I've forgotten....

@MsTickle (25180)
February 23, 2011 6:46pm CST
In the last couple of days I've lost a pair of glasses, the nozzle off the end of my hose, the key for my lawn-mower and the keys to where I work!! I have been searching and searching. Perhaps I shouldn't say "lost" but "mislaid" instead. I'm having some health issues and they are weighing on my mind. I think this may be the cause of my confusion. I'm also scared of that other awful disease where you forget things and the word is creeping into the back of my mind. The thing is, I'm usually pretty well organised. These objects are used mostly every day and when they are not in use they have a specific spot where they are put away. I'm at my wits end. How's your memory these days? Do you often lose things? Does it worry you?
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29 responses
@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
24 Feb 11
I have a cold and my brain is foggy. I even had a dream this week where I would put things down on a desk, etc. and they would literally vanish. It happened three times in that dream. I am that way when I get stressed anyway. If I do not hang my keys up in exactly the right spot as I walk in the back door, there is no telling where I will find them. I am going through some drawers and such and finding all kinds of weird things I did not remember having. I just this moment looked at a waste basket and saw a stack of important papers in there. I had cleared the table, hubby puts all kinds of important papers down and ignores them right on the table, but I wanted to put a new cloth on it. I had not intended to put them in the trash. I can lose my glasses even when I know where they are because without them on I cannot see to find them.
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• Singapore
24 Feb 11
Yes I have accounted quite a lot of times that I cant find my glasses because i have misplaced them. I have two sets and when I cant find one pair, I will grope for the other. My only challenge in this problem is to remember to place the extra pair at the same place after finding the first pair.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
I lost my address book months ago. I must have knocked it into my waste paper bin and sent it off with the rubbish because it has never turned up. There are years worth of names and addresses in there...all gone now and no way of getting some of them back. I have 4 pairs of spectacles and I have been known to not be able to put my hand on at least 3 of them sometimes. I think the brain being foggy is the cause dear gerty but that doesn't make me less anxious.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Feb 11
now im wondering. did you look in the trash as gerty was saying? also, you have goats and they have a tendency to grab things. i know mine once(yrs ago when i had one)grabbed a 5 dollar bill from my hand as i had it when i ran out of the car to take clothes off the line, cause it started raining just as id gotten home. my goat grabbed the five out of my hand where i was holding the money and took off eating it look around where the goats hang out. and i hope one hasnt eaten these things.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
24 Feb 11
Sometimes i also loose my memory. I will something somewhere and i forget that. Then the deep search will starts, irritation comes. Then i sit and think patiently then it will definitely appears. But i never forget about my studies and career issues. In that i have so strong memory. Thanks for sharing,
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
You are lucky that you can focus so well. I hope this talent continues for you.
• India
24 Feb 11
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
24 Feb 11
I think we all have "senior moments". Sometimes we have so much going on that its easy to misplace things. Specially the ordinary things, the stuff we do everyday. I forgot to give my mom her car keys back, thankfully she has another set. I wish all good things for you. I hope your health issues get resolved and that nothing is serious. Maybe you can blame it on the gremlins, them darn little people who come and hide stuff.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
I lost my response to you. Not sure what happened. Things can be replaced but it's mainly the keys I'm worried about.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
24 Feb 11
Just about every day at work I walk in our supply room and I stand there for a few minutes looking around wondering what I came in here for. Sometimes I can't remember what I was gonna say but I have a lot on my mind and I think that has a lot to do with it. I think about 10 different thinks at once and then I get confused about all of them
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
Oh yes missybear I can certainly relate to that. But it's been a while for me since that happened. I usually go top another room and instead of doing what I went there to do I do something else and become totally sidetracked. I have lots to do but there is no pressure to do them...although, I need to focus a bit more to stay on top of things.
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@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
24 Feb 11
I think if you are sure about how you are at organising things, it helps to see someone about your condition. Oprah always says to listen to that inner voice and your body will tell you if somethings not right. However do more observations and be more concious of how you operate. Sometimes like someone before me has said, it may due to stress. Maybe you should take raisins, they say that its good for memory.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
My body doesn't talk to me too often and when it does the info is false. My body has a wacky sense of humour. I went looking for my raisins and they are missing too. There's that theory out the window.
