Does the Price Talk About Quality?

July 10, 2011 12:59am CST
I hear a lot of people say when something is expensive, it must be good quality. Honestly, I have some belief of that, too. Most things I bought a little expensive lasted for many years to the point I just don't like them around anymore. While on the other hand, some cheap things go break so easily. However, there are still things that may cost low but good quality and some things so expensive but also break easily. What do you think guys? Does the price really talk about quality? Do you prefer to pay more because of better quality you expect?
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24 responses
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
10 Jul 11
I think yes, price talks about quality. It is the rule for every thing in this world and will be there. in every interaction this rule works. More price means more returns. It is very simple and very true.
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• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yup, most of the time it is true. But not really always, just most of the time.
• India
10 Jul 11
We can not totally rely on price determining the quality of the product, there are such products in the market that in fact have low price but results in great awesome quality it is just we need to identify such products we our experience in buying the product. Apart from that talking about the price i have been studying around in my college days in economics that when price is low there is always be disadvantage of low sales of the product probably the reason of keeping the prices low is the company wants to get the product familiar with the people around and get higher sales, so we come to know from this concept that not necessary that prices that are low means low quality. Also whenever we are purchasing a product we should see the company's performance see reviews about the product and then purchase. So concluding on the topic price doesn't matter its the market behavior that talks about the quality of the product.
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• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, I believe in your economics thing. We've discussed that in school too. We really need to inspect well each product before we buy them no matter what the price is. Happy mylotting!
@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Jul 11
It used to be that when something is expensive, it was good quality. Now days not so much. Now everything is expensive unless it is just down right cheap. I guess price does speak to quality in a way but not like it used to. I think for some things it pays to buy the best. Even if you have to save for it. Other things it isn't so important to have the quality.
@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Jul 11
No, I don't think it is. Not always anyway.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yeah, there are things we would want to pay higher, but not in everything. Now, going to malls buying clothes, I see that a lot of things are so expensive but looking at the product itself, I would say it should not be that much. So quality comes first, but being expensive is not a guarantee to quality.
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@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
In the battle between quality and quantity, I pick the item with quality but depending upon the price if my wallet can afford. :-) Quality products are for people who do not easily gets bored on things because it will not easily be broken or something. Opposite to the latter case.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
The price of an item does not always speaks it's quality.You can buy products in middle range prices which have a better quality with the highest price item.Sometimes you can also buy products with low price but has the same quality with products with high prices because most high price products are selling their brand name.Sometimes,product will have high prices because it stays longer in the market,and they earned good reputation that people are still buying it even if they increasing the prices;but it doesn't mean that starters can't produce the same or better products. I agree with Maharlika it depends on how much you can afford.There are items that are not worth buying for it's price and quality because you'll be bored of using the same thing all the time.I remember buying a good quality sandals with a good price.I was using it for more than 5 years,and it still looking good.I lost interest of using it anymore.I'm thinking of giving it away,but I have second thought because it's quite expensive.I just used it until it will be worn out and feel relieve when it does.Now,I'm just buying low price to medium price items as long as it has good quality.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yes guys.. Of course we need to consider if we can actually afford such. If not, we cannot buy it. I don't really buy too expensive things but rather those at reasonable prices. Yes, sometimes if one easily gets tired of the same thing, don't buy the expensive one and the one that will last long. I bought a Sketchers shoes and it's expensive, about 6 times the one I bought before which also lasted long. Now I don't use it because I don't like. I regretted buying it. Thanks and have a nice day for all of us!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
11 Jul 11
HI Banny! It really depends on what kind of things they are. For me if it just clothes, handbag, cosmetics I would go for the cheap one. Why?? Because there are various design and I like to change it over time. Means I don't want to keep that for long time. But if it about the furniture or the electrical stuff I will choose according to its brand and normally it just around the middle price. I don't go for the expensive one because I can't afford them. That is for sure~(^^)
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
12 Jul 11
Buy within the budget is important to me. Dislike others who will spend their money for branded and high quality items I will always choose items within the medium range price. For me if we want to spend a lot of money I would spend them for foods. Imagine how much food I could eat if I use the money instead of spend it for branded stuff???(^^)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, I agree with you. With those items, we often want a new one so it would be fine if we buy cheap ones. But about the bigger and longer use things, we would opt for quality. And we also need to consider what we can afford. Thanks!
