husband alone. I was real excited. I thought I did pretty good and was very calm, not too concerned or panicked at all. The only time I got a bit worried was when cars were passing me. One passed by what seemed like a little fast but probably wasn't as this was the first time someone had passed me. I haven't gone on the major highways but have gone on the country highways. Those were the roads I drove the most. These are also the roads I will drive the most, that is to say, I may take the highway but even so will most likely take the back roads just because I think I'll like to drive! What to ask... Oh I have no clue. How did you feel the first time you ever drove? Were you scared or excited? Did you do as well as you thought you would? To be honest today I was a bit cocky just because of the experience yesterday. I felt I was ready, but also figured that I would still need to drive with mom before driving with hubby.
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9 responses
@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I was only 14 the first time I drove. Yes, it was illegal, but it was still fun...lol. My dad let me drive home from the store one night...bout 3 miles total I'd say. It was on a little road with not much traffic. I did really well for it being the first time. I was excited to drive though and had been wanting to forever. I'm glad you did well and wish you all the best with your practice!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I am sure that was a lot of fun, and great that your dad let you drive! It's great you did so well, I bet once you legally learned to drive you took to it well! I am excited about driving some more! It actually feels great to drive and isn't really scary in the least like I thought it would be. The only problem is, all those places I knew how to get to as a passenger I have to remember as a driver. Where I could look around before, I can't so much whilst driving so that's going to be more difficult!
@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Yeah it is different when driving than riding. Pretty soon you'll just drive along without even thinking about it.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Yes, it's just getting used to some of the streets I won't heavily travel on. I'm sure even my behaviors as a passenger will change. I've heard a lot of stories of how the behaviors of a passenger change once they become a driver. One I heard was that a person who now drove, didn't like to be in the back seat, that could be an excuse, but I also think it's more of a comfort thing. Another is that driver's are the worst back seat (or passenger) drivers.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
To be honest, I made such terrible mistake the first time I drove alone. A friend of mine in university had to go to Africa for work. So he left me his car. Maybe he thought I wasn't going to touch it knowing that I still didn't know how to drive. But I did. I learned all the basics from reading so I decided to drive around the small village where I lived on a Sunday afternoon. I drove slow, and everything went well, until I realized that I left the handbrake on. That was when I was already parking the car back in the garage. I didn't touch the car after that.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I don't know all that much about cars. To me a handbrake is on a motorcycle. Do you mean the emergency break? Hmm. Well as long as you were safe, right? Kudos to learning through reading!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
well it is a handbrake... I mean you do use your hand... Like I said, I don't know all that much about cars.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
Oh yeah! Emergency break...
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I drove a lot with my dad to practice. I scared him one time by turning left when he was telling me right. He deserved it, though, as he is a scary driver. He still is and he is 79. He had a wreck a couple of years ago. His wife is even older. She says she needs to drive once in a while so if something happens to him she will know what to do, or if he has to get his eyes dilated or something. I am sad, they are getting older awfully fast.I noticed the other day that I am kind of out of practice. Most of the time hubby and I are together and he drives. I had to drive before sunrise and then after dark and it was a little hard.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Yesterday when I drove with the instructor he told me one way and I went the other, I think that happened twice. I had the right signal on for the direction I was going just not the direction that I was told to go. Today with my husband's mom when she'd tell me which way I'd go it. It was actually a lot of fun and she said I did a lot better compared to the first time we went out before I went with the instructor. Just a few more times with her and I can go with hubby. Haven't gone on the interstate yet, she says that's a lot of speed, 70 MPH through here, so yea it really is. Oh my grandmother can't drive anymore, maybe it's more she doesn't feel comfortable with it. My grandfather I am not sure about as I haven't ridden with him in quite some time. He drives a lot though as he plays golf and when he's not doing that he's going to the comic book store, or even just to wal*mart or to get them something to eat. My husband's grandparents aren't doing so well with driving either. Once I learn how to drive, that will be one more person who can if need be take one of the grandparents somewhere if need be, or do an errand for them etc... Here I am blabbing! I'm sorry! Oh let me say that I'm sure it was a bit hard to do that with being out of practice. I would not want to drive when the sun was down, not yet anyway!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Mar 10
ya know I was 13 and when I first tok the car by myself had to go to town and didnt want them to know what I was going for so they let me take the car did fine till I got to the stop sign was up hill some and had to drive a stcik sift took me up to 15 mion. to get up that hill and make my turn lolol had problems with my feet working together clutch and gas peddle lolololol
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Mar 10
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Oh yea, I'm sure it's hard to get used to using both feet with a stick shift. I'd forget to do the clutch for sure.
@AmbiePam (91267)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Definitely don't get too cocky. After I got my license, there are two instances I recall where I was really lucky I didn't get hurt. I was driving by myself, not with anyone else. One of the occasions was simply because I wasn't paying attention. That is certainly easy to rectify! Of course I was sixteen and nothing would have kept me off the road. I felt like it was my ticket to freedom. Sometimes I'll drive my dad somewhere, and he will compliment on my driving. I've been driving for 13 years, and he acts like he expects me to still be a beginner! lol So good lucky driving with hubby!
