"My life is worse than yours!"

@beki710 (949)
January 7, 2012 8:17am CST
Does anyone else out there have a friend who will always complain no matter how good their life is? I'm having a pretty rough time with housing at the moment and I posted this on my facebook just to let off some steam and see if I could get any advice from my friends. This friend of mine posted about how she was having all this housing trouble because her and her boyfriend couldn't find their "perfect place" from where they live at the moment. My problem is that I'm going to be homeless in a week! I felt like ranting back at her but I held my tongue, I can't cope with the stress of anything else right now. I just get so frustrated when people can't see how good their lives really are.
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19 responses
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Jan 12
Pluto has said it right, that we humans can never reach the ultimate level of happiness because we are never satisfied. We may not complain daily or regularly but we do always have some or the other thing to definitely complain about. For example I have tons that I can list that we can relate to our daily life: 1)Ohh God I have put some extra pounds, I am so fat!! ( even though u'll just be perfectly healthy) 2) Shesh! my jeans, they are old now. I need to get new one, but mom wont let me purchase any, WHYYYY!! my life is hell.. 3) Something bad happens, like they get low in test or dont get promoted.. they will say Bad things always happen to me, why am I am the only person to suffer... Seriously, there are billions of people starving, dying because they do not have shelter on their heads, people who can not see, hear, or even talk, people who are being tortured physically and emotionally, people who have to burn their skin day and night just to earn one dollar so they can feed themselves.. We humans forget that God has given us so much, we forget to look down and see the people suffering. We tend to look up at those who have almost everything and then pity ourselves.. If we even glance down once, we will never explain! I wish things goes best for u my friend, Do not give up hope :) And yes ur friend should get a smack for ranting on about not finding the right apartment!
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I think that it is important to remember how lucky we are to live in a world where we have clean water, food on our table and good jobs. I hope that one day my friend will realise how selfish she is being and just how lucky she is.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
9 Jan 12
Yes, we are so lucky to have all those necessities!! Unlike many billions of people!! well at some point I hope she will realize how lucky she is :) Hope its not too late!
• United States
8 Jan 12
I know this year has already been tough for me and it has only just begun. My husbnad is unable to work for a while because he has foot condition called Charcot Foot (pronounced "shar-co"). Here is what Charcot is: Charcot's foot is a complication of diabetes that almost always occurs in those with neuropathy (nerve damage). When neuropathy is present, the bones in the foot become weakened and can fracture easily, even without there being any major trauma. As the neuropathy is present, the pain goes unnoticed and the person continues to walk on it. This can lead to severe deformities of the foot. As this can be very disabling, early diagnosis and treatment is vitally important. Right now he is in the early stages so we are praying that he can get better. On Tuesday he will be getting a plaster cast on his foot and he should be getting a wheel chair (provided his doctor remembers to order one) and he will be wheel chair bound. He is not allowed to drive or work which is hard because we live with my parents and things are rough here. I have been looking for work, but in a way I am afraid to in fear that he may need me to help him since he cannot get around. The house is not handicapped accessible and it will be hard for him to move around. My husband is diabetic and has very high blood sugars. The doctor ordered meds for him and only some of them have come in. He has the test strips, but no meter yet. He has the insulin, but nothing to inject the insulin in. On Friday we left a message for his doctor and the nurse was so rude. First she says sarcastically, "would you like to leave the doctor a message so he can call you back" then she says, "well, you are not the doctor's only patient, do you expect him to drop everything for you". Needless to say the doctor never called back which is frustrating. I am sorry that your friend was not more helpful or had offered to try to help you in some capacity. My husband's family has not asked if they could do anything for him or bothered to ask if I was okay (which I am not, actually I am scared).
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I'm so sorry to hear about you husband's condition. I hope that it will improve and 2012 will be a good year in the end. It's so tough when you have to be strong by yourself but the people of Mylot always have good advice!
• United States
9 Jan 12
Thank you for your support. I am trying to be strong, but it is hard especially since his family has not even bothered to call and see how he is doing. I know his family lives far from us, but it would be nice if we were asked how we are doing and that we are in their thoughts and prayers.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I think that with the majority of people this will be the way that things go no matter how good their lives are because of the fact that they want to get some kind of sympathy for other people. I will admit that my life has pretty much sucked throughout the last year because of the fact that we've had a lot of financial issues and also because of the fact that my husband has had to go through cancer treatment and there are some times that I will post about it to let off some steam, but I've tried to never tell anybody that my life is worse than theirs because all people have problems that they have to deal with and all people have different ways of dealing with their problems.
