customer service or the quality of the food?

@carrine (2743)
January 26, 2011 4:04pm CST
if you will eat on a restaurant or you will stay on a hotel, what matters most? the quality of their food or the customer service they have? for me, it should be both right? because i have this experience one of the restaurant that we try, their food is so great and its really yummy. but the customer service is really poor. so sometimes, customers got discourage to go back, right? will you feel the same feeling?
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20 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
27 Jan 11
I love to eat in good restaurants. That means quality food AND good service. Besides I want a nice atmosphere so that I can talk with the friends or family with whom I am. So I don´t want too much noise or children running among the tables. Most expensive restaurants are like that and they are worth it.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
hi marguicha there are good and cheap restaurants that provides excellent service. but you can't avoid the noise because there are lots of customers because of the very cheap amount of the food and excellent service of the staff. i have eatena very expensive restaurant but i am not satisfied with their food.maybe i am not just used to eat those kind of food. but they have excellent customer service.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
27 Jan 11
Unfortunatly for me it is imposible to be in a place where there´s a lot of noise. So that would be an important part of what I ask of a restaurant. Cheap places, if they are good, tend to be too crowed and noisy. I don´t go there And prefer eating at home.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
18 Jun 12
I think that both things are important. I don’t go back a restaurant where the food didn’t live up to my expectations, but I don’t feel like going back to a restaurant with bad service either. I once visited a restaurant in Copenhagen. The food was quite good, but the waitress was very rude and I didn’t feel like returning to the place. I had another experience with a waiter who got angry when we chose a la carte instead of the buffet. He reluctantly agreed to let us choose an a la carte dish, but he was not happy about our choice and he clearly showed us that. We got our food and it was very delicious. When we paid for our meal we used cash and the waiter tried to scam us. We confronted him and had another argument with him. The food was great, but we never went back to that restaurant!
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
30 Jan 11
I agree with you. I always appreciate people who work in any restaurants/hotels etc who treat their guest with extra kindness and sincerity, it matters really!
@wittynet (4421)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
Both! I know that all owners of restaurants and hotels want the best for their customers. The problem here is the staffs who are not doing their best to provide unparalleled service to their customers. Yes. Do you think their managers and supervisors are aware that most of the time, their staffs are not doing their best to serve their customers? They are not aware of this. That is why in my case whenever I eat even if it's just in fast food, I call the attention of the manager or supervisor if the service is not satisfying. They should know so that they can coach their staffs. They can correct their wrong doings. If they are so stubborn, they shouldn't be working there.
• United States
16 Dec 11
It is kind of like a trick question because both are so equally important. The quality of the food will make your mouth water and want you coming back for more. The service is also a good attribute because most people that eat own want to feel comfortable and at home. I guess quality of food though would override the other one if it had to come to that.
• Philippines
22 Jan 12
Hi Carrine, Like you, I would really prefer both. It's not good to eat in a fast food chain or restaurant with a not accommodating staff. I have this favorite dessert chain and even though I like to go in there and eat their desserts, still I really hate the treatment of their staff. They are so cold and couldn't even hear what our concerns. Customer service is a must but it must be accompanied with good food as well so that people will go back to them..and would really remember them. We have a lot of restaurants in here who have both..and I would love to go back every now and then...but my budget still matters most above all. ^^ Have a nice day!
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Hi Carrine, Yes, it is both, I think. I mean if the food and accomodations are really great then I can tolerate a degree of a point. If the workers are rude or unclean then I really don't care how good it is. Good food and hotels can be found elsewhere pretty easily.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
29 Jan 11
Yeah, it has got to be a balance between the two. If food is good but service is bad, what's the point right? There are many different kind of services, but what i hate most is late/slow servings of food. That's something i cant tolerate if the resturant is not busy at all, and they are taking their time to do it.. haha =D I dun mind slightly low quality food as good service is able to make up for it.. haha
@mayka123 (16603)
• India
27 Jan 11
For me the quality and customer service is as important as the price. If I am not happy with any of the three then I would not like to visit the restaurant again. The price should match the quality of food and the kind of service being provided.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
both for me.. but i prefer service more. i miss this restaurant we have back home. they have great food and superb people. that's why they have a lot of customers waiting in line to get a table every night. when i was in college, i used to have dinner there whenever i have time. it's a nice place to have a meeting or gather with people as well.. i used to hang out a place here now. they know how to keep their customers but they don't have much in their menu except coffee which is my main purpose why i stay there sometimes.. plus their free wireless connection..