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@Ichiru101 (284)
• United States
24 Feb 11
I misplace stuff more often then I really should. I would leave my keys on the table and the next minute I would forget. Lately It has been getting worst, I am a tiny bit worry about that.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
Yes, you're a bit young to be very forgetful. Maybe you have lots and lots going on. When I was young I was always going too fast in every way and not concentrating on things.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 11
Well I think you need to go and have the test done to ease your Mind because having all this on your mind the worry the stress will not help you and can cause you to forget things I do it at times I mislay my Keys it just happens Girl but if you are really worried go to the Doctor Hugs
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Mar 11
This makes me so happy Sweetie, please do take care though
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Feb 11
Hi gabs, I'm seeing the doctor on a weekly basis at the moment and having quite a few tests done including x-rays. I've always been very healthy and now I find myself taking a handful of pills day and night. Is there a test for Alzheimers? What does it consist of do you know?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Mar 11
Gabs, I'm feeling so much better. I had a client trip yesterday...up at 4:15am, 8 hours plus driving and home again at 5:30pm. I felt great! Tired, exhausted even but it was a really good trip and I was pleased. I'm feeling pretty much on top of things right now...thanks love.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
24 Feb 11
my memory is gettinga work over lately as to what time to take kids to work and pick them up these are our visiting family. Mine is thinking a day aead of time nd start to get ready only to remeber that my appointment is the next day. but for the most of it memory is fine lololol I hope ya find everything and soon
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Feb 11
your welcome and have you found them yet/
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
Thanks Lakota my friend...it's not just that it's so ruddy annoying to lose stuff but the fact that it worries me so much is a real pain too. I'm trying to just let go today. My boss gave me a spare set of keys saying he needs to get more sets cut. he's great like that. he never gets cross with me...I rouse on him all the time...lol
@jwfarrimond (4473)
24 Feb 11
Hmmm.... What was the question again?
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24 Feb 11
Yes, I'm like you though possibly less organised...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
Yes, I had one of those back in 1965...sadly the wheel fell off. What great memories you have invoked my friend...
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
24 Feb 11
Hi, dear! I am really worried about the stigma of that disease, the heightened awareness, and I am actually thinking that the concern & hype, that overcomes me once I "mislay" something, is creating the confusion! I like you, am routine, but if I lose just one thing...that WORD comes popping into my mind...and keeps rearing it's ugly head, reminding me that that is what is happening. I know it is something we need to be learned about...but it shouldn't be foremost in our minds...so we afflict our own selves with comden\mnation...and the fear that is it creeping up on me. OH DANG..it, I know what I am trying to say..just NOT saying it right (just forgot...LOL!) Did what I wrote make any sense to you...I heard, read about it when I was younger..stored the info..and went on, now when something is amuk..we put it down to the awful word. I'll just be quiet now!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
Hello you...my Mum was sadly afflicted before she passed away as was her Mum. There is a lady here where I live, she lives a short way out of town on a property. One day she was fine, a few weeks later I saw her waiting for a group to arrive for a meeting (it was the wrong day) and she came looking for everyone and she was angry and nasty - very strange for this nice lady. A few weeks later I was told she had the disease and when next I met her, sure enough, she is a different person. It took mum a few years to deteriorate but with this lady it was a few months. I feel certain that it will happen to my sisters and I as I don't believe there is a way to avoid it just as there's no cure
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
That would be lovely thank you. I wonder if Thai curry as in green curry would be the same? I don't use as much curry these days as I used to, preferring to use chilli paste, powder or sauce and cayenne for extra kick. It's the closest I can get to actually 'kicking' these days Hugs to you for caring...I feel blessed.
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• Canada
24 Feb 11
It is NOT easy to ignore it, when it is surrounding you like that, and please understand I was not making light of the situation...as truly that DISEASE is one that scares me helpless..to think of not being in care and control of my brain and body..and NOT being aware of how I am inflicting my shortcomings on others! About a year ago...it was ALL consuming to me, and I spent soooooo much time, researching! And one thing, that I did gleen from all my research...was that of all the populations of the world...those (like India) that includes Curry in their daily diet, had the lowest per capita, almost negligent occurences of Alzheimer's! (sp) I can't remember...now I must look it up again..the chemical in the plant..CURRY, that these persons ingest daily, from an early age, that they attributed this alleyance too! It has spurred me, to include a lot more curry in my diet, and mostly I love the salad dressing that I make..and eat on everything! Will PM you, if you like with it! I truly am sorry, for the health issues that you are going thru...I pray that you will be well soon! Take care..And Cheers!
