Money or free public transportation?

@youless (112263)
Guangzhou, China
November 7, 2010 7:29pm CST
Since the Asian Games will be held in my city this week. So our government provided the free public transportation in November. This policy was carried out last week. It's a good plan because everybody could enjoy the free public transportation. However, due to many people, everybody complained about it, especially for the people who needed go to to work by the subway. Therefore from this week this policy is cancelled. The government will give each family 150 Yuan (about USD23) instead of free public transportation. Perhaps some people will be unhappy again Any rules that are beneficial for the people are good, but the government shall think about it carefully before they carry out the policy.
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16 responses
@zhouxi (1752)
• China
8 Nov 10
Government is somewhat childish when most people are not prepared.government can decrease the price not provide free public's a D-S law.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 10
I agree with you.
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@zhouxi (1752)
• China
8 Nov 10
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• Philippines
8 Nov 10
I think either way, people will complain because there are pros and cons to these and people have different opinions. But I think, your people should be grateful instead that your government is giving you such incentives to support the Asian Games. We don't have that kind of support in our country. I think people should just be open minded about it.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
I think our government has supported too much to the Asian Game which we don't appreciate to it.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Nov 10
hji youless yes there are always people who will complain no matter how good something is.I can imagine so many people taking advantager of the free transportation it could get a little crowded at times so I guess' the governmentdid not want more fuss so they jist gifted all wikh the 23 dollars instead. good luck and God bless.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
Yes, our government cancelled this offer to avoid accidents. Being too crowded is dangerous.
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
8 Nov 10
That is interesting news. I think your government has a lot of money to give to people. I can't expect something like this to happen in India. This is a good idea to help poor people. I think it will be a better idea to provide free transportation and it will be more beneficial to the government. Then, there is a question: what about people who don't take public transport?
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
I don't think it is wise to spend so many money for the unnecessary aspects. The Asian Game has cost a lot. I prefer that this money will be used for the education and health care. This is much more practical.
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• Philippines
8 Nov 10
That's a great move by your government actually. Rather than flooding the subway with passengers, it's better to just pay them the fair. It'll be an advantage for who doesn't really ride the subway.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
I think at first they should just pay for the fair rather than offering the free public transportation.
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
8 Nov 10
Hi You This is really good to hear that Asian Games ll be held in your city. There are always agreement and disagreement on different policies of the government. But I think you are right that government should kept in mind about the public concern in any sort of policy, as you stated that they changed their policy from free transport to give some amount of money to every household, this step is taken when there was strong disagreement among the public for policy, so I think keeping this example in view it is the duty of government to always keep in mind the public concern because the government is always for the betterment of people Have a nice day
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
In fact many of us don't like the Asian Game to be held here. It gives us lots of inconvenience.
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@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I think some people will complain no matter what the rules are now. Personally, I would like one week of free transportation, as I would go the zoo and see all the animals. I know that the bus is already crowded, so there is no way it would happen here.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 10
Now the public transportation will charge, so it seems everything has become normal.
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@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
well, as they say, you can't please everybody. there are people who are bound to complain no matter what the government does. I think that we, people, should learn to at least appreciate the effort of the government to give benefits to their citizens
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
Actually the money comes from our tax.
• Malaysia
8 Nov 10
That's kinda ridiculous. It's the first time I'm hearing that people are complaining about getting free transport. Sorry to say this, but I think the people who are complaining are basically spoilt brats. My country did that once, and it resulted in sustained usage of public transport even after the free period was over, cause people realised that public transport could be reliable. Maybe it was a problem with loading. If so, then yes, I do agree that the government should have thought it through, but I don't agree they should have cancelled it.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
People complain about it because it is so crowded in the subway. It is so horrible.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
8 Nov 10
Anything free is good, isn't it, lol? I'm sorry it had to be cancelled, though. It's understandable if people were complaining about it and they needed this transportation to get to work.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
It sounds great that it is free, but some people prefer to pay for the public transportation so that it won't be so crowded.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
9 Nov 10
I see.
@mickly08 (769)
• China
9 Nov 10
Nice to meet you again. To be frank, I don't care about this news. Because I live in Dongguan,I have not enjoy any benefit from this policy. The goverment also need to conider cost for your benefit.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Nov 10
I feel the same.
@asendud (318)
• Indonesia
8 Nov 10
i think money is good. but when government give a money to people, must be there is a fraud. many people who doesn't should not get the money will be get that's money. there is should be a good checks to obtain money.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
Here we have the policy called "Hukou" and it deals with the household.
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
8 Nov 10
I believe no matter how good a government do, there will still people who like to complain. Not talking about other places, in my company alone, we have a person who like to complain, whenever the company come out a new policy, either it is side to the employee or to the employer, he will complain. It is good too when there having such a person, at least each family will get 150Y and that will be fare for everyone. But if this is also given to those who having their own transport, I will think that it is not fare...There will be a lot of loop hole if cash money involved...
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 10
It is not easy to think out a perfect solution
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• Portugal
8 Nov 10
but is good that the government will give money for each family^^ that shows that at least care for your needs^^ but sure should think about people before make some policy but im happy that gave money for all families. is a little help already. anyway i wish that all goes ok. at least the government cared in some countries the government doesnt care if people have some loss or not. they just do whatever they want like in my country. so im happy in yours at least they care a bit.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
Yeah, at least we get the money even if the free transportation is cancelled.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
8 Nov 10
Hi, youless! I don't know the situation in Guangzhou. When you don't have free public transportation, isn't the buses, subway trains crowded? I know the Asian Games will increase the pressure of the traffic in Guangzhou much, it's very warm that the local government knows to compensate the resident.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
In the rush hour, the public transportation will be crowded, but sometimes it is comfortable in other hours. In fact the public transportation in Guangzhou is good. It is convenient for you to go to anywhere easily.
@kreznan (16)
• Bulgaria
8 Nov 10
Not everyone could be happy with goverment decisions. I think that once a goverment decides something they souldn't change it because this shows lack of confidence.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
At least they should think about any policy carefully before they want to carry it out.