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Hi Ambiepam! Oh by cocky I don't mean so much the way I drove... I mean that I knew I was driving very well... I wasn't speeding or doing any stunts by any means... If I was I'd surely still be in the corner with my tail between my legs because of all the reprimands I got. Oh I definitely think I have a bit of that freedom feel, I still have to drive with someone of course, but now I can drive... There's just a few things I need to work on, one thing is mashing the break a bit faster... Thanks for the good luck wishes, I won't be driving with hubby until I drive with his mom a few more times.
@celticeagle (165272)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Mar 10
I think we all feel that thrill at doing something new like this. Glad to hear it all went well. I recall when my ex tried to teach me to drive a stick. Oh how fun it was not. Don't hurry to drive with hubby, okay? I was a nervous wreck.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Oh I can imagine! I've heard Stick shift is definitely different. Hubby doesn't even know how to drive stick but mother in law said we should learn at some point because it's a good thing to know in case your stuck somewhere with someone who drove, and has a stick shift... etc.. I don't think my husband will make me nervous really, I think he'd be too busy trying to sleep... I feel pretty confident in my driving, but I'm aware there's some things I need to work on as well. I won't go out with my husband until his mom thinks I am ready.
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@celticeagle (165272)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Mar 10
The stick shift is much more complicated because you have to be in sinc with the clutch and the gears. I am thinking you will do just fine.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
7 Mar 10
Well, since I choose not to drive, and let my husband drive me everywhere, or get a ride with friends or the Transit bus, it has been a while since I even tried to drive. For me, driving causes a panic attack, and since I am diabetic and have other medical issues at times, I feel it is best someone else drive me around as well. But if you are wanting to drive it does have its advantages, and Wishing you the Best.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Mar 10
Yes I can see where you would not want to drive with having Panic Attacks. My aunt I think has Panic Attacks and is iffy about driving herself but does because she has to for the most part. I live in a rural county so the traffic is never as bad as it is in more citified counties. My side of the family live in a citified county for the most part but I've not tried to venture there yet. I don't know when I will want to to be honest.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
28 Mar 10
I know that you finally got to go out and drive with the instructor and you did really well,and it is a good thing that you stayed calm,because panicing is the worst thing you can do behind the wheel,and you need to take a few more hours with driving instructor mom and then we will be ready to take drives and think it will not be long until you have your license,and I will not have to drive anymore lol, and I am really proud of you,and when I first started driving I was excited but scared because I was afraid I would wreck,and I think I did pretty good except when I was in drivers ed,I about sideswiped a cop,and I about ran over a stop sign,I love you with all of my heart and soul.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Mar 10
I think even though I had to wait I had the benefit of not having to ride with people in the car that could distract me. I'm actually pretty comfortable with noise around me except for the time you called your dad and I'm not sure that I would want the radio on quite yet. Maybe when I get let loose with you I can be comfortable enough to turn the radio on. I'd probably be able to go with you quicker if it weren't for everyone's schedules. The only time I really got scared is the first time I had to get up to speed and that was also the furthest I'd driven. My arms got tired quick and I wanted to put my hands on the lower part of the wheel but I didn't because I knew I'd be reprimanded, lol. Of course I'm thinking that if I wanted to most likely I'd of been comfortable enough with it and maybe had enough control but I know it's better to just stay with my hands at ten and two until I get really comfortable with it. I know you can't wait until I am able to drive with you as you will be happy to relinquish the wheel and make me drive, and when I get my license I wonder if you'll make me drive you to work sometimes, though that would be kind of silly unless it was around someone's birthday and I was going to go shopping as well, or maybe if it was a short shift and I stayed close by. Well I love you very much. I'm glad you proud of me even though it's kind of embarrasing at the same time.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Mar 10
Yes well I do want to have lunch with you and I plan to do that when I can. When we have our own car it will be easier as we can do pretty much what we want without having to worry about sharing a car, but then again if I know how to drive I could drive you there and then let whoever needs the car have it and the pick you up later or something, but that is all to be figured out when it occurs really. I love you too! I'm always and forever proud of you as well.
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• United States
28 Mar 10
It is hard getting used to having the radio on,and I think after you drive for a couple months you will be ready for the radio,lol your arms and legs will get tired fast especially when you drive a lot,which is why I do not like driving lol,I would make you come have lunch with me at least or drop me off and pick me up especially if I thought I would be too tired to drive home,and there is no reason to be embarrassed because you are taking a mountain,and climbing it when most people would say it is too hard and just give up,I will always be proud of you and I love you.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Congrats! You are on your way to being a great driver. I was scared the first time I drove but excited at the same time. I am still nervous when a semi passes me or when I get surrounded by them on the interstate. I dread when my daughter starts to drive because it freaks her out too..lol..Take care and keep practicing.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Mar 10
Hello Jen. I've not gone on the highway yet but I know it will freak me out as well because It freaks me out already when we pass one. I guess it's something I'll have to experience for myself, maybe after a few times of passing them or being passed by them it will be easier. Some of those drivers don't care about anything and even try to run you off the road.