What Are Some Things I Could Do After Surgery To Help Pass the Time

@NailTech (6874)
United States
May 30, 2012 8:23pm CST
I will be having surgery to remove a cyst on my ovary in July. I just imagine myself being so bored and not being able to do much of anything all day recovering and this just isn't me! I need to sit at my computer at least, but I probably won't have access to that. The lap top isn't mine. Anyways what are some things I could do to get my mind off of the pain and/or boredom of just sitting around for 4-6 weeks in the hot summertime? Should I learn how to knit now?
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16 responses
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
31 May 12
Let's see. You could read. Reading is great fun. Kin to reading is writing. You could write letters to friends and colleagues, catching up on things or encouraging them. You could try some art projects. Draw. Paint. Sculpt. You could sing songs at the top of your voice, daring the raise the rafters above you! You could recite poetry. You could learn a new language. Memorize Homer's Odysy, then put on a show after your recovery. You could learn to play a musical instrument, perhaps the kazoo or the harmonica? You could invite children to your bedside and either read stories to them, or make up stories. I hope that you surgery goes well. I'll try to think up some other fantastic ideas for you to do to occupy your time during recovery.
• United States
31 May 12
You could read the newspaper, daily, and write letters to the editor about different things you read, as well as letters of congratulation to new parents, letters of condolence to people who have lost loved ones, as well as letters of encouragement to people who may need that.
• United States
31 May 12
You could talk on the telephone to people with whom you haven't spoken in years.
• United States
31 May 12
Take up Calligraphy and work on those skills.
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
31 May 12
You could read a long book, or series of long books, you could knit, you could make something out of Popsicle sticks, you could do crossword puzzles, you could talk to friends on the phone, you could paint, you could write a book,you could hmmm well your nick is NailTech. I assume you work on girl's fingernails. You could design some cool nail art. When I'm really bored without internet I draw. Think of what you did before you had internet. Before you had so much work to do. What did you do when you were a kid on a rainy day?
• United States
31 May 12
You're lucky you had a television to watch. I was stuck in my room staring at the wall. We had board games to play but we weren't allowed to play with them.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Sorry you didn't have any. I feel bad for those who had even less than I did, I was always teased in school for this or that, on occasion, sometimes it was my clothes and other times my looks. You just couldn't please some "classmates" at times. Everyone seemed to have more than me. Luckily it was just a small handfull of those types that were mean and not like they have today where kids are killing themselves over it. I've been through so much bullying, everywhere that I'm so 'used' to it and expect people to want to make me feel like a fool due to their own ignorance. Its fun when you make them look like a fool back though. Anyways why did you have board games but not be allowed to play with them?
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Those are all excellant ideas, thank you! I will have to take some knitting lessons soon. LOL, good one about the NailTech nic name. I dunno even how I got that name. I don't do nails. But I have had long nails alot before that I used to do myself in my younger years. Mine are just too short nowadays due to all the dishes I wash, etc. I used to do alot of penpal stuff before the Internet and have lost touch with that for awhile, I still "know" the people online on FB from that hobby though. I wouldn't want to start writing to them all again though. I don't remember what we did as a kid on a rainy day, maybe just watch television, my parents were very very simple people, actually.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
31 May 12
Have you had surgery before? I hadn't until last summer so I didn't know what to expect. I was able to get up and around but didn't have much ambition for awhile. My daughter was here so I sat around and spent a lot of time just talking. I read books, made lists, made phone calls and it seemed like it didn't take much time before I could get around and do a few things. Your second question? Yes, learn to knit! Use cotton yarn, though so it won't feel too hot.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Honestly, you may not have the energy or the ambition to do much for a few days anyway. Time will pass quickly and you'll probably be looking at that stack of books and magazines that you didn't read. Good luck with the knitting!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Jun 12
More than likely you're right. I barely have that now, in fact. I have to find some old magazines around here that I have been hanging onto, buying more just isn't in the cards right now. The bills are already coming in with gusto.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
No I never have had surgery before and this is some scary kind too. I guess I could talk alot to my family here, and read books. I haven't had much time to ready any books in years aside form a few parts of self help, gardening, etc type of books that I have. I will probably get alot of magazines too. Thanks for the hint on the knitting! I have alot of knitting needles but no yarn but will probably find some somewhere, cheap.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
31 May 12
I've had a similar surgery around six years ago, and I can say that there really is nothing you can do while you are recovering from the wound. I was even surprised when my doctor scolded me because I only took a two week leave from work. She told me that it was a major surgery and I need at least a month to rest. When I got home after my surgery, I was as cranky as a bear because I couldn't move much, nor go up the stairs and the TV that time was in my bedroom in the second floor. I spent afternoons pacing around our small garden just to pass the time with a belly binder around my waist so that my wound wouldn't open or tear. But the good news is this: because I followed my doctors' instructions my scar is hardly noticeable. I had a check up this month where the doctor was looking at the scar and was amazed because it looks smooth like normal skin. But I don't think knitting will be a good idea. I spent time in front of the pc back then or lying down sleeping when I was recuperating.
