Ghost and spirits

January 6, 2012 12:37am CST
On 10th March 2010 a girl named Debasmita Rout , died. She was from Champua of my state Orissa. She was a student. Her parents visited the hostel where her dead body laid, her classmates told she committed suicide by over consuming Chloroquin tablets. Now after 22 months, the spirit of Debasmita entered body of a girl of Balbhadrapur village; this girl is illiterate; but she spoke in English; said, she was murderd by her classmates by suffocating her to death by pressing pillow over her face. She also uttered names of those girls. Debasmita’s daddy Surendra is hopeful of investigation by police. SOURCE: Khabara Newspaper dated 6th January 2012, Sambalpur Edition. Well I believe on this story, I believe on the existence of spirits and ghosts, they are normally harmless, live in a different plane. I have encounters with some spirits in the past and I know at least one mylot member has such experience too. Two harmless ghosts live in the Drumstick tree on our back yard, this tree is more than 100 years old, my grandfather purchased this plot of land in 1904, and the tree was there then. [b]What is your view on existence of ghosts and spirits? Have you ever seen one or experienced one? Please respond and share your valued opinion. Thanks in advance.[/b] Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead. 04/01/2012
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23 responses
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
6 Jan 12
Hello Sir, I don't have any such experience so far. I have read all these in stories only. In case of our life, it is difficult for me to believe. I hope your health is improved. Take care
2 people like this
• United States
8 Jan 12
I, too, have never had such an experience. I do have relatives that believe that they have experienced such things though. While I do believe that spirits and ghosts are something (i.e. they aren't just fabrications or things mistaken for other things), I'm not sure if I believe that they are 'souls' or entities from another 'plane' so to speak. I think one day science will explain what they are, but for now, they are a mystery!
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• India
15 Feb 12
Sree beti I am better, guess you will experience once someday. Thanks for sharing. Professor
• India
15 Feb 12
Hi preety.. Science has not been able to explain many things so far, let's hope for the best. Professor
@tamirs (1807)
• Philippines
6 Jan 12
That is a very sad story.Wish her soul to rest in peace. I,personally believe in spirits and ghost because i have seen not only one but many in the past year.And as my husband always told me,just ignore them as much as possible for they mean no harm. But when my daughter ages 2,i always see her laughing by herself,and as time goes by, as she age,she is seeing spirits,good and bad.And that makes us all worry. She didn't mind at first but i remember an incident where in she really got scared and even had fever seeing a ghost.She told me about it and i know from her story that it is really scary because of the blood flowing out of her neck.From then on she knew and realized that she is the only one seeing them. Now she can say if the ones she is seeing is harmless or scary.But mostly,she just let them pass and pray for them
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
7 Jan 12
Whoah..tamirs three of you have sixth sense!!! The whole family have it! I wonder how your daughter feel towards them...she just a small girl but she can handle that..that is cool!!! I know you will say that it isn't at all. I don't think I want to see it either~
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
6 Jan 12
Oh my, so both of you are seeing spirits Good thing your daughter knows what to do now. I really don't know what to do if I see one. I even wished to see a ghost or spirit before. I just want the thrill and experiencing seeing one... but thankfully I never see one. Better to really pray for their souls.
@tamirs (1807)
• Philippines
6 Jan 12
My husband is the founder.He sees worst. What amazes me is that my daughter got it from him and i lost mine when we realized that daughter is seeing spirits too About your wanting to see ghost,don't even think about it
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@webearn99 (1742)
• India
6 Jan 12
Professor sir, I normally do not believe in paranormal activity and have spent,some days and nights in graveyards, crematoriums and morgues as a matter of duty and perhaps foolishly, to prove/disprove existence of Ghosts/Spirits to myself. Working in construction industry, unfortunately means a high level of incidents of accidents, some fatal. So I have the necessity to visit these places at times of fatalities. Though I have not experienced any sightings, I still have an open mind and the incident you have detailed, fascinates me. As a student of Science and Engineering, I have always placed my belief in proof and verifiability. This is beyond that and that is the exact reason I will follow this happening, as much as internet features it. It is certainly a possibility that I will have something to learn.
