Is it too old?

Valdosta, Georgia
January 19, 2012 12:27pm CST
I was reading an article about a 51 year old woman who just started doing ballet. She was doing it to lose weight and get fit. Another woman told her she is too old to be pretending to be young and dancing. I thought it was great but some people dont I guess. Do you think shes too old to dance? Do you think theres an age limit at all?
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68 responses
• United States
19 Jan 12
No way is she too old! There's no age limit on when you can try to learn a new skill, or set a new goal, or dream a new dream! I say power to her! She can dance and learn to dance to her heart's content! And who says dancing is just for the young? Why would dancing be "pretending to be young"? I've seen people in their 80s dancing, and I think they look darn good dancing the age that they are. Well that's my two cents. No one's ever too old to dance.
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
19 Jan 12
i would agree here. Dance is personal expression. That would be like saying someone is too old to talk. Hmmmmph.
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• United States
20 Jan 12
Gerty, I agree wholeheartedly. LovingMyBabies, you go get 'em at college! I don't think you're ever too old to learn more.... or to get a new degree!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
I think its great that shes dancing. I dont think theres an age limit it anything. Thats like someone saying Im tooold to go back to college because I graduated high school 10 years ago! Crazy.
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@klw5000 (213)
• United States
19 Jan 12
I think every is as young as they feel. Any type of activity regardless as to what kind is great for everyone. There is no age limit to anything. It is all up to the individual and how they feel and what they are capable of. Ballet is different and while most students are younger, there are a lot of things to look at. It's not stressful on the body and it would be beneficial in stretching the muscles without all the strain that you would get from attempting some type of hip hop dance. Ballet is a very elegant dance and I think it would be a wonderful activity even for someone who is 51.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Jan 12
I agree with you. Being active is great at any age! Yes ballet is a good form of excerise. I think its great for her! I hope when Im older that I like staying active too.
@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
19 Jan 12
She is not too old to dance. Some people might feel she is too old to perform in public, but being even older, I would say that her age probably adds a depth of feeling to what she does. As long as she does not have to be picked up off the floor, I think it is awesome. It would be a really joyful way to lose some weight.
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
19 Jan 12
I guess I should have qualified. I was thinking of professional dancing. We have lots of cloggers of all ages here in groups that have even gone to dance in National Venues. That looks like hard work, but so much fun. I think you must have had some really neat experiences doing that.
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• United States
19 Jan 12
Maybe she wouldn't be able to dance professionally, but if you read what I wrote, when I was on that dance team a few years ago, I danced with a woman probably close to her 50's and legally blind. We danced at churches and festivals and she did great and we got many compliments for our dancing..
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
19 Jan 12
There is no age limit, to doing anything you want in life. I think it is great that she did that. As for people that say, 'you're too old to do that', there might just be a little jealousy there, that they themselves don't have the courage to try something new, even if others might think it's crazy. I'm 52 and a wildland firefighter, I'm in better shape now then when I was 32! Life is too short to sit in a rocking chair and watch the world pass you by! My grandfather decided to try surfing at 75!! and he did it! Age is just a number and some people put too much emphasis on it, and I feel sorry for those that do, they miss out on so much in life.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
I think its great that shes dancing and doing something she loves! I dont think theres an age limit to anything in this life either. I graduated high school 10 years ago and Im going back to college now.
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• Malaysia
21 Jan 12
It is just that different people has different perception. Most of the time when people disagree on what the other person is doing simply because they believe they can't do it themselves. Learning never has an age limit. ??
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
19 Jan 12
Wait, I don't want to offend you, but when you said, "I thought it was great" I hope that means you thought it was good that the woman did take up dancing.. If not, then don't continue to read.... If so, [b]"That woman who said she was too old is an idiot!!!_
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
I meant it was great that she was dancing no matter what her age is! Lol. Guess I didnt say that clearly.
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• United States
19 Jan 12
That's okay, Loving, I wanted to make sure I understood you because what that woman said was stupid.. stowyk, you go girl, not only will you live longer, but you will feel better than those who are not as active..
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
No matter what the age you can still do things you love! Its a great way to stay in shape and have fun.
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@roberten (3128)
• United States
19 Jan 12
I say, way ta go! And for those who are nay-sayer, you are only too old when you are no longer alive.
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
I absolutely agree! My parents drive me crazy with this because they act like they are so old and their really not... When Im their age I will be active as long as I can.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Jan 12
No way is she too old! Unless her doctor cautions her against it, there's no reason she can't learn ballet at 51 or any other age. The woman who told her she is too old is very old herself, no matter what her age. It's silly to think that we have to stop doing anything just because we're a few years older.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
I agree! I dont think theres any age limit in doing something we love. =)
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@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
19 Jan 12
I say go for it!! If she is comfortable doing it then she should more power to her!! It takes a lot of energy and a lot of determination and if she can do it or anyone else can at 51 and find it fun then yay for them!!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
Yeah I agree. I wonder why some people feel the need to put others down like that lady did. I yhink being active is a great thing!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Jan 12
I am 60 and would never attempt to do ballet....I would try something else but not ballet. I don't think there is an age limit on anything you really want to's up to the person.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 12
I agree that theres no age limit. You know Jill, you must have a young spirit about you because I had no idea you were 60! So I think you could do many things. =)
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• United States
22 Jan 12
No, she's not too old. Some folks just can't deal with folks who won't stay in convenient boxes. Three cheers for her doing as she can!!..Enjoy!
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
22 Jan 12
greenfeathers..Sad but true that some have certain boxes of behavior.....I wonder what causes that and is it something passed down to them from their parents...