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
11 Jul 11
High price usually means branded products. When we talk about brand, it does not necessary mean that it is always of better quality. Most of the time, we are paying such high price just for the brand name. Yes, there are still good quality products which doesn't cost much. I usually go for the average price, not too high and not too low. And the product is still good.
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
11 Jul 11
Maybe it's only satisfaction to those who can afford it. For me, why want to pay so much just for the name. Anyway, not all branded products provide satisfaction. That thing obviously won't last forever and in a way, we are just throwing away money. I don't really know cause I usually buy just the things that I need, so long as they are useful to me.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Jul 11
The price price of some things is no indication of the quality of the goods. Houses are different...the higher the price, the better the house or the location or other feature. I buy a lot of generic items at the grocer's and sometimes they are just as good as the most expensive item. I recently bought a new kettle. My thinking is "a kettle is a's one for $60 and here's one for $15". I know which one I'm going to buy. I refuse to buy expensive name brand items like shoes and clothes because I'm paying for the brand name...the quality is just the same as a cheaper item.
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, it's different in different situations and products. Some items are worth the higher price, but some are not. Thanks and happy mylotting!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Jul 11
There's a saying that goes "You get get what you pay for" however, sometimes it holds true and sometimes it doesn't. It really depends on what you're buying. Name brand doesn't mean a whole lot unless you know all about it and how reliable it is. Hubby and I don't always go for the cheapest or the most expensive but what it is that we need and for what reason.
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, it might be true but not all the time. So we just need to inspect very carefully what we buy to make sure we get what we want.. Thanks and have a nice day!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Does the Price Talk About Quality? Well, I'd say not always. Although I would admit there are expensive items that really do have high quality but as per my experience it does not apply to all. I'd give you one good example. This is a first-hand experience. Some few years ago, I bought original Lacoste Polo-Shirts, one for my husband and one for my son at Subic Duty Free Shop. That was the first time ever that I bought that brand. The price was 7 times higher than ordinary polo-shirts but sadly they did not meet my high expectation. The shirts failed my color-fastness test. Just as I was soaping them I saw their colors mixing with the clear water. I felt so short-changed. Since then I never buy that same brand again.
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Hi! Well that's really disappointing. I agree with you. Sometimes it's right, but not all the time.
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
yeah, i believe that the more expensive something is, the better is it's quality. the more known a brand is, the higher is it's price. i am not brand conscious but when it comes to my bags and footwear, i really buy something expensive. it gives me more confident. i am afraid that if i carried a not so expensive one, it may break unexpectedly, and i might be embarrassed. so i must better be safe than sorry.
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, the more known the brand name, the higher the price, the better the quality should be. It's because those brands are taking care of their name. Though we can't really totally say it's always the case. Thanks and have a nice day!
@veronizm (907)
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Yeah me too Banny, most of the expensive things that I bought are of such good quality that they also last for many many years to the point that I also get tired of them, especially shoes, bags, and electronics. I've had many experiences of buying cheaper products and end up spending more because I had to buy another one since the first one that I bought easily broke. Although I must say that there are also some cheap things that has good quality but they're just a handful. But I think it's more of the brand than price. As we all know, most branded items are expensive because of their high standard of quality, and that's also what I observed. Thus it follows that expensive items are of high quality.
• Philippines
14 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, sometimes they last too long that we just want to eliminate them.. Yeah, the brands have names to keep so they keep quality high.. and thus affects the price..
• United States
10 Jul 11
Expensive for me does not necessarily mean it is of good quality. Though there are somethings I do not mind paying a little bit more if it is of good quality and I can weigh out the differences as to why cheaper brand may or many not suffice. As there are somethings that quality will be my preference if I can create conveniences and savings in the long run. For instance and just as an example, certainly consumable items at times I prefer the higher quality because if the taste goes along with it I will be much happier, versus something in the cheaper pricing area that I end up discarding due to it's bad taste. Though I can be frugal sometimes and buy something of cheaper quality, there some factors that need to be looked at as then i would be spending more with time. I have purchased cheaper items and they have lasted longer then an expensive one, so I suppose it depends on the craftsman, and item I question at the time of considering it's purchase.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, not everything expensive is really good. And sometimes, it actually depends on how we care for the products we bought whether or not it will last long enough. Right?
