Did you ever had to redo someone else' work?

@chiyosan (30184)
November 17, 2011 9:51pm CST
So I was submitting the documents that I created for one project, there was another team that submitted theirs too... My take was that, well they checked it already and was detailed on the requirements... Only to find out today that those they did was, well out of the template we generally use for approval. Since I had to finish and I cannot contact any of the other team.. I had to redo the documents so i could submit them within the deadline.. =( Im not angry or pissed off, Im just.. well disappointed that i had to take on an extra load to redo their work... Its like i started from the beginning again!
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14 responses
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
Yes I did that before and I was pissed off. What pisses me off was that on the same day I will submit that documents to my boss and also before this report started I explained it already on how it will turn out but the person who did the report did not follow my set up but instead he followed his own set-up in a way that he will understand it and will make it easier for him. How I hate that experienced. I learned my lesson well, and from there on I did not allow to redo someone's work since that is their responsibility in the first place, to analyze their report and submit it on time.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
Yeah, It is very annoying at times.. I guess though that we cannot really control people and yes, similar to you, i too have thought i always needed to make sure to check as soon as i receive their documents!
@scheen (57)
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
hi! base on my understanding, you are a team leader? correct me if i'm wrong. whether we like it or not, we are the one who's liable regardless if we don't do such things or what. all we have to do is to be very keen and clever before saying things that its final. its really a hard responsibility, but our boss will not delegate it to us if they know we can't do it. so, just cheer up because you are still better among the rest. =)
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
@chiyosan, it is quite unfair on our part after explaining to our workmate what is need to be done. What I am saying is on my part, it is my workmate's responsibility for that report that I redone. @scheen, I am not a team leader, I am part of the team. It so happen that I understand more how to do that report. I have my own report and I had done redoing the report of my workmate that I hope he learned already for his mistakes.
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
I don't really hate since it is part of my job but it does frustrate me sometimes. ether are times when I have to redo someone's work even though I already pointed out the mistakes to the original worker. It is just frustrating that people can take the time to understand the situation and the responsibility I bear.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
yeah, it can be part of our work.. to review and give comments and ideas and to share work.. but not to redo or do someone else's work.. maybe that is why i get frustrated with this because if i had to do her work all the time, she might as well leave the company and i would be glad to receive the salary due to her. hehehe
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
19 Nov 11
I think that happens all the time in our office. I think when we work in teams at times, we simply have to take up the other's work. So I have had to redo a lot of people's work at various times in my career. At times it is frustrating, but I think it is just a part and parcel of corporate work culture these days. Cheers! Ram
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
yes, it does happen.. it can happen often or not as you have said depending on the culture. well i have been in a work where i had to always redo someone's work and because that person was more concerned chatting and whining about the task we had to share... i only lasted 6 months in that company and had to leave before i lose my temper. hehe
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
19 Nov 11
That does sound really frustrating for you. I hope that your co workers apologized for the mistake and making you correct their workload. I know what that is like, I had to completely redo something someone else did for me because there was a mistake with it. So I just wind up wasting so much of my time that I never asked those people to help me with anything again.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
yes. it is really hard because i had to do something on top of my regular work. =( but i have not found the time myself to talk to her. i just informed her that i had to redo the work. she might find it weird opening a file that is foreign to her so i told her why i had to submit a new one.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
I know how it feels.I always experience this,I always redo things and work of others at work.It is really irritating that you will do other work that sometimes your own work suffers.Instead of spending your time to finish your own work,I'm consuming it in working and correcting other job.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
hello there ardoy. thank you for your response and for sharing with me your time. that is right. i had to review it and found that something was odd and was not satisfied with it, since we were pressed for time... i guess it was right that i do it myself.
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
I did a lot of times and it is so frustrating. That is the main reason why I hate group work. I end up doing it alone because they can't do it right. The worst thing of it is when they already gave you the permission to change their work, the next day, they grumble that why I have to change it. Excuse me, if I don't change it then I might end up failing too because they did it entirely wrong. Oh well, it's he price you have to pay for knowing too much. People would tend to rely on you. ~Sighs~ -_-
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
=( oh yes.. it is indeed an additional workload for us.. it is supposed to be other's work but had to be added to ours. geesh but really in my years of working i can say that it does happen. some won't even be concerned even if you had to tell them to seat with you so they can see you work on the project together...
