I got $5 for doing the dishes :D

Doing the dishes - Doing dishes can actually be fun sometimes :D
South Korea
September 30, 2011 9:26pm CST
Ok you may say that's cheap labour but I am happy :) Yesterday after dinner, mom said she'd do the cleaning after she had had a shower. So she headed upstairs. Usually, mom doesn't let us help, she says she likes doing the kitchen work herself and says if we come and try to help, it just gets crowded. Oh well! Anyway after dinner I was just putting the dishes in the sink but though I'd clean them when I was there, so I did. I did all the dishes and when mom came down she was pleasantly surprised and thanked me. I said instead of thanking me why don't you give me $5. She laughed and handed me the $5. And that is how I got my $5 for doing the dishes Have you ever received money for doing any household chores? Or like me, had to ask for it
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29 responses
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
4 Oct 11
I actually never would have asked for money or expected for doing dishes for someone who probably cooked me a zillion meals or more in my lifetime. I would figure it was the least I could do. I wouldn't of taken it even if it was offered and I sure wouldn't of asked for it. Oh well. To each his own. Your mom didn't seem to mind so I congratulations. Hope you spend it wisely.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
7 Oct 11
Aww..NOW I feel bad. I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty. It's a done deal and your mom seemed ok with it. I was just saying how I would have been.
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
You comment made me realise and feel guilty now :( Yeah I think I shouldn't have asked and it wasn't really a big deal of dishes too! Thanks for pointing that out.
• South Korea
10 Oct 11
No No you don't have to feel bad. You just pointed out what was obvious but something I couldn't see
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
1 Oct 11
Hi thatgirl13, my mum would give me pocket money daily during my school days and didn't give me any cash helping her in doing dishes washing. I was glad that she would give me some delicious desserts which I even didn't know where she kept it actually for helping her to do some extra chores when she was really busy I did help neighbors doing dishes washing or look after their small kids for a couple hours to earn a few dollars that time as well Happy posting and have a nice day.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 11
thatgirl13, I envy you to have the unexpected $5. Even though it's not that much anyway it's a surprising reward that makes you elated My mum was strict to her words and wouldn't award us with money therefore I wouldn't ask for money after doing any extra chores or errands. May be my neighbor learned that I's a caring sister by seeing me took care of my younger brother and sister very well with lovingness So they trusted me and more than willing to let me to take care of their kids. More over their children liked to get along with as well lol...
• South Korea
1 Oct 11
I help mom at times when she is busy too but i think this is the first time I asked for money and got it as well Wow that was very nice of you to run errands and earning for yourself I used to play with my little nephew but never got paid for looking after them!
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• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Aww that is so nice that you got along with kids. i am not very good with kids coz they cry and scratch me most of the time
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@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
2 Oct 11
Many, many years ago when I was 9 or 10, I had a cousin (who was also our neighbor) who lived alone because his mom worked abroad and his sister was off to college. He would call me and give me a few coins if I'd wash his dishes. That was a happy time for me because I love washing dishes (okay, stop with the weird stares), and I'm getting paid for it.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
That would have been the perfect job for you, right? And you're getting paid doing something that you love to do! If only life were that easy ~ doing something that you love and earning from it! Well, I hope that you get that job in the future.
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Hehe so you love washing dishes?? It's ok I am not staring. I do also like one of the many house works. I really like folding up clothes and keeping them in proper places. Makes my mind cool. I wish I had found a job in the cloth department in malls but sadly I haven't
• United States
1 Oct 11
Ahahaha! No, I have not been paid for doing any household chores and anytime you come by me I would gladly pay you $5.00 to do the dishes here too. Although I must admit that I am not the only one who does household chores as well as laundry as my boyfriend does them too, and for free. Lucky you and I find it funny, that your mom laughed and also paid you.
• South Korea
1 Oct 11
Hehe I would do the dishes for free if you invite me over for dinner
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 11
Hardworking, don't forget to invite me for a dinner, too. I can wash your dishes for free, too...hehehe...Just wanna taste your cooking and see whether your real person can dance as well as your dancing avatar....