• United States
11 Jul 11
Oh yes you are right as I have a great deal of inexpensive clothing that I wash carefully and have been able to keep them like new. I get a lot of people ask me all the time if what I am wearing is a new outfit, and no, it isn't, some I have had for years. I do use Tide color fast so the colors do not bleed and wash them in gentle cycles, so you are so right, about how we take of them.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
14 Jul 11
Money is an overflow from work. To The Owners (that comedian George Carlin talked about), money is 'the workers' wages.' That is what you are paying for. If a company's widgets are badly-made, but the company's owner hires billions of people to make them (badly ), then you'll pay a lot for the cheap, badly-made widgets (or--more likely--you'll find a company that makes better widgets for less.) Now if the laws of nature are in place, the company with the most employees will naturally make a better widget; but that doesn't have anything to do with the cost.
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
Ahhh.. So you mean the more employees they have, the more money they need to make to pay for them though there is really no assurance of quality? Well, yes, a bigger company needs more money to pay. But not all companies start big. Most of them start small and then becomes big because of the demand to expand. Thanks and happy mylotting!
• India
15 Jul 11
well yes in most of the cases...but not in a days people tend to buy things that are more expensive thay think more the price ..better will be the quality..and they thinks it widout thimnking much about it...but its not always like dat...!
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, not the case always. Thanks!
• United States
11 Jul 11
It depends. If I'm going to try to get a long use out of an item I will look at the best quality. But with others things , when it I'm only using it once, I will go for the cheapest. But then there are times when I find a item that is cheaper price that lasts longer than the expensive brand. case in point, my walking shoes. I looked high and low found a brand I liked that cost 59.99. But when they were out of stock , I tried K Mart's for 29.99 and they not only felt better but lasted longer! so it All depends.
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Yup, it really depends on what we are going to buy and how long we will use it. Also, it is right that higher price is not an assurance always of high quality. That's why we need to inspect well everything we buy so we get the best one! Happy mylotting!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jul 11
hi bannybanzie hi again no indeed not as I have got great quality for low prices and some high priced stuff turned out to be s.h.i.t. instead of it pays to look and read labels and really judge the goodness of whatever product you are aiming to buy. Price itself is ' not always a good indicator. the name and honesty and integrity of a brand are better indicators than prices as different stores have different ideas on the prices.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yeah.. we should carefully observe and inspect the products we are buying so that we will not regret buying it afterwards. and of course, brands who cares to much for their name would surely give good quality.
@BeckyAnn (265)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I've found that price often reflects little on the quality of a product. I tend to buy cheaper stuff (since I'm short on cash, always), and find that they're just as good if not better than the real deal, big-name, expensive stuff. My laptop was refurbished and used; I bought it heavily discounted from pc direct; I couldn't be happier with it.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! You reminded me of the laptop I bought. No, it was not from some expensive store but we paid a little high price. Right after I bought it, it's functioning badly. But my desktop which was just made by a friend is so good. It's 50% cheaper than those in the malls, but I can say I'm happy and satisfied. Yeah, I'm always short too.. So I can't really afford very expensive stuff. I also buy cheap if I can see it will be good.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 11
Hi Bannybanzie!. Yeah money usually come with quality. Here we have our own way saying about quality, only poor people buying something made in China, because its cheap but won't last long . Because I am bit perfectionist in buying certain stuff for myself. If I had limited in money in certain think I want I always making research over the internet for the best price on good quality product. If my money not enough its better to beg money from my parent than buying the lower quality one.
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Hi! Oh dear.. don't make our Chinese friends angry.. But yes, most products that are cheap come from China and most of the time they are not that high in quality. Like you, I also look for quality product as I know it would be more worth the money!
• Indonesia
11 Jul 11
From some experience, I would say yes.Expensive price is not guarantee high quality actually, but it make difference to have better quality than the cheaper one.We can see the spesific of goods.If the spesific is same but the prices is definitely different we're really have to be carefull and doubt about the quality.It's important to recognize well goods that we want to purchase.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Yes you're right. Price plays a big role on the quality of a product. Even if we see almost like the same thing, through the price sometimes we can tell what's the difference in quality. Happy mylotting!
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
10 Jul 11
hello Bannybanzie, I have also heard people saying higher the price better is the quality. But it the myth as there is no relation of price with the quality.It happens if the product which you buy may have lesser features than the same product if someone buys it for more price than yours. But to say that quality is directly proportional to the price then its wrong in my opinion.
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! It might not always be the case, but sometimes it is. Like let's say you're going to buy an Iphone. Of course, I know you would not expect that something you can about 1/4 of its original price is as good as the one with the usual price, right?.. But also, it's not always the price that talks. We can find things with reasonable prices with good quality. Thanks!