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I think that problems like yours help to put others into perspective. We all have our own issues and need to let off steam once in a while and all we want is someone to be understanding. I hope that 2012 brings good news for you.
• United States
8 Jan 12
Hi Dorannmwin, How is your husband feeling? How are you doing? This year is rough for me also, but I am hoping that things will improve soon. I hope that 2012 will be a better year for you and your family.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
8 Jan 12
I have had "friends" like that -well, still have-, and I really hate them. They only know how to complain, when they have all that most people want but can't have. Also, if you ever want to talk about your problems, they will interrupt you all the time to say "no, my problems are worse than yours". That's why I avoid talking to them much. I'm tired of people who have everything but do nothing but whine all the time. They make me sick.
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I know that in the future I won't be going to her if I need advice. I've always been happy to help her out in the past but she obviously isn't keen to return the kindness.
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
I would like to share a situation with you beki710. It happened to me. I once had a very big problem which I thought I could not bear. I asked advice from friends. There was one whom I confided my problem but what she did was compete with my problem. She also told me her problem which was much better than mine. It made me more depressed. All I wanted at that time was to release all that were clogging in my mind in order to ease the burden that I carried. Maybe your situation was a bit similar with mine I guess. That's really very funny but at that time laughter had no place in my mind....
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I guess it is kind of funny, and I think it also shows you can find out who your friends really are and who will be there for you in a crisis.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
9 Jan 12
Maybe your friend just want to show you that your situation is better off than hers. I usually see such reaction from people as their way of empathizing with another. It's their way of consoling others.
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
Unfortunately I know her situation in quite a bit of detail and it is nothing like mine. I'm sure she thought she was trying to make me feel better but at the end of the day I just felt worse.
@derek_a (10874)
8 Jan 12
Yes, I have a friend like that. He's always got to argue. When we bought a new TV, he said we could have got a better one and his health problems are always worse than mine, though how he can know this, I do not know, for how does one measure illness and pain? No matter what I talk about, he will always come up with something better or worse.. It's strange, I can almost predict what he's going to say if I tell him something. He doesn't have many other friends by the way... _Derek
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
That doesn't surprise me! Some people are just like that I think they just like getting attention from others.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 12
It sounds to me that you have no relatives around to help you out. Don't you have good friends to talk it over? Who knows they can be of any help to solve your problem. I can only say to you that you have to hang on and keep searching a place to stay temporarily
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I do have some family that have offered some help but it's complicated because of the way our relationship works. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and doing all I can do to try and solve the problem.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
7 Jan 12
Hi, Beki, I'm sorry that you are in this situation. I can't help you but I wish you to have a lot of courage. Don't give up and when you overcome this, you will be proud of yourself. Forget about this girl who can't see nothing outside of her closed world. People like her cannot be happy because they don't realize what they have. I see that you have the gift to notice the good things in your life. Have a courage and be happy!
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
Thank you so much for your kind words. I try to still look on the positive side of things and I am so grateful I still have my health and my family who are helping me out. It could be a lot worse than it is.
@Afeez91 (47)
• Kuwait
7 Jan 12
i think you have to mind your own bussiness at this moment! You have to settle yourself first! Telling is wrong.......i want you to know that life is fyll of ups and downs..............The plus symbol (+) was made with two minus(- -)symbols. So......all negative things can be shaped as positive by your hard work and positive thinking. THINK WISELY! Best of luck
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
This is very true. I need to sort my own problems and not let her bother me.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
8 Jan 12
How ironic, you wanted to let off some stress and your friend just throws it back at you by letting out her stress on you. I have friends like that too and it gets pretty annoying, especially when their life threatening issues are really small. I have friends who think it's the end of the world when their best friend is angry at them and won't talk to them. My friend got so depressed, she couldn't smile and she kept going on and on how they won't be friends anymore. I have my own issues but I never tell anyone because I always considered it as my own business and I don't want to get people involved. I don't want to feel selfish by just talking about my own sad life and how many problems I have. And then I have a few friends who complain about their friends, their boyfriends or what they have or don't have. I have a friend who lost her mum and I have never heard her complain once about her life without her mother. Like you said, it's so annoying how some people are so blind in what they have.