• United States
3 Oct 11
Oh the more the merrier and erm free dishwashing, oh my yes I welcome you both to a dinner party any day. Oh as for the dancing, oh yes there will be plenty of food, and music so all of us can get up and dance. I love to dance by the way.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
1 Oct 11
You're lucky. I have never gotten any money for doing what was expected in the first place. You have a good mom, take care of her.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
7 Oct 11
I am sure you do. I am sure that your mom loves you very much and is lucky to have a great child as yourself.
• South Korea
10 Oct 11
Aww thank you so much
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Yes don't worry about that. I will definitely take care of my mom. She has done a lot for me and my family :)
@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 11
LOL! You con your mummy's $5. I remember when I was small, I didn't like bean sprout. So my Mom tricked me into eating just one by wanting to give me $10 for it. So, I took one and put it in my mouth and swallowed it. But what I got from her was only $1.
@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 11
She has her ways to trick me into eating something that I don't like. Maybe you can ask your mom to pay you another $5 for eating mushrooms.
• South Korea
3 Nov 11
haha I could try LOOOOOL
• South Korea
21 Oct 11
Oh my god you mom is so funny She made you eat some healthy food and paid for that as well. I don't like mushrooms but if I would get paid for eating them I would gladly Thanks a lot for the share
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
I think $5 is already big! Imagine if you do the dishes three times a day, you'll get $15! That's big! ^^ I remember when I was a kid, when I want money, my mother would first ask me to do something, a household chore for example. And I would do it just for the sake of money! lol I think it's fair enough.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
8 Oct 11
I agree! It's easier to work when you know you'll be rewarded!
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Hehe I don't think she would pay me always for doing the dishes. Just this once maybe :) ANyway I think it is good earning money that way instead of doing nothing. And also, it makes the work easier, thinking of the money
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
30 Oct 11
I got money when I babysat my brother. I think I got about $2 for doing it. When I got my money I ran straight to the shop to buy some candy I never did the dishes when I was a child because we had a dishwasher, but sometimes I helped my mother set the table or clean the rooms. Most of the time my mother did the chores while my brother and I were at school because she was a housewife at that time, and I didn't have to do many chores except setting the table and things like that.
• South Korea
3 Nov 11
My mom doesn't let anyone do any thing in the kitchen too. She says she likes doing things alone there. Anyway I try to help when I can but that's really rare coz she doesn't like us hanging around in the kitchen Anywya thanks for the share
@Unah08 (671)
• Philippines
1 Oct 11
Good for you mate. Your mom is very generous to reward your act of kindness. I hope my parents would also gave me extra cash when I do household work. But unfortunately, here in our country it is normal for the children to help in all the household chores daily and especially during weekends when school is off. Cause if you won't help out you will be called lazy and the likes and the parental will not stop nagging at you until you lift your butt up and sweep the floor, do the laundry or wash the dishes. Helping out in the house is normal for us especially we don't have helpers or maids to clean up our mess. Unlike you we are not paid for what we do at home even when you clean the whole house upside down because household chores is not only the responsibility of the parents but the children as well.
• South Korea
1 Oct 11
We are told to help in other things as well except for the kitchen. Mom says she likes doing things on her own there and we don't frown on that. She is the best cook i have known and if she doesn't like us disturbing then we are fine with that. Anyway it looks like you are really a good help to the family. Keep up the good work my friend
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Hehe I really appreciate you sharing :) When I become a mom, I wonder if I will be as good mom as my mom is. I mean I can't even cook properly
@allknowing (132070)
• India
1 Oct 11
My mother was expert at bribing us. During summer holidays we all had to get going on a cleaning spree. She would divide the chores and allot a certain time and whoever finished first would be given some goodies. Actually that worked as she created enthusiasm in us.
@allknowing (132070)
• India
25 Oct 11
My mother was helpless as there was so much she had to cope with. She only gave a bit more for the one who did the most work. My mother was very fair and I could say she was the best mother in the whole wide world.
• South Korea
1 Oct 11
Wow you sure had a clever and a fun mom I think that kind of activity developed a healthy competitive behaviour in you. Thanks for the share
24 Oct 11
hahah allknowing thats brilliant! but didn't you ever stop to think your mum got ALL her chores down by the curtosy of you kids, and made you all do it quick too? lol.. and did only the winner get goodies? so the rest of you worked for nothing? lol!