1 person likes this
• Australia
25 Feb 11
When things weigh heavily on our minds, we tend to do things without thinking about them, like putting objects in places we wouldn't usually put them. Instead of racing around looking for the missing objects, sit down, clear your mind and think of something else. Eventually, your mind will come up with possible places that these objects could be in. Or you could just look in the freezer - that's where my mum always puts things without thinking. Ever since having kids, I have noticed that my memory isn't the same as it was. My short term memory and information retentive memory are not too good these days, but my long term memory is just as good, if not better. I guess the brain only lets the important stuff remain in our concious memory and files the rest somewhere like 'noted, but not going to use...ever'. There are memory exercises out there that can help to improve ones memory as well as ones concentration. Word and number puzzles are great for this, as are math equations. Techniques like picture association help too - a lot of people use this technique without even realizing they are using it. I hope you find the items that for now escape you. While the hose can work without the nozzle, and the lawns aren't going any where, the glasses and keys are probably items you need and use on a regular basis.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 11
Hello dear friend...I've missed you.How are hubby and the girls? You are quite right and I noticed those things myself in regard to having children but I was very young when I had them and not sure if that was part of my development. My memory has always been excellent. One of my jobs required excellent memory skills and I was much in demand. Maybe that's why I notice so much when I'm forgetful. It's definitely more that I'm pre-occupied I think. However I know my memory is also failing me in that when I specifically try and remember some small thing there is a big FAIL; a blank wall that will not accept the info I want to store. Everything has been found except for the glasses and they have to be somewhere outside...I think.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 11
Oh, I forgot to mention...I'm using the site whiteheather mentioned: http://www.lumosity.com/ It seems my weakest area is my memory! My strongest area is problem solving and that has never been my forte!
24 Feb 11
Hi MsTickle, I think its because you are so worried about your health problem that you are misplaceing your things, don't worry about something that I don't think you have, my husbacd is forever misplaceing things and takes about an hour looking for them and in the end I always find them for him, my hub is a healthy bikeing fanatic and somethimes I think his brains are cook with all that cycleing, please don't worry, it will work out for by itself. Tamara
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 11
I think you are right dear friend. I've been overcome by tiredness too lately which is part of one of my conditions but also because i'm not sleeping properly. Everything catches up eventually. The good thing is...my doctor is looking into everything for me and that in itself is a bit of a load off my mind. Oh, I've found the work keys too.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 11
Oh wow. I'm jealous that you can still climb. I haven't been able to for around 20 years now. Your story here reminds me of the time when my kids left the keys inside our apartment. No way could we afford a locksmith, there was no-on else home either to ask if we could use their phone. I had to climb out the window in the stair well and across to my balcony. My kids were crying they were so scared!! We were up 3 floors. I was such a tom boy. I wish I could do half the things now that I could do then...I wish I weighed the same now as I did then.
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25 Feb 11
Hi MsTickle, i am so pleased you found the work keys, with me it was my house keys, went out to feed the birds and left the keys inside the lock but I meant to put it outside, then had to climb on to the roof to get into frome the bedroom window, good thing it was open at the time, I didn't think I'll be climbing anything at my age of 58, lol! but I did it, now the first thing I do is put the keys in my pocket few minutes before I go out the door. Hugs. Tamara
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
24 Feb 11
Sorry to hear that you have not been well. I too have been having issues over the last week. I never get sick, but I have had massive back pain which drained all the energy out of me and left me confused and in a daze as well. I could not find my car keys for a day. I eventually found them in the back roller door to my garage! I had just returned from a weekend away absolutely exhausted and could not find the key to the side door, so I used my roller door key on my car keys to open it and then rolled the door down from the inside, leaving the keys in there on the outside! My back finally improved yesterday after getting gradually worse for a week, so I am back on track now! :-)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 11
Oh dear Bill, your back sounds dreadfully painful. I can relate to that. I have osteo-arthritis and it can be quite painful at times. I'm still unable to find the keys and my glasses...the hose nozzle was in the long grass beside the tap...I had already searched there because it was so obvious, lol. The mower key had been left hanging on the mower. My friend has been looking for the keys and glasses but with no luck.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 11
My work keys have turned up...they were right in front of me all this time. Now it's just the spare glasses and they are probably in the long grass as well. I'm glad your back is getting better...I have good days and bad. I wonder what caused your pain in the first place???
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
25 Feb 11
My back is even better today, but it is not going to keep improving if I sit here at the computer, so may have to call it a night! I hope that you find them soon. Perhaps if you give up all hope of finding them, the keys and glasses will turn up!
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• China
24 Feb 11
I remeber all things where I have lay them.Be careful.If it is important to you ,you must take care about where you have lay them.the location I lay a thing is where I always lay it.You can keep it a habit.Everything is located clearly.So you can find it easy.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
That is normally what I do but that did not happen this time and the things are missing. You missed the whole point of the discussion.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
3 Mar 11
if i have misplaced something or i don't find a thing i need...then there are two ways to get it back...most of the times i try to recall all the events of the day ..that what i did and when...and suddenly i remember and if i go to that place i get my thing there...or otherwise...if i have tried my best and i can't find it...then i proceed to my work.....trying to carry out my work with the substitute...then suddenly that thing comes to my sight....don't doubt your memory and take tensions unnecessarily...when u say u r well organized then u will find them...and i t happens sometimes in everyone's life....
