why do you like to hang out on mylot ?

October 16, 2011 2:43am CST
In general, all mylotters feel like writing something, or they wouldn't have registered on the website. Well, my real question is "what do you like to write about on mylot ?" I saw many writing something about their family and friends. While others like to ask for pratical help. Previously, i just responsed to other mylotters'discussions and seldom started my own posts. With my more and more fluent English, i gradually share my confusions and happiness with you all. When i do it, i feel relaxed and cozy. Maybe that is why i keep hanging out on mylot. What is your reason ?
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14 responses
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
16 Oct 11
I like writing about what ever is in my little brain at the time. I think what attracted me most to mylot is the word at the top of the page discussion. I like reading other peoples views and perspectives and how they express themselves. Of course I like expressing mine and that should make for a discussion.
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
I like to hang out here in mylot because I like having fun with friends. It's not all about the earnings, but the fun that mylot gives that made me stay on this site for hours. I found friends here and I don't want to miss their topic and having inter-action with them. have a good day
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Jan 12
I think the biggest reason I hang out on mylot is because I have a story to tell. I share my frustrations and my ups and downs. There are many things I could do, but I know that I have made a difference in at least one person's life by sharing my cancer treatment experience here. Knowing that, it gives me reason to keep sharing. I also try to follow those people who I have gotten to know and try to figure out what I may have missed over the last four months. I just hope that one of these days I will be caught up on old posts.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 11
I like to hang around with mylot because of the following reasons: 1. There is no limitation in our replies, comments, responses and discussions. this platform is opened 24 hours everyday. I can just drop by whenever I have something to share o r when I have free times. 2. We are rewarded for whatever we are doing here. 3. There are so many members from all around the world. We can have a chance to exchange our experience, opinion and so on. 4. After joining mylot, I have more chances to involve and to practice my English which is not my First or Second language at all. 5. I can collect many comments and advices from this mylot if I post any of my doubt in a new discussion. At this moment, it is very hard for me to tell everything here. the longer we are here, the more advantages we can find.
• India
16 Oct 11
Hai friend.. Yeah may be my reason for hanging out in mylot is also the same that you have. In fact i am improving my fluency in English language while participating in discussions. And also i am very happy to see responses on my discussion.May be this site is giving me a lot of satisfaction...
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@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
17 Jan 12
I am so much of a responder. I seldom write my own post too. I just want to respond to other peoples discussion. since i joined mylot, it's the first site i open when i'm in front of the computer, i know why, because, maybe i was so excited if i earned something. LOL. At first, i joined here to earn, but as time passes by, I realize that, i'm having fun and meeting nice people here. I think that draws me here at mylot. I'm having fun at the same time get paid.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
16 Oct 11
It is very difficult question and I can tell you only in one sentence why I join mylot EAST AND WEST MYLOT IS BEST. Everything is here fun, earn, friend, enemy, knowledge, news, problems and me funny Indian married women
@koperty3 (1876)
16 Oct 11
I like to have contact with people, exchange some ideas, get some knowledge, find out about new trends and if I need it I know that I can find help here. Those are most important reasons why I like to come here and spent some quality time.
@kearkear (963)
• Davao, Philippines
17 Oct 11
Weeks ago, I haven't been here due to my busy schedules with my work. When I have time, I usually hanging up here coz I could write anything I like. Expressing such emotions, talking about family and friends and life as well. Here in mylot you could have lots of meaningful responses. Though some disagrees but really appreciating.
@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
17 Oct 11
I do like to write, but it helps to write things that people would be interested in reading. With all of the interests and topics present on Mylot, it's not hard to find something that I can contribute to. I also find that the quality of posts here is much higher than those found on some other sites. And of course, making extra money never hurts!
• China
17 Oct 11
absolutely correct,it is really a place to relax and enjoy. I can share happiness and sorrows with all of you here. it is so nice.
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Oct 11
I don't know why, but there is something in mylot that will keep you coming back lol . This site is very addicting. I usually open my account here from eight in the morning till midnight. I love responding and commenting to discussions. If my hands hurt from too much typing, I will just read interesting discussions. For me, mylot is better than facebook and other social networking sites.
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
Good thing that you started this discussion. Actually I like to hang out here more than I used to hang out in Facebook before. My English grammar has been dramatically improved after I joined here. I also seldom encounter some rudeness here in mylot unlike in Facebook that I experience some harassment and bullying, I feel like every user here in mylot is helping each other by listening through of course reading. And also the earnings, I love it more than ever.
@jammyPaul (101)
• Taiwan
16 Oct 11
I write the thing which I interested or am pretty good at it. Being professional or casual are both ok to me. I am just glad that mylot can provide so many topics discussion on the website. I would also ask some questions that I am not really understand. The myloters in here are all willing to give you some useful suggestion or their opinions. It is really interesting to see different way of thinking on the same issue. Sometimes, it would help you inspire your different thoughts. Also, using brain would improve your intellectual. That is surprised byproduct of hanging on mylot. Sometimes, you just need a place that can activate your brain.