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
You're right. It should always comes together. Even you have known for best quality product, you could not attract costumers or clients if it will not endorse properly. And vice-versa..even you have well trained endorsers but the product they endorse would not be that of quality, everything would be useless. Quality must not only comes with the product it self but also with the services. Services is also a kind of product that needs quality.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
28 Jan 11
I know a few restaurants like that around here. Their food is so good, and they're the only one serving it that they could afford to have no level of customer service. Yet, people keep coming back, because they have no choice. I'm sure that if other restaurants would open up that has even just half the quality of food, but great customer service, they would end up going there instead.
@laura27 (74)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I feel that both situations matters to me. It great to here that the food is tasty and delicious. But, one day you'll ask yourself would the restaurant continue to make good food or would it sync down hill later. I will hate for this to happen cause they may not keep the good workers that are making the quality foods. These kind of results turn into a bad then all of a sudden you see them slowly not making the food taste as great as it use to. I will go back long as the food keeps its fresh of high quality standards.
@koikei (206)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
greetings! if the service is bad, i wouldn't even notice the food since i'll be grumpy throughout the meal. there are literally hundreds of restaurants here in manila and a lot serve wonderful meals, but only a handful provide quality service.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
As long as the food is great, I would go back. In terms of bad service, the only time I would not go back is if my food takes too long to get served and I am really hungry. Or they serve me what I didn't order. It is discouraging when the service is bad. It makes establishments lose customers.
@rberon1985 (5359)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Just like with your opinion,i also like both.i have also with the same experience.i think it was in Greenwhich.i like their food however the service and crew and the whole service is not good.they have waited me for so long.i think i place the order one in the afternoon,and it was served to me around one twenty five,which is really disappointing.i was not able to enjoy the food because of that.happy mylotting!
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Hi. I think they go hand in hand, both the quality of food and the customer service. One cannot truly appreciate a restaurant or a hotel if one of those qualities is missing. I mean, I can't feel good about having a very sumptuous meal if the service they render is bad. Like how can you enjoy the food if let's say the the plates and utensils are unclean or the waiter looks and acts sloppy? Conversely, it's a no-brainer that even if they have an exceptional customer service, if the food taste bad, why go back to that place?
@LeeHolt (433)
26 Jan 11
I would rather have both, just like yourself! I've been really dissapointed by some customer service teams, I mean that's also part of what your paying for right? Not only the food? There are few places that have really yummy food and excellent customer services, but every once in a while I will find a place that is great in both areas, and that are the places that I will visit over and over!
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I would think it would depend on quality of food in a restaurant as well as the price. The more one pays, the better one expects to be treated by the restaurant staff. But the reality is in my opinion that we want both good food and good customer service. If the business does not treat me the way I should be treated or expect to be treated, I will consider not returning even if the food is good.
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Of course, normal people would answer this question with both. As for me, If the restaurant has a quality, then the food and customer service too. Based on my experience, the overall management of a restaurant must in unison with their food, customer service, employees, augment with their concept and aim in providing their best amenities as much as possible. They train their staff about giving a total service to the customers. When the staff do not follow the rules, a disciplinary action is given to the staff. Poor service in the restaurant comes from poor management and food concept. When you experience bad service from the staff, it doesn't mean that the whole service manpower of that restaurant is bad. As a customer, you have to be considerate to the restaurant people when you think that they're doing their best to serve you. The same is true with bad customer, restaurant workers cannot argue or fight back with bad customers. they don't have the right to do that. But in the case of a restaurant workers, customers can explain easily as abc or 123. Isn't it very discriminating? So, try to understand restaurant workers as much as possible. Thank you.