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Jan 12
I don't think she is too old either. I think the other lady was probably jealous. So silly and immature but some people are that way I guess.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
20 Jan 12
There is nothing wrong about it. Anyone can do whatever they love regardless the age. I am glad to hear that she is doing it for her own good. If I am afford to take a class I would want to learn everything even when I get old. I don't care. It's my money. Same goes to the woman. Ignore what others say. We can learn anything and we will never too late to learn whatever we want to. Pretending to be young?? Why not??People who thought that way that she can't are really 'old' then, older than the woman~(^^)
• United States
22 Jan 12
It will never feel like you are too old to do the things that you love to do unless you let it. Never give up on your dreams. If you can't run, you can still walk. Good luck everyone.
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 12
Agree to both of you. As long as we have dreams, hopes and we get to it I believe we will achieve success regardless the age. Like what Lauren said,we should never give up!! Good luck for everyone too!(^^)
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 12
I agree with you. I think what she is doing is great. And I think the confidence she has in herself is great too. There is no such thing as being "too old" in my opinion. I hope when I get older that I will be active and still do things I love. =)
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• Japan
20 Jan 12
There is no age limit in anything you want to do to make you happy. I know some other people too who are dressing up like youngters and I don't think age should be a factor of doing it so. My mom is 53 and she's going to the club with us sometimes so age not an obstacle to do what you think would makes you happy cheers
• Japan
20 Jan 12
Hi greatwolr,welcome to mylot. Well every individual has different point of views and I'm not going to come up to the person and tell not to dress like youngster if she's over 50years old. Not my choice for those person who wanna act younger than their age
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Jan 12
I think when your young in spirit age is not a factor at all! You can do anything you want for happiness as long as your able to.
• United States
20 Jan 12
an old persone should act to they age and stop trying things that only young people can perfome.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
22 Jan 12
Being 51 these days is totally different then it was years ago. I have seen some 50 year old women that look better then some of the younger women. So I think it's a good idea for that woman to do that.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
26 Jan 12
Thats what it had to be. There is no other explanation.
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Jan 12
I agree things are different now a days. There should be no age limit on things. The other lady was probably very jealous.
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@myzhian (584)
• Philippines
21 Jan 12
Getting old doesn't mean you'll have to stop or limit yourself from enjoying life! Actually I admire people who had the confidence and youthful spirit because they are the type of people who can adjust and handle themselves socially and the ability to interact from different age level in a community! And they more optimistic and have that flexible point of view in understanding life!
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 12
I agree. There is no reason for you to sit around and do nothing just because your getting older! I want to stay active too when I get older. I spend a lot of time with children also because they keep you younger in spirit.
@myzhian (584)
• Philippines
22 Jan 12
Hi loving my babies, Yes I agree! Being together with young people especially your children will keep you a youthful spirit, and enjoy your motherhood as well. It will help you lessen tour fear of getting older!
• United States
20 Jan 12
If her body lets her do it then it is great. We think of ballerinas and they reach their peak at 25, 26? But just taking ballet class and not getting on point, Why the hell not?
• United States
20 Jan 12
I see you chasing after grand children!
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Jan 12
I agree! I think its great. I hope I am that active when I get older. I dont want to be a couch potato because Im older.
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@celticeagle (165272)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jan 12
Never too old. I think that people go back to childhood after a certain age. SOme do anyway. I don't have a problem with older folks taking on anything they think they can do. A person is only as old as they think. I think this lady has guts, vigor, and I hope her dream comes true. Who really cares what that other lady says or thinks?
@celticeagle (165272)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Jan 12
I think so.
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Jan 12
I agree. Your only as old as you act. Theres nothing wrong with her dancing at all. The other lady was probably jealous...
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@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
20 Jan 12
I don't think that there is ever an age limit for doing something that you want to do if you are capable of doing it. She would be too old to dance professionally but if she enjoys it and is having fun, what's the harm? Of course this is coming from a 64 year old who retired and decided to re-invent herself as a writer. I am having the time of my life. I say "Go for it Granny!"
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
20 Jan 12
You have my support!! Go for it!!!(^^)
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 12
I agree. She is doing it for fun and to better herself. I think it is a great thing to do! I hope I am that active when I get older and I hope I never feel like it's "too late" for me...
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
20 Jan 12
I don't know about ballet but my Mum has been known to boogy on the dance-floor and he's in her 60s!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
22 Jan 12
Not on a regular basis you understand..but whenever she DOES go out she makes up for lost I do!
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 12
That is awesome that she still likes to get on the dance floor and get down!! =)
@Vrilya (128)
21 Jan 12
She should go for it, you're only on this planet for a very short time and need to live every day like it is your last one. The guy who started the Kentucky fried chicken company was 66 years old when he got that going and I think the guy who started MacDonalds, was 80 years old when he set that company up......
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 12
I agree. We never know how long we have so why not make the best of our time that we do have! Wow, I didn't know those facts. That is inspiring to me with how big those companies are now! You learn something new each day. Thanks for telling me that! =)
@Vrilya (128)
22 Jan 12
I looked it up and the guy who started MacDonald's was in his mid fifties when he started the business. I'm sure I heard of a guy in America who started a very large company when he was eighty though, will have to check that one out but it is never too late to achieve some of your goals, if you want to badly enough....
@drow1212 (169)
• United States
20 Jan 12
No i wont suggest she do any fancy moves but basic dancing why not. Old couples still dance from time to time is it wrong for them to dance too?
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 12
I agree with you. I think it is fine that she is doing it for fun and losing weight at the same time. If I had the money to go to dance classes I would too even though I have never done it before. It sounds like fun to me!
@drow1212 (169)
• United States
22 Jan 12
Go for it!