Has you ever dated a guy/gal whom you thought would be in your life forever?

@flower21 (765)
June 12, 2011 1:33am CST
Almost everyone experience dating a guy or girl you so falling in love and you dream that you all stay forever in a good relationship. some even visualized if would become their lifetime partner. With on and off relationship if ever have a chance to experience it. You finally realize you need to grow out of love cause in reality most relationship fail. Though, I still wish all relationship are meant to happen for good. Is that easy for you or it a tough decision for you to grow out of love, including your first love? Or it would even be seem complicated to think of?
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11 responses
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
i have many types of dates and it depend on how i perceive the person. sometimes it just like admiration or infatuation. i like his traits but my likeness changes for sometimes. i could say i have not dream or experience like wishful thinking it would happen. i am under observation and too much things to explore and experience in this life. i could say that when the time it happen i could just feel it and he is the same way to me.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
me too and just like you t s sort of a dream. having a real relationship require long term connection and if the two people have no interaction with each other. it s like a fancy thing with no real interaction their would no chance of real love to happen. a true love happen when both feel the same feeling of excitement, a longing to spend hours without feeling bored and finally a feeling of willingness to share for a lifetime bond.
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• United States
13 Jun 11
I don't actually believe in "forever" myself. I believe in letting it last as long as you can and seeing where it goes. If it lasts a while, there's a point where you start working to keep it. But even then there sometimes comes a point where you need to cut your loses and move on. That said, I have felt that way for someone. We've currently been together for almost 8 years, so we must be doing something right.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
that right it is in keeping the relationship by mean of the quality of time spend and not just the quantity. many relationship comes to meet many trials and problems. with the maturity and open mindedness to trust each other gives a good years of keeping the relationship longer. i do agree with you saying need to move on especially when a relationship fail their is no need to cling longer as it would hurt it more.
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@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Yes, I dated this guy whom we have a common friend. Before I met him, I fell in love with his name. I really like his name and I don't know why. I felt like I want to have a husband with that name so we can have our kids named after him. We dated almost every week after my classes back in college and he finally ask me to be his girlfriend. I was so glad I met him, we've been together for 6 years now and we are planning to get married as well.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
i am so happy for you and you met your true love. do hope and wish you both luck in whatever endeavor you take in your life. it is a good love story and i think if you continue having a good relationship that would lead to marriage and happy life ahead for the two of you. good luck and i wish you all the best of the world. with strong relationship tested by time am sure you would both surpass all the tral and error life give to each as a test.
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• United States
12 Jun 11
I suppose I haven't really dated seriously enough to know this. Forever is quite a word though. I have an idea of who I would love to spend the rest of my life with, so the decision is easy. I guess the hard part is the means of going about it.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
okay. understand your side to say forever it s like you build a promise with a strong foundation not to break any of your words you been promise to give to your loved ones. and it is easy from your own viewpoint to find out but it is on keeping the relationship intact that make it hard to say t would last. since many relationship undergo many trial and error before t would become successful.
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@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Yes, i dated him and we're still together till now and just how happy I am :)
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
good for you. and i both wish you the best of luck.
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@jdex_143 (1093)
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Yes. I did. But our relationship failed. So, sad. Now, I have a boyfriend. What I'm doing now to avoid a huge disappointment on my part, I don't expect us to stay together for the rest of our lives. I've already figured out and accepted that only beginnings are sweet and happy endings are not always true. I'll just enjoy every moment we'll have and come what may. :)
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
good thing you have found another and i do wish your relationship with him would take longer than the other person who who left you. and i agree with you being in a relationship s a good feeling and it make you feel secure and proud for having found a partner. just like you i also expect a lasting relationship but break up is meant to happen because it gives us another chance to find another person with even greater quality than the one who left us.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I have date a couple of people that I thought would be in my life forever. They did not feel the same way though so we parted ways.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
life is like that way i myself experience it. I no longer seek or find love and let love find me. or in other words I just do not bother chasing it when the time comes i find a real partner who truly love me it would be built on true love not just mean of rushing just to make other people aware. having a partner mean you both trust each other and not find a partner just for display or with other people flaunt it like a trophy.
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• Philippines
23 Jun 11
Nope. I had dated someone but that turned out to be a group date because I was unsure of the person I dated. We had a good time, but that did not made me decided that he is the man I am looking for and will be staying with forever. Besides I am too young that time to plan for my future. I had my first love but that is only one sided love and he was the one I plan to marry in the future. The only problem is that he doesn't know my feeling. i was hoping that in the future, or in the right time he will court me but he likes my friend more.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
at least you experience having a date compare to other person who have 0 date or never experience. though group dating for me is not a serious thing for me but it serve as avenue to meet other people. since we could not possibly meet the one we love if we do not try to explore. the event you attended may serve as as the starting point to know the other people likes and dislikes and at the same way they also get the opportunity to meet you.
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@potrish78 (742)
• Philippines
19 Jun 11
I never played games in any of my relationships and I was hoping that whoever I was with at that time would be the one I would spend the rest of my earth life with. But like you said, sometimes it just doesn't work out and you move on and look or find another love. But as far as your question is concerned. Yes! I have always thought of that. I had a boyfriend whom I was with for 6 years whom I thought the one I would marry and spend forever with and I also had a boyfriend whom I had dated for 6 months which actually made me think he's "The One".
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yes everyone i know s very serious about the same thinking and they like to keep the relationship longer as much as possible rather than playing games. though it s good not to give so much love and gives some love to self. since it is very hard to move on when you give all your love and he is gone while you move on but the feeling for him is not yet gone.
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@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
13 Jun 11
o to the first love that happens quite often.We think hop found love is my life.But actually we only fool ourselves.Never have to make plans before we know whether this is our true love.Have a nice day!
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
yes it s a mere illusion especially when it is the first experience of love. a lover just think about the euphoria or the good felling without anticipating that relationship undergo many trials and errors. when two become incline to trust each other and become patience to wait to have their relationship reach special peak. then it s the two would decide if they like to keep their relationship for real.
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@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
24 Jun 11
Years back it was really hard for me to face and somwhat accept that the man I loved more than anybody in this world would not be my lifetime companion as he only wanted the fun of the relationhip and didnt take any responsibility for it. We had been together for over three years and I had dreamed of staying with him for a lifetime but the dream never came true. It was very complicated and hurtful to part ways with him but had to be done.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
30 Sep 11
that the bad thing of going into a serious relationship when you devote most of your time. you come to discover they are just playing games and simply a player. i think we need to love but give some love to our self in that way when a relationship fall it would become easy to move on. never know we find another love even greater than the one who left us.
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