• Philippines
31 May 12
I had a cyst removed from my right ovary and on my left ovary, my doctor drilled or punctured some cysts that had fluids on it but wasn't really big. It was a pain to sit, and I had a little trouble using the bathroom because the surgery (mine) was similar to having a caesarian section. And yes, you can shower! That was the first thing I did when I was allowed to sit and stand. I just had to be careful not to wet the bandage on my belly. I worked in the call center industry back then and I misunderstood my doctor and the surgery that was to be done. I thought I could be "normal" the following day after my surgery but I was confined to my bed for two days. And like you, I am not used to not doing anything and I was almost going crazy after two weeks of doing nothing!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Oh thanks for letting me know. "similar" could mean "anything" but like you said it is similar. Thanks for letting me know about your experiences, although everyone is different it might give me some insight on what to expect when I ave it done. I'm glad I can shower, that is a must for me and I'll try to be careful with the bandage. I'm supposed to be in the hospital for 2 days so maybe those are the two days I'll be totally confined to a bed. Of course I will ask my Dr again before the surgery as I have had to schedule another appt before the actual surgery with her for some sort of "consultation" or something like that. She said she couldn't do it now cause it was over a month before the actual operation, whatever that means. So that means another $300. Dr visit, ugh. I'm gonna be so broke after this. I'm hoping something good will come out of it all though, and no more cysts. We're used to doing alot cause we've done it for long, when we stop it's like we have "lost" something or we're not ourselves, etc.. I know the feeling.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
What kind of surgery was it exactly? Was it to remove a cyst or a hysterectomy? I was wondering if I could even sit up and move around, use the bathroom on my own, shower, just the basic things I need to do at least. If I could sit at the pc that would be amazing. I do that all day half the time anyways LOL. I need to find this all out.I have never seen a belly binder, did it help? Well, doctors can be that way but only cause they care, what kind of work was it that you went back to so soon? I know how you must have felt being home all day with nothing productive to do, there are many people like that.
@celticeagle (160818)
• Boise, Idaho
31 May 12
Are you a crafts person? If so you could do some needlepoint,or quilt pieces. If you are a writer this is a great time to do some writing. Or journaling. Are you a reader? Amazon has some great deals on books. If they aren't on the best seller's list they are pretty cheap. I would get a good magazine too for some reading. Martha Stewart for food recipes and household crafts, Oprah, or some of the woman's sports mags to give you some ideas on getting fit for the rest of the summer. Or even the high fashion ones to dream away afew hours. Or People or Entertainment to keep up on the celebritites. Whoa! 4-6 weeks is a long time so I would be collecting now some all around things to keep you busy. Hope the surgery goes well and you heal quickly.
@celticeagle (160818)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Jun 12
Maybe this would be a good time to just turn off the computer and do afew of these things that you haven't done for so long!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Jun 12
I'd love to be able to watch TV all day long and night that time, cause I never get to do that now. Three of my fave reality shows will be on so I might have a chance at night, as they are also my family's faves. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to. I would have to have a bed close to it though, somehow. The couch probably won't cut it. :( Too low, etc.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Yes I do like to do some crafts, I haven't had a chance to do that in awhile either but have been looking into Pinterest alot these days and always see some cool stuff on there I'd like to make! I haven't done needlepoint in ages, I think it's basically easy though right? I need to refresh my memory on it though more. I used to write long ago, seems when the pc came into the picture I quit all this stuff and reading too. I was getting some free Martha Stewart mags in the mail but only for a short time, I love her magazines! Yes, it seems like the whole summer to me, and I can't even go outside and look at my flowers either, unless after a few weeks I can get up and about a bit more but still take it easy too. Thanks!
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
31 May 12
Knitting idea is not bad. I don't have any idea about crochet and not interested with it before. But when I started to learn and found it helpful to overcome boredom- trust me it helps a lot. You can't wait to see your finish product and will always want to start another style or design. I started with small bags- flowers and now I can finish a skirt for 2 days
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Wow a skirt in two days, you sound very talented in the knitting dept. I wish I could knit many different things. I have watched a craft show today and they had on it a segment on embroidery. I gave away most of my embroidery threads and stuff though and wish I hadn't. Maybe I can find some more at the garage sales tomorrow or Saturday.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Oops, I meant crochet* dept. Wrong craft. My bad.
