What is your favorite online game ? Have you won cash prizes ?

@greenline (14838)
September 30, 2010 6:22pm CST
I play online games some times, just for relaxation after getting back home from work. I have joined a couple of game sites where one can play free games as well as competition games. Once in a while I play the competition games, winning and receiving cash prizes some times. Do you play online games ? What is your favorite game ? Have you won cash prizes ? Do you have any favorite game site where you play most often ? Please share.
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6 responses
• United States
1 Oct 10
Hello my name is Sarah and I am addicted to Super Collapse Puzzle Gallery And Cubis 2. On Labor Day I played them All day long. I haven't found the time to play them lately but when I get free time , I play them.Both are puzzle games.So if you like games you have to solve.
• United States
14 Sep 11
Yes it is. It has cubes and it is timed but it is a little different . Try it .
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
Hello Sarah. Collapse is one of my favorite games too. I see Cubis 2 on the game sites often, but haven't given it a try yet. That sounds like a puzzle game too, right ?
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@celticeagle (164367)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Sep 10
I work online most of the day. Am retired and am now a free lance writer. I do alot of research and it can get pretty hectic sometimes. So I take an occasional break over on Facebook. I play Farkle mostly. Trying to get lots of points. I also play Farkle 2, Bejeweled and have even spent some time on Frontierville.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
A free lance writer ! Wonderful. Yeah, playing games online is my favorite way for taking a break from long hours online with work-related matters. Thank you.
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@celticeagle (164367)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Sep 11
Yes, indeed. Happy Mylotting.
@doormouse (4599)
1 Oct 10
i love playing chuzzles,so far i've got the highest score and won 4 trophies,but because it was a trial i can't play any more unless i buy it,so that's what i will have to do,as i love this game soooooo much
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
Chuzzles ! I have not tried this game yet. I have seen this game on different game sites , yes. I should give it a try too. Sounds like that is a very enjoyable game.
• India
15 Sep 11
I have an extremely busy schdule friend, lectures, reseach papers, guiding my PhD scholars , if i have time i come here to share knowledge , traditions , i like mylot, i have FB account, but i dont go there, not interested in games.. Thanks for sharing Have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• Bulgaria
30 Sep 10
It is definitely FIFA online 2. This game is fantastic with so many elements of RPG (yes role playing game) like personla experience of players, manager, hundreds of quests, world tour mode, game money (LP points) tour. It is absolutely addictive game. I am playing that game 2 years already and I can say It is my favourite one!
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
That is very interesting. I have not tried FIFA games yet. I presume that needs a lot of practice and skill , right ? Yeah, games can be very enjoyable and can become very addictive.
@nicregi (1934)
• Malaysia
1 Oct 10
Well, good question. I myself been playing online game for sometime (used to play). I started playing Ragnarok Online in Malaysia (SEA). It was real fun and even my guild members trusted me with their real money (we live in differnte states and never even met face to face). That is what I called fun. Then I moved on to RanOnline (SEA too) and then to a couple else. There was then I join Secret of the Soltice and it was worldwide platform. I played there for sometime and met a few great players. Some were godly! My last place was World of Warcraft and I lasted there for 9 months. After that, I gave up playing online for real and never looked back! Wasted too much of my time.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
Hello. That sounds very interesting. You are very familiar with many game sites and different types of games. Online games can become very addictive and can use a lot of time once addicted.