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
You are 100% correct, people just often don't realise how lucky they are especially compared to those in Africa etc who don't have clean water. I hate to think how people like that would react if something major happened in their lives.
7 Jan 12
Hi Beki so sorry to hear you are going through a rough time at present. I really hope you find somewhere nice to live soon. I always find that no matter how bad your life seems at the moment, there is always someone worse off than you are - and I don't mean your selfish friend. If I think about people less fortunate than myself it helps me to get through the bad times and I know that things will get better soon. What do others think?
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I think that it is always important to remember that there are others far worse off than the situation I am in. I try to remember that I could seem selfish by ranting about my own problems but I thin often a lot of people just remember about themselves.
7 Jan 12
Beki, your posting certainly puts things into perspective for the rest of us who have places to live in. I do hope you find somewhere soon. Are you looking for a place on your own or are other people also trying to help you by searching too?
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I am looking with my boyfriend who is in the same situation, he is losing his flat as well because we both found a property that we had all the paperwork cleared on then only a few days ago we were told the landlord does not want to rent to us. Hopefully we can find somewhere ASAP.
7 Jan 12
Hi Beki, can see this is upsetting for you, but your friend probably thinks she is identifying with you. Everyone feels their problems are worse than anyone else's, it's human nature. After all there are people in the world who cannot get clean water to drink or who live their lives in fear, we are all lucky in our own ways. I hope you can sort your situation but don't loose a friend over a facebook comment
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I won't lose her as a friend but I think I will think more carefully about posting things on my Facebook. She was probably trying to help and didn't realise how much it had annoyed me.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
7 Jan 12
Hello Beki... There are all kinds of people around us... You just had a reply from one of the most self-centred person. Such people won't understand what you are going through. If you tell them your problem, they will begin telling theirs to you... It was good not to reply to her, as it wouldn't have done any good. What happened to your current place? You have only a week? I wish you good luck in finding a new house... Take care...
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
I had my place for a year and I can only get it for another year not extend it for a few weeks or a month. I am relocating to the town my boyfriend lives 3 hours away. We found 2 places together and both times have thought they would be sorted but they have fallen through at the last minute and there just seems to be nowhere else that can suit us. He is in the same position as me. We have just spent a day looking at other properties and hopefully one of them will come through for us. Thank you for your comments
@madonna143 (1737)
• Philippines
9 Jan 12
You know what, im actually dying and have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. So I think both you and your friend's problems does not anywhere qualify to be in their worst situation. I could barely buy my medicines and afford all the tests and checkups required by the doctor. Above all this I know that my end is near and I just hope and pray that I will not experience too much pain when the time comes. Be happy and count your blessings. God Bless.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
11 Jan 12
A big Grrrrrrrrrrr! towards these sorts of people who are so caught up in their own, often petty problems, that they totally forget the person they are talking to may be going through or about to undergo something much more serious and problematic. I have a friend who, no matter what anybody within our circle of friends tells her regarding some difficulty they are having, she ALWAYS comes back with something worse. It's almost as if she tries to turn it into a competition, that she wants to win hands down, as to who's having the worst time. If you tell her about a problem you had in childhood, then the one she had was much worse (so she believes). A couple of people in our circle of friends now refuse to have anything to do with her as she's on a constant one-upmanship drive regarding life's problems. What makes it worse, is that this friend who believes her problems are more important than or worse than anyone else's, lives a charmed life - happily married with lovely children, financially secure....anything most people could wish for. Maybe she doesn't like being happy?
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
9 Jan 12
As long as they have place to sleep and eat and everything is enough they should feel thankful for what they have. She should not write that in first place as she should help you find new house not complaining ridiculous thing like that. Hope you will find the new house beki!
@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
7 Jan 12
Places such as yours have high standard of living. Costs are high specially when it comes to housing. Not like in my country where rent is more affordable so we seldom have problems regarding our home. The problem here is employment and tax.
@beki710 (949)
9 Jan 12
It is such a problem in the UK. Rent on places where I live are especially high and we are looking at paying between £400-£500 a month no matter the condition of the property.