@oby28880 (14)
31 May 12
there are lots of things one could do in your condition ,some of this things are trying to develop your mental reasoning by reading books, magazines and health journals.that will really help you.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Awesome, I love reading those type of journals about health especially. I will look for some in the thrift store today and when i go to some garage sales soon again. Thanks for the suggestion!
@GemmaR (8517)
31 May 12
I think that you will be surprised at the things that you could get done when you can't go out all of the time. If you have DVD series' that you have been meaning to watch for a long time but have never had the chance, then you might find that this is the time to be able to do this. You could also make some money for yourself online. Learning a new skill like knitting it a good thing to do, and you might find that this passes the time well. You could also try to invite some friends round who you haven't seen in a while, as this could be the perfect chance for you to be able to catch up with them while you're not being all that busy in your own life at the moment.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
I probably won't be able to go online much for awhile if at all, I don't wanna use the lap top much as it isn't mine so thats out. I will be going crazy without this stuff, believe me. I will try to see if some friends will stop by, I don't care what my family says about not having people over.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 May 12
You could try reading "War and Peace" which is one of those books that goes on forever. I've always meant to buy it but never have done. At least you would know there are MANY pages to read so 6 weeks should do it!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
I have never read that, I guess I should try to get a hold of the book. Is it interesting?
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
31 May 12
There are a lot of things you can do. you can bring some novels that you like, they are thick books and you may take a few days to read them.. Bring magazines too.. And isn't thee a tv in the room?
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
Yeah, the tv is fun and some people love to always use it.. Which is why my father bought another tv, since my mom and i fight with it sometimes. We rarely get along since she stays on one channel or two, and i love to browse.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
There is a TV just in the living room here but that's all, I'm not sure where I'll be "sleeping" yet. I 'd love to be able to sleep in there with the TV at least for the first few weeks then move around alittle more. I will have to see how it all goes. I would love to be able to watch more TV at my leisure for awhile, especially since I have to recover, my family can be a big hog though with it. My brother who lives here, included. It stinks to have just one television in this house. :(
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
31 May 12
Though it is practically difficult, it is better to have some nice friends to talk and spend time with them. Long time may be boring but if someone like a talkative friends are available find out and it may be nice time pass. As you said, do something on computer and chatting and discussions like mylot is also helpful for time pass. Only the reading habituated people can really enjoy this kind of time and those who have not interest in reading would attract much more boredom added to it. If situations allow, get some nice songs which you prefer to listen and play it and it can save your mood to a nice one. Also the mix of all can be helpful.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
Thanks, I will try to get in touch with more of them during that time if possible. I'm not sure when/how I will be able to get on the computer during that time, yet. Only time will tell, I guess.I have alot of nice songs on the computer too it seems, if I can get someone to log in for me and play it is something else.
@Jenith (1381)
• Philippines
31 May 12
Have a bunch of books at your side and enjoy reading! Knitting is also fun but my eyes is not 20/20 vision so I refrain myself doing that stuff to avoid headache. Writing poems is also great.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
31 May 12
I guess I will be doing the book thing alot, but after awhile I think I will be bored with them. I am not good with my eye sight at times either. I do not know the first thing about writing poetry, but thank you for the input!
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
3 Jun 12
You can write, read, try to draw,knit if you are a woman, eat. Well after a surgery you have to rest too, try to get up, walk around if you can help it. Look at the good movies ( not many good ones), or go online some, well there that can get you very busy, and than when you have recover, you'll to have a whole new schedule, which is life.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
31 May 12
See how high you can count, and count aloud. If you need a target number, starting with 1, try to count as high as the amount of money the USA has spent on war. To make it more exciting, count like The Count, on Sesame Street.
• United States
31 May 12
ooops. Meant to include this up there ^
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
Well knitting isn't bad Nail... or cross stitching? or crocheting? but seriously, you could read a book, find out books that will interest you and then go buy those..well in my case i would do that.. are you into reading? Hope your surgery goes well Nail. God bless
• United States
1 Jun 12
Yeah knitting might be a good option. Everytime I have gotten surgery, I honestly did not want to do much of anything. I think one time I ended up watching the Lord of the Rings series and that kept me occupied for hours on end. You don't want to do too much and even the little things are going to take a great effort and will tire you out. I remember when I had knee surgery that even the effort of getting off of the couch to go to the bathroom might as well had been a marathon. The main thing is to get rest and listen to that. Being a couch potato is accepted!