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@vandana7 (100076)
• India
4 Mar 12
Interesting. :) And you believe that it is possible to return as a spirit in another body?
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
5 Mar 12
I have seen enough of life to rule our any possibility. On this experience, I can safely say that no proof is not a proof of non-existence. If we were so rule out anything on the basis of existing proof, then, there would be no discovery at all! My younger son uses the exact same mannerisms and sometimes words my Father used to do, and he was born 16 months after my father passed away. We named him after my Father seeing how he slept as a newborn, on his left side,and his hand tucked under his cheek, exactly as my father used to. Physical appearances can be explained by genealogy and genes. But mannerisms? Being open minded has its own advantages.
• India
15 Feb 12
Well many don't believe on such stories, long back i read a book by Prof Banerjee, I have forgotten name of the book, he used to visit such persons, collect data, he was doing research on parapsychology , on a grant from UGC but later he stopped it because of lack of funds. Thanks for the detailed response. Professor
@clouds0327 (1389)
• Philippines
27 Feb 12
I want to read all the comments but it's really creeping me out right now. I love ghost stories but I'd probably reaad it when I am not alone in the room and not around this time. I really enjoy your posts. Please post more about this. This really makes my day.Thanks a lot!
• India
20 Sep 12
thanks for response friend, i will try to post more stories..
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
6 Jan 12
I believe too! I even have one confirmed by my husband. I can help people get rid of or quiet the activity in their home as well. Only for close friends, not just anyone. I don't go seeking them out however. I'm not going to ask for trouble.
• India
15 Feb 12
So both you and your hubby have that experience..
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
hi, actually i still never experience to see any ghosts and spirits,but i am afraid to them and surely i will frightened when i see them around,and because i believe to them i dont want to see them even in my house.coz i am sure i couldn't sleep.
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• India
20 Sep 12
most are afraid dear asliah..
@gtdonna (1738)
7 Jan 12
I too have heard of such stories and I do believe it is true as it is sometimes the way of those who are seeking justice to return to ensure that justice is meeted out to those who did wrong and believe they could get away with it.
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• India
16 Feb 12
There might be delay in justice in the court above, but punishment for wrong deeds is sure.
• Australia
13 Jan 12
I too have encounters of a ghostly kind & do believe in spirits...I haven't had any experiences like the newspaper aticle but my great grandfather woke me up one night (still don't know why) & he passed away years before I was born.
• India
16 Feb 12
Spirits visit members of the family they are fond of usually.
• United States
7 Jan 12
I don't think I've personally seen a sprit. Sometimes we like to tease in our house that the original owner of our house is what made the door slam ect when logically the wind blowing thru the house did.
• India
16 Feb 12
May be it was the wind, i agree with you friend. Thnxs for response
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
7 Jan 12
Very interesting story and i believe it too.I know who that mylotter you are referring to,haha.Yes, its just about 3 to 4 days when i saw it again and it was hovering above me in the air.It has never scared me as it is completely harmless.I had read a book about reincarnation and possession of spirits in bodies of living persons, mainly young children who were able to recall their past lives and even identify their family members who were still living. I have the book with me but can`t remember the title and the author but i will go through my books and when i find it will let you know.
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• India
16 Feb 12
dear veejay i have read this book too, it was eaten by white ants during our last home renovation..
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
7 Jan 12
Hi professor! I don't have such experience and I don't want it as well. I have heard many stories from my friends and my family members as well.(^^) I believe that there is ghost and spirit but like you said they are normally harmless. They are truly exist but we don't have to be scared with it. They are just like us, God's creations.(^^)
1 person likes this
• India
16 Feb 12
Thanks again for sharing your opinion.
