What are you gonna do?

October 18, 2010 11:48am CST
What are you gonna do if u had to study, oh lets say 800 pages worth of stuff for your finals exam and its tommorow. me? mylotting right now @_@ gosh why is it so hard to study at the times u need to the most! and the few days before the said exam, u cant sleep, doing useless stuff. when its almost close, you procrastinate.then when its even closer you freak out and get anxious, then you dont know what to do and you wanna calm down so you dont study, instead you do something else like mylot or sumthing. -_-. anybody ever had an experience like this?
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18 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
18 Oct 10
Sweetie, i think it is time for you to say goodbye to us now and hit those books. If you fail, i will surely whip the hell out of you. Now move. TATA.
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• Philippines
18 Oct 10
lol! just started studying after i made the post. pls dont whip me =P i dont think i would fail. i hope @_@
1 person likes this
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
just took a little break though, i got hungry =P
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• United States
18 Oct 10
Saphy will whip you
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Oct 10
Sometimes it is like this where as we get so tired and bored and lose interest. I would say get to studying young man as this is important. , by putting it off you will then cram more later and get overwhelmed. Good luck..
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
18 Oct 10
No whipping then?
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• United States
18 Oct 10
He is being a good young man and apparently is studying now as there has been no reply. How are you Saphy?? So no need to pull out the whip. this time.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Oct 10
I understand what you are saying. I don't have 800 pages to read for an exam but I have two textbooks to read and mulitple articles to go through for two exams next week. And yet here I am on mylot writing about it rather than doing the actual studying. I have been trying to study and it gave me a lot of stress. I know grades are important, finishing school is important but I also think a healthy mentality is important as well. Good luck to all students out there dealing with exams.
• Canada
18 Oct 10
I have been in this postition once or twice. At this point, I give up on reading 800 pages. Even if you get through it all, it is unlikely you will remember unless you have an eidetic (sp?) memory. I would take a few minutes to think about what will be worth the most on the exam, and use your remaining time to know that stuff really, really well. Good luck!
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@harry89 (2330)
• India
18 Oct 10
Well, i always study in these conditions. I always start to study one or two days before the exaw. Actually it has become my habbit and so far i have been successful in this but sometimes i think that if i had studies a little before than i could have done more better. Harry, :-)
@foofermen (500)
18 Oct 10
get into a power stance and say, "LETS DO THIS!" Then just pound it all out. Sleep deprivation is a give/ take. You get the extra hours but your mind is stale and foggy. Are there "highlights" of some kind? can you just go over the parts you are having troubles with? Do it, kick that class's butt.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
21 Oct 10
Well, I should be reading right now. I have at least two more chapters to read for a class this evening. But instead I'm on here trying to reach payout before the end of the month. That isn't wise I know. But I will get it done sometime this afternoon.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
grubder I would say you should have started studying two or three weeks ago as how on earth can you study 800 pages in one night. I think you had better do some praying as you start studying too.I learned when I went back to the U to get the two years I needed to get My BA to start studying several weeks before exams as then you can relax right before the exam instead.Let us mylotters all offet up some prayers that your mind has stored enough of the info that you still can get a decent grade on it tomorrow.Hope other mylotters also send their prayers your way.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
when i was still a student i keep on reading it. no matter how long is is i just read it and read it. when i am finish i read it all over again. i guess it helps my brain to remember it than memorizing it. reading in repetition is my way to study when i was still a student. it is just like a song when you hear the song all over and over you tend to memorize the lyrics.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Yeah I'm currently going through the same thing that you are. I am currently taking 3 classes and trying to work part time as much as I can so that I can pay for next semester. I'm doing pretty mediocre and all of my classes and it's hard for me to muster up the motivation to sit down and work on my stuff that I'm supposed to be learning when we are just going to be going over completely new stuff the next time I go into class. College also doesn't make it any easier on the students because I can't even take the classes I want to take right now because there are pre-requisites that are required for me to take before I can take any Chemistry classes which I actually want to take. It's ridiculous to go through the 12 years of schooling for high school only to get to college and have to pay a boat load of money just so you can go over all of the stuff that you learned in high school. Either way though you can't really give up because we've already paid a bunch of money for schooling as well as supplies and I don't want to lose that investment that I made. So all I can really do is hope and work as hard as I possibly can on these college classes, or else I'll be forced to work crappy restaurant jobs for the rest of my life, never actually earning enough money to live a sustainable and comfortable life.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Well I would give up all hope if I had that much to study and I haven't studied. I would wonder what caused me to neglect studying. Of course, by that point, there is really no point in studying, as I will be panicking and trying to learn everything at a rapid rate. But really with that degree of material, I think that nothing is going to stick. At least that is what it is like to me. Also, I never really study the day before to begin with. That is always bad news. I just hope that if I am ever in that situation, I had paid attention enough in the class. You may be surprised with exactly how much can stick in your mind if you have been paying attention and taking notes. Granted, that is not for everyone, but it is for me in fact. Still, I would be relaxing and worrying about what I need to do the next day, because personally I would be well past the point of any studying being effective.
@iamjesca (185)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
I really think that you should study. Failing in a subject is not an easy matter. You have to retake the subject and you will be behind you classmates. I really try to study when an exam like finals is coming. I just dont want to take the test without any knowledge about it. Ateast if I have read something, anything then I will be able to answer the exam. I would really feel guilty if I havent read anything because I was after all given the ample amount of time to study. I think you cram now, just browse all the pages. Get the important ideas and hope that you wont forget in the exams.
@FFBernie (42)
19 Oct 10
You'll be stress..before..after..and while waiting for the result!!! Man..don't do that again...
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
i want to join to my best friend always so that i cant in join there. for me, if me happy that thing we do.if i have time to study my lesson focus the study, if no i'm very sorry.
@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
19 Oct 10
The thing to do is to study all through the term and then you would not have to panic when it is time for the exams. I wish you luck. It sounds as if you may just be winging it on your exam, though.
• United States
18 Oct 10
It's very easy to just brush it off and put it off... but you'll never get anything done that way. Put your game face on and get it done! Study a little bit every day so it's not all crammed in before the test. Cramming hardly ever works anyway, and losing sleep just makes your brain function slower and your senses all go kaput. It's best if you study a little bit every night, have a full night of sleep, and then briefly review in the morning. Some untraditional study tips for you: Don't just look through the books and try to memorize facts. Talk about them! Talking about your homework helps you to remember it. It's hard to forget something that you brought up at the dinner table three nights a week. Also, find other books, movies, and sources about the subjects you're learning about in class. Not all studying is ho-hum research, research. Studying can be fun! Got a test over Greek Mythology? Read Percy Jackson. History test? Watch some movies set in the period. Immerse yourself in the knowledge and you'll find yourself interested. You'll learn better when you're interested.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
18 Oct 10
Why are you on mylot when you should be studying. Wow, I definitely feel sorry for you to have to study that much. But you should have studied earlier like last week, instead of waiting until the last day to study. Good luck, now get off mylot and study before the person above spanks you. Trisha
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
Our final Exam is tommorow Oct 20,2010 i dont need to preasure my into studing a lot of my subject. We have 3 days Exams,in our first day we have 2 subject we need to take, i study only this 2.So dont sweat yourself just relax.