earning 5$ per day is possible through online ?

@Manasha (2730)
Pondicherry, India
September 17, 2011 8:02am CST
The dream of earning 5$ per day through online sites is not at all possible i think so. I have tried many times the dream and chased it . No use. I have been trying to achieve the same daily but can earn only peanuts. I dont know whether the issue is with me or the sites that i have selected me. Once mturk has yielded many results of providing me many bugs daily, sometimes,15$. Everything has gone.Now it has become very difficult to get the figures. How about you guys ? are you earning fine amount ? Do you think the possibility of earning 5$ daily.
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19 responses
• United States
17 Sep 11
i do not think it is possable to earn five dollars daily on any internet site unless you are excellent with computers and really know what you are doing but for the average person who is no expert when it comes to computers no i think the goal of even one dollar is out of reach especially on mylot i have been a part of this one site for about nine months now and have only earned a little over six and half dollars i am a part of four different sites and i am lucky if i make ten dollars per month i feel so cheated for working hours every day just to make a couple pennys
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@topffer (42156)
• France
20 Sep 11
@cowgirl: Your star rating is important for your earnings at myLot. With a 3 I understand how it is difficult for you to earn at myLot while it is easy for bagarad.
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
18 Sep 11
woh nice news to hear. Mam do you have any experience in writing articles. If so what is your favorite site ,.
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Yes it is possible and even more, you just have to find something and keep at it, I myself at least make 30 to 40 a month on the internet, and I do it by blog posting, and maintaining 3 blogs, I also have several other programs that net me a few pennies here and there.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
17 Sep 11
woh fine to see your reply and i want to know the details of it
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
18 Sep 11
Manasha, the people who know have usually written something about how to do it, but they have worked hard to learn it. Many have written books or ebooks about it which are for sale. One way they make their money is to sell their knowledge to others. Most of them had to invest a lot of time and money into learning what they know. They don't have time to tutor everyone who wants their knowledge for free. Then they would have no time to continue making money by writing and learning more. Many of them have published their knowledge for free on Squidoo, HubPages, and other article sites. They earn money when you help them get page views and comment on what they have written. They earn affiliate income if you buy the books they recommend. That's how they earn their money. Go to these sites and seach them for the information you seek. No discussion here is big enough to tell you all the things you want to know.
@GemmaR (8517)
17 Sep 11
Earning that amount each day is not only possible, but it is easy. If you work out which methods work in the best ways for you. To earn my $5 per day, I simply publish around five articles. Because I have so many followers who subscribe to my updates, they are able to see them right away and that means that I can often get hundreds more views per day for each article that I submit. If you blog, then you would be able to earn around this amount per day just from posting a couple of new blogs each week providing that you have a big enough subscriber base.
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@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
It is possible to make $5 per day online, or even more, if you know how to make sales online. Or, even if you are not a good sales man yourself, if you own a website that can make sales on your behalf, it is really possible to earn that money. The commissions on sales with affiliate programs can range from 40% to 70%, or even more. Let's say you are selling an affiliate product worth $100 and your commission is 40%, every time you generate a sale, you earn $40. What if you are able to make a sale daily? Then you earn $40 per day!
@gk655321 (236)
20 Sep 11
I'm stuck with this stuff too. Seems like you really don't make that much and whenever you ask for help they seem to beat around the bush about it. I don't know if it is possible.
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
20 Sep 11
i cant understand your words really confusing and why the hell should i beat my own bush ..????
@gk655321 (236)
20 Sep 11
Beating around the bush is just an expression. it means to avoid telling the reality of something. Like alot of these sites that say they pay you something won't tell you everything about how it works.
• Slovak Republic
17 Sep 11
Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can or you think you cant youre right". If you think you can it will drive you to success. You can achieve many goals by hard work. Thats how it is. Youre strong and you keep up hard work or you give up after a few falls. Its up to you.
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@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
18 Sep 11
If there is someone who earn $5 per day online I'll be very happy to know how?
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
18 Sep 11
yes sir if you come across such site you can bring them to my vision
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
18 Sep 11
It is possible if you are on the right sites. The sites that you can earn that kind of money on are writing sites though and you would have to write 5 to 10 articles. In order to make the $5 right away, but over time those articles would earn money as well. Most of the things I do are more of an accumulation of things to make money then earning $5 per day. Instead I hope to have a certain amount of money by the end of the month. I do a variety of things to earn though but I did manage to make over 100 dollars last month on all of my online activities. So that is more than $5 per day.
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
18 Sep 11
I think you can attain it. It is not really that complicated. There should be the hardwork and the dedication to go through the hardships of spending time here posting quality comments here in Mylot. I really think it is possible. Of course, you should also go looking for other sites to earn money.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
17 Sep 11
You want to earn $ 5 a day is quite difficult friend. but I still think that you can make $ 5 a day here friend. right way before you. most important thing is to look very different sites and see if you can not know what to tell a friend. I hope to earn some $ 5 a day and tell you how. successful and enjoyable day!
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
17 Sep 11
are you saying ok with the dream or not? I AM CONFUSED
• United States
19 Sep 11
It just depends on what you are doing online to earn money. If you have your own business or do freelancing.. as a writer or some other skill, you can make lots of money online. But no.. I don't believe in chasing after pennies.. I work at mylot for fun... and like the money, but I don't kill myself chasing sites that pay pennies. Though there are people who do surveys and get great money.. not for me though... I make my money through writing.
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
19 Sep 11
can you give me some sites that you are doing at present i mean the writing sites
@rollylolly (2843)
• India
18 Sep 11
You can earn a lot by joining as an expert in weegy.com . You have to answer questions . You can take help of any search engine . Just give it a try . All the best Manasha :-)
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
18 Sep 11
the weegy site is utmost rubbish and crappy. They are making all tricks to withhold our money. Hence be careful
• India
17 Sep 11
Earning 5$ daily is very simple if you have the right skills..... I know a person who is earning around 500 - 1000$ daily....
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
17 Sep 11
Can you get his email so that i can contact him
@Vrilya (128)
19 Sep 11
I think you need to diversify and not just expect to earn a lot of money from posting on forums and filling in surveys, blogging etc,there are millions of people all over the world getting into this now and that's a lot of competition. Buying stuff to sell on ebay and other online auction sites is a proven and reasonably easy way of getting extra income. Creating/producing something desirable to sell is also a good way to make some extra cash......
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
18 Sep 11
For me yes if you get the employer of good and have many project you can earn that much.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
17 Sep 11
I think every one of us has a dream of earning a pretty good amount of money online but none knows the actual technique or if knows, does not like to share it with others.
• Australia
17 Sep 11
Earning $5 per day online is extremely simple. The target is to earn 3 digits a day though.
• Canada
18 Sep 11
Of course it's possible, I make a lot more than that, it's all about desire and commitment with a hint of creativity.
• India
17 Sep 11
Hi Manasha I also have the same question but still don't get an answer searching for so many days but i will not give it up I had made a mind that I will try try and try and make that one day. you raised a good topic lets see if anyone replies to this discussion. But I am trying at freelancer.com if I get any job there. I think that's a good site to earn but first you have to have good ratings so if anyone could rely on you.