What do you thing mobile phone is a boon or curse ???

September 4, 2010 12:14am CST
Since the beginning of the time man has been inviting things: the bike, the car, televesion, telephone, computer but the most recent invention to have taken the world by storm has to be mobile phones. Originally large, heavy, black box with a larger protruding aerial, mobile phones were not widely used but today they are a must have fashion accessory, & with colored fascias, aerials, covers. What do you think whether the invention of mobile phone is proving as a boon or a curse ??
14 responses
• Bulgaria
4 Sep 10
I think that cell phones are a good thing ,because you can reach everybody and you've got and internet and all that,but it gets ridicolous at some point,with all the gadgets and stuff,I gotta feeling that if there is a way to make a cell phone choffeur,they would make it :)
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@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
6 Sep 10
I think the invention of cell or mobile phones is a God-given creation for us to enjoy our connection either near or distant relatives and friends anytime we want to in an instant. It only takes seconds to send our messages to receiver. It is not a curse it is a blessing.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
5 Sep 10
It depends on how it's being used. I think it can be a great thing for emergencies, but not to spend hours over for a meaningless 'conversation'.
• India
6 Sep 10
Whenever we want something badly, we get not only what we wanted but we also get what we did not want. Mobile has made communication easy. Together with it have come so many other problems. For an example mobiles are an encroachment on our privacy. We find that we are at beck and call of everyone else. Any one can disturb us at any part of the day or night. Even if we are engaged in an important discussion with someone, we would leave the discussion to answer the call on mobile. If it from the one we love it would bring an smile on our faces, and if it happens to be from someone we hate we would sneer or express displeasure. Despite that I see mobile phones as a boon and not as a curse. It is after all a life saving device.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
5 Sep 10
I think mobile phone is a bane as well as a curse.It is a bane in the sense there is instant communication with each other where ever they may which was not available to our ancestors.Earlier if a person left the house they could not know his whereabouts till he returned home safely. It is not so now. We can contact a person who is any where in the world.I can imagine the benefits of mobile phones. ... But it is a nuisance at times.Some SMS comes or unwanted calls come at a time when we are very busy.Wrong calls come at midnights disturbing our sleep. In this way it is a curse. But over all it has more benefits than disadvantages. Am I correct?
• India
4 Sep 10
i think its really depends how do you use the mobile.not only mobile but regarding any thing,its really depends on how do you use the thing.u can use the knife for cutting onion or you can use it as weapon.so as the same mobile phone.you can use it for all good purposes like for mobility,sms,pocket internet.it can be your good friend who will always with you..!!
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
4 Sep 10
Technology is never a curse. However the users of the Technology misuse it to suit their needs. Mobile Phones are quite handy and useful devices just because they can reach where cabled phones cannot. You can be in touch even when you are in the roaming mode and that is the movability factor which makes them superior. Yes, the radiations are deadly no doubt but that can be controlled.
• India
4 Sep 10
Well to be honest many would consider it a boon rather than curse. This tiny and extremely well built handheld device can help you be in touch with your friends millions of miles away. With this one could access the Net without having any access to a computer. As we speak now there are still many modifications and latest technological developments going on in the mobile age. Curse is because sometimes we have lot's of unnecessary chats with our friends. That would really be a time consuming matter. As of that i can't think of any more disadvantages to it. Cheers!
@rmnrmn (688)
• India
4 Sep 10
Everything has merits and demerits. Mobile phone has also many advantages as well as disadvantages. But my point of iew regarding mobile phone invention is boon. Though there seems increase in crimes using mobile phone but its usefulness overweight its misuse.
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
4 Sep 10
Neither a boon or curse. Just another thing to use or not. I feel it's good to have one, and in fact I use it ocassionaly, but never wasted too much time with it. It's nice to be "connected" and so on, but I don't see it as a MUST have, just a tool you may or not use. It can never be bad. You like it, use it. Don't like, stay away and problem solved, no one is forcing you to buy a cell
@jailo12 (332)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
it doesnt really mean like that ..it means that man has the capacity to improve things that are meant to be improved ..and we cant even call it a curse, we can say that we have the intellect to be more high-tech every year that pass ..am i right?
4 Sep 10
I think they are good and bad. Good for emergencies and bad when you want to remain anonymous for a few hours. There is nothing worse than being contacted when you are in the middle of packing your bags and paying at the supermarket and then ending up dropping the phone! Remember when there were no mobile phones, we all survived. Great to get in touch with the children though and sets your mind at rest.
• Germany
4 Sep 10
what about how much they r when ,they come to the shops,and also the teething problems ,when new
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
IMO, our technology today really helping us in our daily needs but when people abuse this power... now thats what you call a curse.