• United States
8 Jan 12
Hi Professor, I don’t know whether I would believe this or not. We can’t always believe everything we read in the magazines and newspapers. I’ve seen a lot of stories in certain papers at the grocery store, I never buy them… I consider them a waste of money. I’ve not really decided for myself if spirits exist… in a way I do believe we have a spirit, but I’m not sure if they actually go on as ghosts after people die. I’m not saying they don’t.. I like to believe in them… and I think I have seen stuff in the corner of my eye.. but when I turn my head whatever I thought I saw is gone… so no ghost has actually stood in front of me to show itself to me. However… there have been times that I though my mom’s spirit came into me. It happens a lot… especially when I eat her favorite chocolate bar… I feel like it is her eating the bar and not me… strange feeling. I have thought I felt like it was her looking through my eyes… but you know I would never tell my doctor this.. she would think I have split personalities! I have told my family about this and they think it is just too weird.
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• India
16 Feb 12
All persons can't experience the existence of these unseen dear Sally You are certainly able to feel your mother in you, you are lucky to have her blessings.
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
17 Jan 12
woah, that's really scary, i hope the investigation is still on going on and the i hope that they capture the suspects. Maybe that ghost is finding some justice. I hope that she'll find it. yes i believe in ghost, although i haven't seen one. I remember that one night, i was alone at home, i feel cold somewhere in my room, but there's no fan or airconditioner. It's just cold and it gives me chill. And i felt like somebody was watching or staring at me. I don't know why, but i think i was not alone in my room that night. I was so scared, i turned my music loud. I think ghost are everywhere. We should just pray for them.
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• India
16 Feb 12
Yeah they do exist lol, they are harmless usually
@Raffay (23)
14 Feb 12
Yes professor this may be right as you mentioned all the detail but you should consult by person who is the expert of exorcism.
• India
16 Feb 12
Welcome to mylot Thnxs for response
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Jan 12
Hi Professor, I have heard other stories like the one you speak of of, but yours is a different culture and I've heard of nothing like that where I live. I am not saying that it isn't true as there is much that we do not understand. I also think that if something like that were to happen here, the parents would want the girl to keep quiet and not talk about it. You see here she would not be believed and would be thought of as 'different' and shunned by her friends and others, even laughed at. This is the difference between our cultures and may well be the reason that I haven't heard about something like that happening here. While there are many stories of ghosts, most people here no longer believe in spirits and ghosts. Blessings.
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• India
15 Feb 12
Thanks for the response Dude, yes cultures differ and also the opinions about ghosts, spirits . Professor
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
7 Jan 12
I am a sucker for ghosts stories my friend..well i believe in it. I believe that somewhere there might be a different dimension in this earth where they reside.. But i have never encountered one. My officemate who claims to have a sixth sense saw one in our office..but i never get to encounter any though.
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• India
15 Feb 12
All can't experience the presence jazel.. Professor
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
7 Jan 12
I believe in ghosts and spirits but never have experienced them. It is hard for me to believe a ghost would invade another person! Anyway I do believe there are ghosts and spirits who roam endlessly because they have not found peace. There are good ones and bad ones. Maybe some are worse then others! There is so much we don't know! Maybe we will someday!
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• India
16 Feb 12
As i have said many things are still to be explained and experienced. Thanks for sharing your views.
• India
6 Jan 12
I have personally not seen any ghosts but have heard my friends relating events and stories in the haunted highways and other places. I believe that a ghost is a soul that comes in any form to seek justice. May Debasmita's soul rest in peace after getting justice. There is nothing to fear or to be scary about ghosts as human beings are more dangerous than ghosts. Happy mylotting.
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• India
15 Feb 12
I certainly agree, human are more dangerous than ghosts lol. Professor
• Philippines
6 Jan 12
hi baba, Maybe there are ghosts I don't know what is my really standing in believing with their existence but I don't want to see or feel any ghost that will be creepy miss yah happy mylotting
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• India
15 Feb 12
Jane once told me she saw one, if that spirit is still there, go and see, miss you too. Blessings from Baba
@parascevi (313)
• Greece
6 Jan 12
Hello This is a very interesting experience you had and i am really glad you are sharing this with us. I believe in other dimensions, spirits and paranormal activity. I did not have such an experience in my life but i have heard many times people saying similar stories and experiences that either they have lived or others did. I do not think that it is so strange to believe in other worlds and dimensions
• India
15 Feb 12
We should believe, though we can't see, thnxs for response.