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 11
Hi! That is something should not happen, since it is a team work/project, if there are things to redo, everyone will to be responsible on it and everyone will have to do it together. I had these situation once before when I was in the University, there are 5 members in the team after submitted the assignment to our lecturer, and it was on the last day of our lecture and the next day was holiday, everyone have went back to their hometown for holiday, and I was the only one who left in the campus because of I have something else to do, and because of some mistake from one of the team member, the lecturer called me and wanted me to correct it and pass to him the next day, at that point of time, it really pissed me off because I have to sacrifice my time and holiday to redo the assignment mistake that done by someone else in the team. That was what happened to me before.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
Yes.. it should not really happen but in an office setting i believe it does happen to most of us who work with a lot of people, and different teams i guess. there are just some people who would be submitting so-so work and that those who are left to review would find themselves in the position to revise or redo the work... =(
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
I don't really hate it since it is part of my job but it does frustrate me sometimes. There are times when I have to redo someone's work even though I already pointed out the mistakes to the original worker. It is just frustrating that people can take the time to understand the situation and the responsibility I bear. Work is never easy but there should always considerations for other's efforts and time.
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
In a work environment, it is inevitable sometimes that you redo the work of you team mates. But you don't have to do it yourself. You could always ask help from your team so that you could finish on time.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
Hello, thank you for your response to the discussion. i was put in a situation where i had to do it already because i need to have it submitted on the same day and i was pressed for time. i could not get hold of the original person tasked to do it... =(
@viju0410 (2286)
• India
18 Nov 11
Hi chiyosan, Sometimes it is very annoying when we had to redo others work without support. In my earlier profile, i had the responsibility of compiling data and MIS received from various offices before presenting to the board. And one particular office used to sent their own report though irrespective of the uniformity followed by rest of us. It took me a while to make them understand the problems i faced with them. U know not only phone calls and mails, but i had to send person from a nearby centre for training them. But when they realized the blunder, they were sorry... but at times such extra load make us upset.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
I agree. it is really annoying doing someone else's work. honestly i would rather do something new than to pick up from someone's work.. I would even find time to analyze how and why she or he made the work and what he was thinking. so i guess it would be easier for me to start from scratch again.
@tamirs (1807)
• Philippines
18 Nov 11
This reminds me of my superiors son. We were working on a bidding and was assign different categories. Before the deadline we meet up in the office to submit our work and finalize as well.All got angry when our boss son who were assign with the mechanical aspects did not submit anything but scratch.. I stayed in our office until 9 pm to do all the work he did not accomplished. But because he is somewhat a superior also,i didnt even move a muscle to complain.. good thing is that,he stayed with me and give me a lift after we finished.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
Hi there tamirs. It would really be a big burden to be working with people who have no sense of responsibility and urgency. they just don't realize how their incapcity to deliver work would affect others in the team.. =(
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
18 Nov 11
Yes, I did that a lot. I said ok when I saw that others tried but couldn't do their work properly, and that's why I had to redo it. But I really got pissed off when I saw that they just didn't care, knowing that I would fix it. It was very annoying as I was just a team member and not in a better position than anyone.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
YEs, sometimes if we get a lousy work result instead of being angry or instead of us taking more effort to be angry and to explain.. we had to redo it first and then discuss why we had to do it, etc. thank you almond for your response! :D
• India
18 Nov 11
Well, I dont know much about doing other's work but me and our team sometimes end up doing someone else's work from scratch. It happens many times in my office, can't help but just pity myself.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
oh yeah it is such a pity for both the doer and the other person who would never learn. the doer of the rework would learn, and is almost always the better one... :D thanks for your response!
@Almateea (53)
• Romania
18 Nov 11
It can be very frustrating to have to do the work all over again. It happened to me too. I used to work in a bank and I didn't have the chance to have a decent manager. There were many times he gave me an assignment only to change his mind when the work was all done. I had to do it all over again with new requirements. Not only once, after doing the same project twice, I found out that the top management approved my first work.