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Mar 11
Hi eshaan - how right you are. I have found everything except for the glasses which I think must have dropped somewhere in the garden. They will turn up eventually. The keys were actually where I thought they were, they had been pushed aside a little and I could not see them...I felt very silly when I found them because I had looked in that place a few times. The thing is, my mind was preoccupied at that time and so I was not concentrating properly on what was going on around me as I usually do. Bad MsTickle!! BAD!! I'm more my usual self now.
• United States
6 Mar 11
yea,i worry about that too.more so because i had people in my family with altzheimers,dementia,and parkensons. stuff,i'm usually good about knowing where it is. but as far as conversation,i sometimes have brainfarts mid sentence. but as long as i eventually remember what i was trying to say,i don't worry so much. when i can't,then i know i'm in trouble..
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Mar 11
You know how people forget stuff when they have Alzheimers and they wander around and so on....do they know they are lost? Do they know they are having a brain fart mid sentence? I don't think I'm explaining properly. If I get Alzheimers, will I be aware of what's happening to me? That's what scares me. We see people who have the disease frightened because they don't know their family etc but what are they aware of?
@GreenMoo (11834)
4 Mar 11
I read that as 'the nozzle off my nose'! Made me look twice! I'm fairly organised, though you might not think so to look at my house. I do tend to know where things are though. I think I just go around with a mental map of where I saw things last. I hate it when other people tidy up as it really messes up my system.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Mar 11
LOL. I'm usually better organised but I was stressed back then...I'm not accustomed to being stressed so that maybe explains things. I have a good friend who comes and goes in my home most of the time. He will grab my keys or my torch and he never puts them back in the correct place. He moves furniture for one reason or another and doesn't put it back. When I tell him to take out his dirty plates he doesn't stack them on the sink with the others waiting to be washed, he puts them on the nearest empty space where they should not be. There's not a day goes by that I don't want to clip his ear...lol. It's why I live alone...I'm fussy and intolerant.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 11
I think everyone has his/her moment of forgetfulness, does not matter at what age and what condition. I often thought of a name than when I was about to say it I forgot that name and had to describe this person and let others support me with a name. I am forgetful with items, too. So I put everything is a certain place easier for me to see and find.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
It makes sense to have a place for everything and top put everything in it's place. It's such a pity that things sometimes don't go according to plan and become lost...if only we lived in a perfect world
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 11
I would be bored many years ago if I live in a perfect world.
• United States
24 Feb 11
Oh wow sorry to hear of all the tension and stress you have been under. That alone can be the contributing factor as I am also a very well organized person and when I have lost in my brain, I tend to not find things and then they show up in the very same spot I check a hundred times. I do hope all is well with your health and you can resume back to ye ole self.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
I'm glad my doctor is finally checking things but I'm anxious about things. I've always been healthy and now I'm rapidly succumbing to age and I don't know how to handle it. I've tried to talk to my two good friends and my daughter but they just don't seem interested. I guess I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself.
• United States
26 Feb 11
Oh I am so sorry to read this and please always feel free to PM with anything if you simply want to talk. myLot is also a great place to vent a little where good people can share experiences and help us get through things.
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
24 Feb 11
Hi Ms Tickle. This has been the scene in my house for the past few years. I used to be a very organised person too. But since my health went bad, I find it very difficult to do any cleaning work or organising work too tedius and have no strength to clean after cooking and sending my daughter off to school and my husband off to work. Sometimes my husband gets annoyed at the way things are at home but he does understand that it is because of my health and not laziness. I have tried reducing the work load by hiring a maid and now I feel much better. And am taking further steps to reduce the stuff at home-there are a lot of things and clothes which I do not use and have become old. Am sorting them out and giving them away to poor relatives and charity. Am planning on selling off some furniture so that there is much space at home. Tackle your health first and get your mind off it and all will be well. Our mind is the main culprit and don't worry, things should work out fine for you.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 11
That's sad devijay but I'm glad you have a maid and an understanding husband. I'm on my own and even though I have health issues which make it difficult to tackle all my chores regularly, I feel that I'm being lazy. There is just so much to do around the home and in the garden. I am terribly overwhelmed by it all these days.
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
25 Feb 11
You will feel you are not accomplishing much and not working enough. I have gone through this phase and thankfully am out of it now. I do get that guilty feeling sometimes that I am not doing enough. But, my health is more important than anything else because I have a small daughter who relies on me for everything. So thinking of her, I force myself to relax. Don't worry MsTickle. People who do a lot of work all the time will feel like an invalid and feel guilty about not getting things done. But your health is more important than anything else. We just have one life and we do not have to work like a horse at the cost of it. Don't you agree? About my husband-he has to understand! He has no other go!