@Myshare (14)
• New Zealand
1 Oct 11
Hi thatgirl13, I have done a few things for my mom, like helping her with removing ear wax, clean her hair and stuff. Nothing much else like washing the dishes. Oh well, I still got a few dollars here and then. So, congrats for that easy task of "getting" $5. lol :D
• South Korea
1 Oct 11
Haha an easy $5 here and I am all ready to do it all over again ;) Have a great day
• New Zealand
1 Oct 11
I would say that I still had to mentioned the money part :D
24 Oct 11
my mum used to try and pay us to do things as well.. but one thing she used to say to me was that she would give me £10 to do all the ironing.. i HATE ironing.. see after about 3 shirts, i told her to keep her £10! lol!
• South Korea
3 Nov 11
Hey sorry for coming back after long, things have been pretty hectic lately LoooL I would gladly have done the ironings even if I hated it for £10 hahah!! Thanks for the response xx
• China
3 Jan 12
You're lovely,your mother is very lucky to have you in his very hard-working kids,I do not cook it.You should not find a job,it is possible to work from home,you discuss with your mother,to raise the price of some of the cooking,then you cook your mother at home every day and live a leisurely life.This should be a good life To enjoy.What a pity,when I was not on the scene,as in the scene,I'll give you $20,buy you do the dishes.Ha ha! A joke.I remember,I have helped my mother to do things,but,cooking,is to buy clothes,because my mother to go to work,she agreed,the son of my aunf said she was l year old baby clothes to send a son of my aunt.Just,valet of the day,my mother to go to work,then,my mother called me to help her get clothes for my aunt's son,but then my mother did not give me money,I do not care about the money,I think that I should do.
• South Korea
5 Jan 12
Thank you so much for your response. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead :))
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
3 Oct 11
good for you
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
2 Oct 11
I don't get paid for doing household chores any more all part of growing up,but I remember getting an allowance when I was younger for helping around the house.I am glad that you made five dollars that is alot.Spend it wisely LOL and not in one place.Have a great day.
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
hehe thanks. i have it safe and haven't used it till now. i think i will just save it and buy some wool and knit something for new years :)
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Oct 11
That is wonderful. I used to get money for doing chores sometimes too.
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
It feels great to be paid for the job we've done right?
@missybear (11391)
• United States
2 Oct 11
No, but if I were you I do the dishes all the time
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
I don't think I would get paid all the time but I would love to help mom for free now :)
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I never got money just for doing dishes! Dishes was one of my chores around the house! I cleaned the house every weekend,too! I had to hang clothes on the clothes line during the summer! I grew up on a farm and I helped in the barn during milking and stuff like that. I got a weekly allowance. When it came to washing the clothes,my mom did that! She didn't like other people using the washer at all!
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
That is nice that you helped around :) We help around the house sometimes too but kitchen,mom likes to be left alone there. Thanks for the share
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
1 Oct 11
Well, not bad though. $5 for cleaning dishes. Although it is a bit cheap in labor, it is your hard earn money, and keep it well. I don't know if I ever got paid for cleaning dishes, but at least that is your work effort appreciation though. Well done.
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Thanks :) Pretty lame on my part though. I should have asked for $10 and I somehow think I would have gotten it.
• Indonesia
1 Oct 11
Hello thatgirl13, that is so nice of your mother to give you $5 to do the dishes. My mom usually give me money $1 or $2 for help her doing something like get gray hair from her hairs or do manicure pedicure because she is too lazy to go to saloon, Im a student and I dont have part time job so i can get extra money by helping my mother or my sister. Oh by the way I also got $5 from my sister today because I was babysitting her son and also clean her house, Im so happy to get extra pocket money so I can buy more yarns for my knitting activity :D I bought 8 colors of yarn last week and I almost have no money left in my wallet, but heaven my sister called me and asked me to babysit her son, and I got extra money from her. Im free and have no class on saturday so Im happily do the babysit for her. it is nice, hope she will call me and ask me to babysit her son again next week.
• South Korea
7 Oct 11
Wow you knit? I love knitting too. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of knitting somethings and giving my family and friends for new years. And yes it is always nice to earn those few dollars :) Hmm that is a good idea! I think I will help mom with her pedicures next time and ask for some cash again Thanks for the wonderful idea.